Game launches but when you choose to start new game it goes to a black screen with the cursor. Proton 4.11-3.
Ran Great outside of a few seconds at sub 60 FPS. WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=b,n" %command% if cut scenes have no audio
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=b,n" %command%
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=b,n" %command% Solved issue
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=b,n fixes this
a VN without proper backgrounds is an issue
backgrounds don't display properly
Tried Proton 5.13-6 as well as Experimental
It launches and plays with Proton. No glitches or issues were present in the short bit I played through and no workarounds needed. I used Proton 4.2-9
Crashes on Launch with an Error About a Pixel Shader
Proton 6.3-4
Just says "running" but no window pops up, game doesn't attempt to run. Finally just stops trying. Using Prootn 3.16-4
if you don't disable Fsync and Esync then the hacking mini game takes a logn time to load as does saving and loading
Game launches but goes to black screen when starting a new game. Can hear audio in the background.
It launches and plays with Proton. No glitches or issues were present in the short bit I played through and no workarounds needed. Performance was pretty good. I turned HBAO+ off as with it on I saw a lot of FPS drops but with it off and the rest maxed out at 1080P it was usually 60+. Anyone who wants to try it out there is a demo available. I used Proton 4.2-9
Game Launches and plays but cutscenes don't play. No errors, they just don't play and are skipped. Using Proton 4.2-2. Performance mixed bag maxed out. 48-60 FPS indoors but 17-25 FPS outdoors.
Played for 300+ hours. No crashes, glitches or other issues. No tweaks required.
No crashes, ran great, used Proton 6.3-5
when I first launch the game the mouse doesn't work until I alt-tab out of the game and go back in and then it works fine for the rest of that session. Not sure if this is a Proton issue or a game issue.
Heavy Rain launches to a white screen and then crashes within a few seconds on my system
Used Proton 5.13-2
Game launches and plays but cutscenes have no video. They have audio but just a black screen. Proton 4.11-3.
Loads to Black Screen
There is a workaround script that has worked for some but I prefer not to mess around with stuff like that.
Great Atmosphere but mediocre game. No Major Issues though. Used Proton 5.0-7.
would drop down to 29-56 FPS for a few seconds at a time. Didn't happen too often.
Crashes at Launch (Using Proton 5.0-2)
Had worked before on Mesa 19.0.6; Manjaro 18.0.4; Kernel 5.1.8-1-MANJARO; Proton 4.2-9 combo.
Outside o0f the stutters the experience was enjoyable.
Frequent stutters that last a few seconds at as time. The beginning of the game is also much lower than later in the game even in the same areas.
Fantastic humor and story. Used Proton 5.0-3
Game runs now but in the options menu you can't click on anything with the mouse, have to use keyboard
Works perfectly. No issues and no workarounds needed. Used Proton 4.11-3.
Ran flawlessly. No bugs glitches or issues. Played from start to finish. Proton 5.0-9
Ran great, lowest the FPS got was a brief dip to 93, other than that was 100+. Used Proton 5.0-7
Game launches but screen is black. I can hear the game's audio so it is a video issue.
Game launches but screen is black. I can hear the game's audio so it is a video issue. Proton 4.11-1
The intro cut scenes have no image except the text on the screen, just a black screen (they should have video as well) and it froze during the intro cut scene. Proton 4.11-1
Used Proton 6.3-7
I did notice an issue where you get a coloured screen a few times but after looking at a play through online I can say this was a video codec issue with Wine and all you missed was a fuzzy screen that served as a transition.
Launches to White Screen With Cursor
Proton 6.3-4
errors on launch saying "path not found" and "Error launching the game: (0x00000005) - Access denied"
Ran great, Proton 6.3-8
One video wouldn't play (colored screen) but the rest did
gets ever so slightly further than before. still crashes after launching for a split second. using Proton 4.2-4
Game launches but when you choose begin the screen stays at the mains creen even though you can hear from the audio the game has begun.
Game Launches but when I choose begin it has a black screen. I can hear the audio of the game in the background so it has begun but no video.
Not being able to resize the screen during play was a big deal to me and this issue didn't happen with the GOG version using Wine
If you changed screen size while video was playign screen would go wite
Great Game Otherwise
It crashed if I used version 5.13-6 but when I switched to the experimental branch it worked. I did have to choose “Setup” and then “save and run” even with the experimental branch though. If I just chose to run it without setup it would never launch.
Weird Colored screen, unplayable on 7.0-1; Experimental; and GE
I had the settings at highest with Vsync on at 1080P and it was very smooth, never dropping below 60 FPS. Proton 5.0-5
It did have an error about a crash every time I closed the game but it never impacted save data and never happened during game play
Crashes at alunch with an error.
Unplayable since latest game update. tried Proton 7.0-5 and experiemntal.
Crashes at launch with an error
Unplayable since latest game update. Used Proton 7.0-5 and Experimental.
played through whole game in 6.4 hrs. No crashes. Great performance except for 1 scene where it was at 19 FPS.
Great game if you enjoy walking sims.
frame rate drops every now and then but majority of the time was fine
Ran great, no crashes or glitches. Used Proton 7.0-1
Performance issues only accounted for 1-2 min of 20 min played
Frame rate dropped as low as 34 FPS at times
Used Proton 7.0-5
Loads to Main Menu But can't Click on Any Menu Options
Proton 5.0-9
It never actually launches. It says "Running" in the steam client but nothing happens.
Walking Sims like this aren't as poor with low frame rates as action games so the low FPS didn't ruin the game.
The game could at times drop down to as low as 18 FPS at times. Lowering AA from SSAA to SMAA helped but it could still go as low as 36 with this. The graphics don't warrant such as low FPS even on maxed out settings.
Proton 5.0-9 was used.
You get an error during install and an error upon exiting but neither actually prevent playing them game. No issues while in game and no workarounds needed. Proton 4.11-2.
Error Message on Launch But Doesn't Matter as Game Launches Anyway
No crashes, Near Perfect 60 FPS Maxed Out, Proton 4.11-7
Worked Great overall
Drops to as low as 12 FPS occured but were brief and majority of the game was 60 FPS
It does launch and run. There is black flickering with many textures though. Performance was ok, about 40-50 FPS at max settings 1080P.