Issue: "Bad serial number given in setup". I found the solution here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/767#issuecomment-508957522
Execute in the terminal by entering your game key (24 characters): echo 1234-56789-ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO | perl -ne 's/-//g; tr/IO/10/; for $i (0..2) { $res = 0; for $j (0..7) { $res += index("0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZ", substr($_, $i * 8 + $j, 1)) << (5 * $j); }; printf("%010x", $res); }; print("\n");'
The output should be 15 pairs of characters, which will be the required key. Now you need to add them to the prefix Registry file. He is here: ./SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/65790/pfx/system.reg
In the file you need to find the line: [Software\Wow6432Node\bohemia interactive studio\coldwarassault]
After that line add a line with the generated key of 15 pairs of characters: "KEY"=hex:ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff
The game works well.
"Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical engine". With D9VK is also not working.
Minor problems with textures (ripples). The grass and leaves on the trees disappear from time to time for a few seconds. It seems to me that the problem is in the switching mipmaps.
Issue: "Bad serial number given in setup". I found the solution here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/767#issuecomment-508957522
Issue: "Bad serial number given in setup".
To create a prefix for the game launch it.
The installation and configuration script 33910_install.vdf, which is located in the root directory of the game, every time the game starts, it erases (!) the key entry (hexadecimal value) from the Windows registry (prefix), which leads to an error "Bad serial number given in setup". You must prevent the script from running or reading: sudo chmod 000 '/home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma 2/33910_install.vdf'
You must generate a special value from the game key and write it to the Windows registry: echo AAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-FFFFF | perl -ne 's/-//g; tr/IO/10/; for $i (0..2) { $res = 0; for $j (0..7) { $res += index("0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZ", substr($_, $i * 8 + $j, 1)) << (5 * $j); }; printf("%010x", $res); }; print("\n");'
The output should be 15 pairs of characters (hexadecimal value), which will be the required key for the Windows registry. Now you need to add received value (15 pairs of characters) to the prefix Registry file. He is here: /home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/33910/pfx/system.reg In the file you need to find the line: [Software\Wow6432Node\bohemia interactive studio\arma 2]. Next to this line find the line with the name "key"=hex:. Write your received value (15 pairs of characters) in this line: "key"=hex:ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff. Save your changes. Now the game will run without problems.
Works out of the box, but it is necessary to use the Arma 3 Unix Launcher to use the mods.
Play without BattlEye.
Arma 3 Unix Launcher: https://github.com/muttleyxd/arma3-unix-launcher/releases I recommend using appimage.
The game works with D9VK v0.30 and newer. To work D9VK need the package mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386. Command: PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command% -nomap -nosplash
"Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical engine" WINEPREFIX=./steamapps/compatdata/2780/pfx winetricks d3dx9
Objects in the game (except UI) will not be displayed without D9VK. Instead only the blue screen is displayed.
Crashes less if you reduce the viewing range to 1300 meters, turn off anti-aliasing and reduce the quality of textures to normal.
Issue: "Bad serial number given in setup". I found the solution here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/767#issuecomment-508957522
echo AAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-FFFFF | perl -ne 's/-//g; tr/IO/10/; for $i (0..2) { $res = 0; for $j (0..7) { $res += index("0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZ", substr($_, $i * 8 + $j, 1)) << (5 * $j); }; printf("%010x", $res); }; print("\n");'
The output should be 15 pairs of characters, which will be the required key. Now you need to add them to the prefix Registry file. He is here: ./steamapps/compatdata/2780/pfx/system.reg
In the file you need to find the line: [Software\Wow6432Node\bohemia interactive studio\arma]
After that line add a line with the generated key of 15 pairs of characters: "KEY"=hex:ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff
Save the changes.
HTC Vive + XFCE 4.12. Run out of the box.
For best performance disable compositing in window manager.
HTC Vive + XFCE 4.12. Run out of the box. For best performance disable compositing in window manager.
For Russian players: Для установки полного русификатора потребуется пакет gstreamer1.0-plugins-good:i386.
Runs perfectly with PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% -dx9 -nointro
Textures will be very muddy without PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1
Do not turn on Ambient Occlusion, it causes black horizontal lines.
Rename BorderlandsGOTY.exe to Launcher.exe. After that, the game will work perfectly.
The game works great out of the box, but only with BattleEye disabled. I recommend to set "Fullscreen in Window". 60 fps on medium graphics settings with 2K screen resolution. Antialising disabled.
In order for the logo videos to work you need to install Media Foundation.
Don't use BattlEye.
Our own dedicated server works perfectly on Wine.
Otherwise performance drops.
To fix it use PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
"There seems to be a problem contacting license server". Solution: Copy all files from bin64 to bin32 with replacement; rename crysis64.exe to crysis.exe. Small freezes when game compiling the shader cache. Video playback stopped freezes on Proton 4.11-4. The game works well.
Performance drops when a fireball is in your hands.
The default control keys are AZERTY instead of QWERTY.
Works out of the box.
Achievements don't work in the native version. This is a typical problem with Unity games.
- Download from here: https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install
- Unpack to the root of the game prefix: ./steamapps/compatdata/1127780/pfx/mf-install-master/mf-install.sh
- Run the script: ./mf-install.sh
The game is very unstable due to the sound. It freezes completely every 10-40 minutes. With the sound turned off via the config file the game works stably. The sound must be turned off via the configuration file ./steamapps/common/Disciples Sacred Lands Gold/Exe/DISCIPLE.INI. Change the following lines: SoundFx=0, Music=0
The game is very unstable due to the sound.
The game becomes unstable after switching to Alt + Tab.
Solving the problem with "Unable to load fonts". You need to replace the paths in the config file or make a symlink. The configuration file is located here: ./steamapps/common/Disciples Sacred Lands Gold/Exe/DISCIPLE.INI. In the configuration file you must replace the paths with the correct ones depending on where the game is installed. An alternative is to create a symbolic link for the prefix "./steamapps/compatdata/281450/pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Disciples Sacred Lands Gold". The link must lead to the actual installation location of the game.
Works well out of the box.
After 40 minutes the game starts to slow down a lot.
Random crashes when loading a save. Sometimes I need to try to load the save multiple times for it to be successful.
The game has a FPS limit of 25, but averages 20.
Random crashes. It seemed to me that they mostly occur when the weather changes.
The videos don't work on the vanilla patch. Videos only work when setting the native screen resolution for the game and when using the 1.08k patch. Set the launch options via Steam (for example): -zRes:1920,1080,32
If you have the error "Access violation Error message", then turn off the music: ./Gothic/system/GOTHIC.INI set the value for musicEnabled=0
In-game menus need Media Foundation to display correctly.
Artifacts are associated with TAA (anti-aliasing). It must be of a high value so that the artifacts become insignificant.
You need to disable logs. They greatly reduce performance. Find this configuration file: ./steamapps/common/THQBCNP1/GothicRemake/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini
You need to add these lines: [Core.Log] Global=off LogInteractiveProcess=all off
The game crashes some time after the game is minimized.
Be sure to disable DOF and Blur! Find this file: ./steamapps/common/THQBCNP1/GothicRemake/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Settings.ini Add these lines: r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur=0 r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0
The game does not start, but if you copy dll files from Win64Shared to Win64, the game works fine.
Works perfect out of the box!
The game would occasionally launch not in full screen, but in the upper left corner. Pressing Alt + Tab a couple of times solves the problem.
Works fine, but it is highly recommended to use a gamepad (I used Steam Controller).
Controls only work properly on the gamepad.
Runs like a native Linux game.
With a patch on 2K resolution, the game looks much better.
Works fine.
There was some performance drop in the fog in the swamp.
To avoid "Fatal Error" launch option must be set to -onethread
The game does not work after the last update.
Before that everything was fine.
Small graphic artifacts when displaying the logo.
When you turn on the controllers the game crashes.
When you turn on the controllers the game crashes.
You can watch the first scene by starting it with the keyboard. But other scenes will not be able to start because of the inability to turn on the controllers.
Don't work with DXVK. Don't work DX10/11 features. Use PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command% Not visible any dynamic lights (lamps, flashlight and etc) in the game.
Once the game would not load beyond the loading screen. There was a problem with DXVK, probably a driver regression. The problem was solved by switching to OpenGL: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Some background sounds are looped.
The terrain texture and the Trading Advisor menu are black.
The problem of the "black" terrain is solved by removing all the marks in Main Menu / Map / Clean Map References. The cities label will not be displayed, but everything else is fine.
To avoid listening to the looped sound, unfortunately, the background sounds will have to be turned off.
Black screen after startup.
This happened while trying to run the demo.
- Download from here: https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install
- Unpack to the root of the game prefix: ./steamapps/compatdata/805620/pfx/mf-install-master/mf-install.sh
- Run the script: WINEPREFIX='./steamapps/compatdata/805620/pfx' './mf-install.sh'
There are a lot of slowdowns at the beginning of the game. After some time performance is normalized. This is probably due to the compilation of the Shader cache.
Problems that can be acquired during playing through the Proton:
- For the correct working need to make English layout the main.
Known issues on Windows:
- In the starting video sound could be out the sync.
- Long level loading. Can take from 1 minute to 8.
- Right after game loading some textures can be muddy for some time
- After game loading some objects could disappear and be back after few minutes.
- Some «freezing» can appear after changing game graphic. I t could take 1-4 minutes.
Despite this, the game works well.
Use winetricks to install the dsound library: WINEPREFIX=$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/230820/pfx winetricks dsound
No sound in videos. After installing dsound library the audio in videos will be fine, but there will be a crackle in the game...
The game won't start due to a problem with Nvidia Physx. You need to install a normal Physx using winetricks. Command: WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/380020/pfx winetricks physx
The game crashes if you erase the typed characters in the save name.
Use the command to reduce the crackling sound: PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=90 %command%