:'%command%' cd ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/McOsu;PIPEWIRE_LATENCY=64/44100 PIPEWIRE_ALSA='{ alsa.format=S32_LE alsa.channels=2 alsa.buffer-bytes=512 alsa.period-bytes=256 }' gamemoderun ./McEngine
我注释了默认启动参数,直接使用 env PIPEWIRE_LATENCY=64/44100 PIPEWIRE_ALSA='{ alsa.format=S32_LE alsa.channels=2 alsa.buffer-bytes=512 alsa.period-bytes=256 }' %command%

Works like a charm
exactly the same as on windows - besides sensitivity settings.
It works perfectly
Importing beatmaps from lazer is a bit of a pain but the client itself works without issues
Seems like there is a bug where typing in search boxes or in settings does not function. Works for gameplay however.
Played with a 1080p monitor and got over 1k fps.
500fps compared to normal osu!, perfect for training
Runs perfectly
500fps on a crappy pc, It runs better than normal osu.
Assuming you know how to install osu! (which is a pain, to new linux users) I would say this client probably works better than osu!
There is absolutly no sensitvity control so you must control it outside of the window.
xsetwacom --set "Wacom One by Wacom S Pen stylus" MapToOutput 2080x2080+0+0 (for tablets - high sensitivty) but the game works and responds better than osu! stable.