i cannot say this enough, SAVE YOUR GAME.
after a crash my first save completely obliterated itself, have not gotten the same problem again yet
average spore moment. save your game i beg of you
advice from a friend: do NOT save when the progress bar is at the very max unless you're in space stage. your game may corrupt itself.
works like native

To change FPS simply check this guide on PCGW
Works pretty well with some configuration changes since this game is forced 30 FPS at default

Was able to run the game at 2560x1080 @ 100fps with this guide.

No sound whatsoever, not appearing in pavucontrol
lib32-libpulse was missing, installing that package fixed it.

gamemoderun %command%
Fullscreen tends to cause graphical problems such as the bottom buttons on the screen being unreachable. Also had to tweak my graphics settings a lot when I first launched as it would launch as fullscreen but in a small window surrounded by a lot of black space.

If your hardware isnt outdated game should work perfectly on proton experimental but my hardware is to old to support new versions of proton
Need to switch to proton 6.3-8 to get past intro cutscene as it crashes on proton 7.0-6. After that save the game and swich to proton 7.0-6 to avoid graphical artifacting and broken menus.
Pain to get working.

gamemoderun %command%
Even though I could select my full screen resolution of 2560x1440 at 144hz, I am not sure if it was actaully taking advantage of that as it was locked 30fps.

Using comments in https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/514, I have prepared this guide on how you can get Spore running. Please check the thread if you need DLC working as well.
- Ensure you set compatibility to Proton 4.11-13
- Go to
and opensystem.reg
with a text editor - Inset the following text at the bottom, and replace the indicated text with your username:
[Software\\Wow6432Node\\electronic arts\\spore] 1627191375
"datadir"="Z:\\home\\<YOUR USER HERE>\\.local\\share\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Spore/Data"
"installloc"="Z:\\home\\<YOUR USER HERE>\\.local\\share\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Spore"
"playerdir"="My Spore Creations"
(If you don't have ~/.local/share/Steam/
, try looking in ~/.steam/
for the folder containing steamapps
and use that throughout the guide instead!)

Everything was tearing, until I matched the screen size to my resolution.
Everything was tearing, even the opening video and the menus. I chose the screen size to match my resolution, and restarted the game. Then, everything worked just as fine, even on the best graphic options. Could not log in my spore account (maybe the server is down forever?).

Fun evolving stimulator
But this is on all platforms, including Windows. Slow loading speeds in character visualization.
Playing this because of DanTDM

gamemoderun %command%
It worked for me out of the box.

i couldnt launch the game at first, presumably because the game didnt install properly and i had to reinstall the game to get it to work, which i also had problems with because it didnt want to uninstall, requiring me to restart steam
this game is great but i wish ea would make the game easier to install
game ran at like 10fps max and when i went to start a new save or pre-existing save it crashed

Game installed fine but would not run by default in Ubuntu.
Configuration Script Failed [2000]
Could not find a needed package The data directory is missing or corrupt [1004]
To fix:
Edit the "system.reg" file:
example location:
Add the following lines to the system.reg file (replace "your_username" with your actual username)
Note: Ensure that the directory locations for "datadir" and "installloc" are where your Spore installation was installed. If it isn't, change the texts below to point to the full path of your Spore installation.
[Software\\Wow6432Node\\electronic arts\\spore] 1627191375
"playerdir"="My Spore Creations"
TLDR: Installed fine but would not run by default in Ubuntu. Had to edit the system.reg file to add an entry for the game for it to run. Works fine after that.

My Steam by default chooses Experimental, had to change to 8.0-5 to work.

Works out of the box, I even signed into my ancient Spore account just fine.
Inmediatly gives errors and crashes
For run the game install the steam native runtime and use any proton version after 4.11. for the audio i don't know how to fix it.

You Must install the windows version of steam through bottles and download and install the game that way
On the linux version of steam with any version of proton it gives errors 1004 and 2000 and does not start at all.

Keeps throwing errors 1004 and 2000
Will not start up at all. Keeps throwing errors 1004 and 2000.

Errors: "Could not find a needed package. The data directory is missing or corrupt." and "Configuration Script Failed [2000]."
Unsure if known tweaks for Linux work, did not try further.

Runs much more stable than native Windows version via Origin. No crashes in 10h. Crashes every ~30min under native Windows.

The game never starts and I have to kill the process in Steam.
Tried steps listed in https://steamcommunity.com/app/24720/discussions/0/5005182950316001925/ but they did not work.
At first I was getting numbered error codes but now there are no messages and the game hangs in the background without ever showing sign of life.

Works as intended out of the box.
While the base game works with no issues, the expansion packs will not work without some tinkering.

very laggy with big delays maybe 5 FPS
More of a slide show than a game. Used lowest graphic options

Kurcze można czeprać przyjemność ale nie jest to dobre doświadczenie tryb okienkowy 1600x900 (w 720p okienkowym jest ok) i w porywach 30fps
Tryb pełno ekranowy strasznie obniża wydajność
Funciona perfectamente :)
Default resolution was wrong, but in game option to change to 1280x800.
Shows a black screen for like a minute when you start it and tells you that it's not responding, but after waiting it works fine!
Shows a black screen after starting. Doesn't seem to work with Proton 7.0-4, I started a new game in cell stage and it crashed after about a minute.
Wasn't at the right resolution when it started the first time
It seems that it is stuck at 30fps
doesn't open at all in any proton version including GE
Tried running with Proton 7.0-4, didn't work. Works with Proton 4.11-13.

No tinkering required to take Spore on the go. Have not tested 60fps patch but it's very easy to do. Keep at 30fps for better battery life.
Without tabbing out in fullscreen, works flawlessly. Got through most of the second stage before saving.
Crashes every time I tab-out of fullscreen.
Even works without stuttering with different refresh-rate multi-monitor NVIDIA setup. Loving it!
Removed 30 fps cap via normal methods used on Windows too.
Error messages pop up and game crashes
Tried with Prorton 7, 5 and 4 3 Error messages pop up and the game crashes. Might be a problem with PopOs as others where succesfull