No complaints.

Works perfect
40 fps, 40hz
Froze once with error on display. Simple restart helped.
Great experience. Beautifull puzzle game. Be carefull that scene can be bigger than showed on display and you need to use RT and LT to see corners (its quite important to see everything in puzze game)
Works perfectly.
Once the game would not load beyond the loading screen. There was a problem with DXVK, probably a driver regression. The problem was solved by switching to OpenGL: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
So far flawless, like native.
Game runs fine
Runs perfectly out of the box
Game runs fine except for small audio crackling, and even then is totally unnoticeable until the little fella start blowing his horn.
GloriousEggroll Proton-6.1-GE-2.
Audio crackling was resolved adding "PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=90 %command%" to the initialization options. Other than, everything works fine.

the game doesn't run with the most recent proton, but runs flawlessly with the 4.11 version.
No issues, no tweaks. Started right up, full screen and windowed work fine.
Flawless from start to end
Just adding one parameter to launch options makes the game work. No crackles for me like others mentioned.
Game just sits at a window otherwise.
Windowed mode window is small, and game crashes when resizing. Does work in a wine virtual desktop and alt+tab allows releasing the mouse.
Game crashes when its window is resized.
Installs and runs fine. I beat the game on Linux and only noticed some minor audio issues.
Once or twice I noticed some crackling when playing the instrument.
Won't progress past menu screen.

Runs out of the box with Proton 4.11. Some crackling when character plays the flute but otherwise audio is fine.
Sound crackles when playing the flute
The game failed to launch on a monitor with 2560x1040 resolution, it stopped at the loading screen.
When launched on a monitor with 1920x1080 resolution the game worked without problems.
Works perfectly

It won't start in 2560x1440 but gets stuck in the loading screen. Switch to 1920x1080 and everything seems to be a-ok.

Stuck on the loading screen and unable to interact.

the game is playable with 19201080 but when choosing 25601440 the game do not display the first screen. maybe an option to launch it in windowed mode ...

game is loading but stuck on loading screen

Sound distorted

works perfect


Steam "launching game" dialog box appears and disappears, but game does not start