Geht dor Porsche richtisch?!
Works normal with some stability issues
Game will crash after some playtime. I don't know if that is a issue with the COH mod or with the Proton Compatibility.
for a little quick match: perfect, for a big and long battle: not so good, maybe the stability issue is mod-based and not proton-based
native version runs fine
game won't start on the main display
only the game window is opening on the wrong screen. You need to change to windowed mode and manually drag the game to the main screen.
The game runs, with some issues on the deck
some small text on the decks display (mostly epic services)
sometimes the game will crash, when you put the deck into sleep mode
First, the developer gave some instructions for a better steam deck experience (controller layout, virtual keyboard). Thats good. But sometimes the game will crash, when you just pause the game and put the deck into sleep mode.
Works via Heroic Games Launcher without any problems
no problems found. mods are working fine
Changing graphics settings to low / medium
UI is small on the deck screen and scaling is not possible
some micro lags
But you need to manually change the graphics settings, for a good experience.
Game won't start :(
Game is installing, but will freeze in the first loading screen
With the default Proton, you will get some artifacts (looks like demo tv picture). I think it's because some codecs are missing in the default Proton. But with GE-Proton the game is working fine and without any problems.
runs without any problems
runs OOTB without problems. The performance is great on the deck
Runs almost perfect
some short crack in the Background sounds, but nothing annoying
only some audio crackeling
runs OOTB
You just connect a second controller and start the Splitscreen. On the Steam Deck display it's a bit difficult, but on a external monitor it runs fine
I don't know, why valve listed the game as not compatible. The game runs great on the deck.
Spiel startet und läuft problemlos (Epic Version via Heroic) Lediglich die Spielsprache ist auf Englisch und nich auf Deutsch
Game installed via heroic games launcher, multiplayer is working without any problems
runs pretty well on the steamdeck
The startup launcher needs the usage of the touchscreen or a mouse
Singleplayer is working without any problems / stability issues
Works great on steamdeck
Works great and smoothly on the steamdeck. You need to choose a community layout for the best experience, because this game was made for keyboard / mouse.
game runs good
some short sound crackle after every 20 minutes
only some slight sound issues. You need to kill the COH mod window via steam, because it will run in the background.
Game is working fine. no issues even with script mods and CC enabled
Works on Linux but needs a bit of tinkering on the steam deck
for the first startup you need to use the touchscreen to configure the games resolution and graphics
If you connect another controller, you need to manually switch the active controller in the games settings. The game won't show the controller symbols
The game is running fine on Linux. But when you play the game on the deck, it will need a bit of tinkering (see above)
PROTON_USE_WINED3D gamemoderun %command%
niedrige FPS mit heftigen Rucklern, längere Ladezeiten
Läuft leider nicht flüssig. Beinhaltet auch heftige Framedrops
Läuft an sich gut, sporadische Audioprobleme
kommt nur sporadisch vor, meistens bei großen Weltabschnitten
Funktioniert mit der Standardkonfig ganz gut. FPS fallen gelegentlich in den 25 FPS Bereich mit sporadischem Audioknistern. Tritt aber nur in großen Weltabschnitten auf
game runs good
You just need to choose the Windows 7 mode in the menu. After that, the game runs smooth and without any problems.