Lower performance but still playable if you don't mind it being slower. Might take longer to build things even with time acceleration
about 15 to 20 fps, down from 60-144 on windows

Right click is wonky. Holding it does not work for panning the map.
Re-launching the game fixes the stuttering, but is quite annoying. Haven't found a better fix yet.

Just worked out of the box. Proton Experimental + v1.0.0.20 - work fine in win10 64-bit mode.
scale font to 144 dots

DXVK_CONFIG="d3d11.cachedDynamicResources = a" %command%
DXVK_CONFIG="d3d11.cachedDynamicResources = a" %command% might be needed with DX11 games when using eGPU (both AMD and NVidia). In my case performance without it was 5-10FPS, with it 150FPS. Same savegame. You can notice the different already when you go to load game menu, it already started lagging there.

Worked just fine out of the box, even the first configuration menu now worked fine

I installed the game through Steam just like I would have done on Windows and launched it with compatibility mode set to Proton Experimental. Everything worked A1 as if it was natively supported. I am amazed myself.
No compatiliity issues with my hardware on Arch Linux (KDE Wayland). Game is stable and I didn't have any crashes.

Initially had big problems with the sound, however the most recent updates to the game seem to have resolved this issue.
I don't own this game on Steam, I own it on GoG.
Playing in Win7 mode only.
game version works in Win10 mode on this devie 👍

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% 2> ~/problems
Following some tips scattered over the internet, I was able to run it and play for a while.

With the latest game update, I now have working sounds on the Win10 version as well.
I occasionally have crashes, could easily be an issue with the game itself, not with Proton.
Works out of the box!

Crashed once during 11 hours of playing, unsure if it's a Proton thing.
did not experience performance issues others are reporting, using windows 10 launch option
Works as expected, works marginally slower than on Windows, but the given launch options eliminate the problem.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command% eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s/SETUPAPPLICATION SOVIET\.exe/SOVIET\.exe/")

New stuttering problem
Is initally smooth but then suffers from heavy stuttering after playing for some time
Tested on Win7 version of the game only.

Only runs in Win7 mode
It's a bit quieter than in Windows, audio not as high.
Works pretty well overrall

Selected Windows 7 mode in launcher
only in Windows 10 mode; works fine in Windows 7 mode
very rare, but reproducible crashes; most likely not caused by running under Linux

Only in win 10 mode. Win 7 mode audio works perfect
Some issues I've previously reported are now fixed, such as frequent crashing. Game is overall very stable but the audio problem in the DX12 version is very bad. Good thing there's a DX11 version that works fine.

Audio problems occur on the win 10 version of the game, but there are no audio issues on the win 7 executable, so always choose win 7
Some issues with mods and crashing that I reported previously seem to have been resolved since my last report. Game is overall very stable and playable on the windows 7 version but the dx12/windows 10 version still suffers from horrible audio distortion.

Only in Windows 8.1/10 mode.
In Windows 8.1/10 mode, sounds works good in new games until some ambient sounds kick in. Ambient sound works good but makes music and interface sounds distorted. You can play in this mode turning the volume of music and interface to the minimum.
In Windows 7 mode works out of the box. I tested this game first on Arch Linux and now in Debian 12 (both with KDE). In both systems, in the firsts executions, I see a little frame drop, but a few days later, works at same frame rate than WIndows. In Windows 8.1/10 mode, this frame rate drop of the first days didn't occur.
All graphic settings are configured at maximum in game launcher and in the graphic options menu inside the game.

eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s/SETUPAPPLICATION SOVIET\.exe/SOVIET\.exe/")
Only when running the 64-bit executable (win11 mode in launcher).
Requires tinkering. Initially ran with the following command which worked but with bad performance: PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command%
32-bit version is REQUIRED due to audio issues in 64.
New launch parameters run very well but the game must be launched using first setup initially and then you can swap to the new launch params.

Volume changes randomelly when startingh with win 8/10 option
Random craches when starting with windows 8/10 option
When launching the game with "windows 7" option i haven't experience any issues.

Unfocusing and refocusing quickly window causes camera to turn all straight down when moving camera; Issue is not present if one waits for the game "pause" that occurs when unfocusing to stop.
The launch menu provides Win7 and Win10 support however this appears unneeded on Linux from what I've seen; no differance is observable between these two versions though may be needed if incorrect Windows Version is used in Proton/Wine

eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s/SETUPAPPLICATION SOVIET\.exe/SOVIET64\.exe/")
After you've run the game once and gone through the initial config, you can avoid it popping up every single time you run the game by copying the launch options above into game properties in Steam.

game runs good
You just need to choose the Windows 7 mode in the menu. After that, the game runs smooth and without any problems.

Works perfectly, even with graphical settings set to "Ultra"
I only tried the "Win7" mode (selected when launching the game).
Not sure what the Win10 mode changes.

PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
I was gettin te createdxgifactory error, resolved after installing https://github.com/lutris/docs/blob/master/WineDependencies.md and https://archlinux.org/packages/multilib/x86_64/lib32-nvidia-utils/

The same here : No issues out of the box if you run in Windows 7 mode.
Works fine, good game

I was getting the "CreateDXGIFctory: FAILED" error. Installing the package lib32-nvidia-utils along with wine dependencies listed in https://github.com/lutris/docs/blob/master/WineDependencies.md solved it for me.

If you launch into the Windows 8/10 version of the game the audio is completely broken, it is best to launch the game in Windows 7 mode on the launcher until audio is fixed.

Works right out of the box when using the Win 7 launcher option, Win 8/10 has audio issues, hopefully will be fixed soon
Audio issues only when using the Win8/10 launch option
Games occasionally likes to lag when autosaves
Game only recently came out from EA so those few issues will probably get solved soon
runs without issues the same as if it was installed on windows

I tried just about anything to get rid of the "CreateDXGIFctory: FAILED". Nothing worked.
Guess there's something about arch and this game not working together, since other distros seem to work well. Or maybe it's wayland?

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command%
Experienced two bugs that were fixable with some light tinkering.
First was periodic crashing. The game would close randomly every so often with no warning. Switching to Proton Experiemental fixed this.
The second was audio distortion that made all of the sound effects and music sound awful. Adding the launch command "WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command%" and selecting "PLAY & SAVE (64 bit Win7)" on start up fixed this issue.

You have to launch on Proton Experimental to play on the windows 7 launch to avoid getting a grey screen.
Audio is completely borked on the windows 8/10 launch. Use the windows 7 Launch
Stability is completely fucked on the windows 8/10 launch. Use the windows 7 Launch

Audio goes completly out of this world. Its underwater, distorted, distant, super loud, peaks.
Basically cannot play with audio.
Ive seen that people say that the windows 7 version of the game doesnt have such issues but it just starts to a grey screen for me with most combos of launch arguements or proton versions

1.0 Steam Win7 version works flawlessly, no audio & stability issues.
1.0 non-steam version win7 version doesn't start (gray screen), win10 version audio borked & crashes every 30 minutes.

Works perfectly as long as you pick the 'Win7' button from the launcher. The 'Win8.1/Win10' version crashes to desktop every ~15 mins, but aside from that I can't tell any difference between the versions.