The Steam Cloud support advertised by this game is NOT cross-platform. This means that your Linux save data will not be available when running this game with Proton.
Gave an error about missing Java.
The native version of this game works fine, so just use that.
Works perfectly.
I decided to run this in Proton because the Linux native build has issues with my wireless Xbox 360 controllers. Running it in Proton fixes this issue.
Shows empty window on desktop. Does not display anything to HMD.
This game failed to run for me in the past but works perfectly now. Tested with my Vive.
Performance issues prevent this from being enjoyable.
Slowdowns seem to happen randomly and require a reboot to fix.
I originally tried this game in Proton because the native version did not detect my wireless xbox 360 controllers. Running the game in Proton fixes that issue.
Pops up an error dialogue when exiting the program, but otherwise works perfectly with my Vive.
It was a little laggy in some areas where players had created a lot of animated content, but I have no idea how that compares to the same areas in Windows.
Runs perfectly.
I originally decided to run this in Proton because the native version has some strange context-sensitive controller issues with my wireless Xbox 360 controllers. Running it in Proton fixes this issue.
Runs smoothly on my Vive. Game stops tracking controllers if you enter the Steam overlay. I am picky about audio latency for these types of games, so I configured pulseaudio to disable timer based scheduling (tsched=0 in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf) and set up the fragment configuration (default-fragments=2 and default-fragment-size-msec=4 in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf). The optimal fragment configuration will depend on your hardware. I also found that I was unable to get the latency down to a reasonable level with a bluetooth headset, but that may be more an issue with bluetooth headsets themselves than anything to do with playing this game in Proton. Using a 2.4Ghz wireless headset (G930) I was able to get latency down to under 11 ms, which is excellent.
The game boots up into tutorial mode, which doesn't work, but you can hit the menu button and skip it. "Science" and "Challenge" modes work perfectly on my Vive.
Works perfectly when using PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Minor audio stuttering. When exiting, it pops up a "Fatal Error" notification. Otherwise runs fine on my Vive.
Does not output video to my Vive. Crashes in a way that borks SteamVR until I log out of my desktop session and log back in.
This game does finally work on my Vive now. However, it stops responding to controls if I bring up the steam overlay.
Works perfectly.
I originally decided to run this in Proton because the native version would not detect my wireless Xbox 360 controllers. Running it in Proton fixes this issue.
Works perfectly.
I originally tried this in Proton because the native version had issues with my dual-monitor setup. Running it in Proton resolves this issue.
Works great with my Vive. Previously had issues with the hands not rendering and controls not working. This seems to be resolved with modern versions of Proton.
Works perfectly.
I originally tried this in Proton because the native version does not work at all on my machine currently and I had controller issues with it in the past. Running it in Proton seems to have solved those issues.
Running this in Proton is the only way to get VR working. Everything works perfectly with my Vive.
Works perfectly.
I originally decided to run this in Proton because the native version has some minor audio crackling for me. Running it in Proton resolves this issue.
Significantly more stable framerate than the native Linux build.
Running this game in Proton results in much better performance and also enables some extra graphical options for nvidia users. I have not yet observed any downside.
Fails to launch with my HTC Vive. If I disable esync, the game launches, but does not output to my Vive.
Shows Unity launch window, but then crashes before it renders anything to my Vive.
Runs fine with patched ED version of proton. However, it does not output to my Vive.
As noted by someone else: Launched ED and let it crash, then run "protontricks 359320 -q dotnet40 win7"
Everything works perfectly, including VR with my Vive.
Requires -useembedded launch option, otherwise it freezes when you start a new game. Seems to work perfectly once that launch option is applied.
Tested the VR branch with my Vive. There was a graphical glitch where some things were being rendered differently in one eye vs the other. It seemed to be localized to the trash cans in the garage. Other than that, it seemed like it was working.
Played through the tutorial and a little bit of free play. Detects Vive and works without problems.
Shows black window on desktop. Does not render anything to my HTC Vive.
Runs perfectly with mscorefonts installed. With the current nvidia vulkan beta drivers, there are graphical artifacts when using the "shadow softness" setting on a value other than "NVIDIA PCSS". However, this can be solved by rolling back to vulkan beta 396.54.09. Online play and story mode both work.
I got it working by following these instructions: https://0x0.st/ztbP.txt
Furthermore, in order to prevent random freezing and stuttering when using the linux-fsync kernel, I had to set WINEFSYNC_SPINCOUNT=2000
Opening video shows up as a black screen. Everything else works perfectly with my Vive.
Works perfectly.
It's worth noting that this game also has a native Linux build that is not on Steam.
When I launch the game, it runs in fullscreen mode, but only outputs to the bottom left corner of the screen. I was able to fix this by setting it to windowed mode and then back to fullscreen mode. However, I have not been able to find any way to get this fix to persist between reboots of the game.
Enjoyable if you just want to player the single player campaign
EAC does not work, which means players cannot play online, unlock achievements, or compete against others for score in the campaign.
"enjoyable" is stretching it. Has the same issues as on Windows.
This game has some serious issues which are not specific to running it Proton. If you try this game, you might think the game is broken because of the camera sensitivity being set to 0 in the game settings. Change that to anything else and you're good to go. One thing worth noting is that my xbox 360 controller works in this game in Proton but not native. Also, the Proton version captures my mouse properly on my dual monitor setup while the native version does not.
The only thing that doesn't work is that it freezes after the song ends instead of exiting cleanly. Perfect performance with my Vive.
Produces "Fatal Error" popup window upon exiting the game. Otherwise works perfectly with my Vive.
Minor performance issues when many objects are visible. Tested with a Vive.
Performance issues make this nearly unplayable. Attempts to use D9VK resulted in crash on new game.
I decided to use Proton because the Linux native build is unplayable due to some sort of mouse input bug. Using Proton resolves that issue.
Produces errors every time you start the game. The game works fine if you select "ignore" on all the errors.
Works perfectly with my Vive. Unfortunately there was nobody online so I did not get to test the multiplayer.
Works perfectly on my HTC Vive. However, I only tested it against the AI. I did not test the multiplayer functionality.
Unless you only intend to play the first half of the game, this is a no-go
There is a certain spot in the game where it crashes within a couple minutes consistently whether I use Proton or the Linux native version of the game.
Please ignore my previous report for this game.
Occasional minor audio distortions. Runs at an acceptable framerate. Played the tutorial and a little bit of mission and free play modes. I was unable to test multiplayer since nobody else was online.
Works perfectly.
I originally tried this in Proton because I could not get it to detect player 2 input with the native version. Running it in Proton fixes this issue.
I did not have a mic hooked up so I did not get to test the voice tower mode. Everything else seems to work perfect.
Heavy audio crackling/distortions during dialogue when starting a new game. However this problem vanishes once you actually start the first level. I played the entire game without any problems.
Works perfect with my Vive. Audio crackling with earlier versions of Proton is gone.
Works with DXVK 0.95, but is unable to play cutscenes.
I already have a 32-bit wine prefix with wmp10 and some other things that I was using for the remake of the first Resident Evil, as per this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/aehhu5/resident_evil_remaster_hd_setup_guide/. I simply pointed this game to that wine prefix, and now the game seems to work perfectly. Cutscenes and all.
Selectively followed the instructions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/aehhu5/resident_evil_remaster_hd_setup_guide/. They are for a different Resident Evil game, but it works. I created a 32-bit wine prefix, used winetricks to install wmp10, and installed windowsmedia-kb942423-x86-intl.exe into the same prefix (I'm not sure if that patch is strictly necessary). I then copied the steam folder into syswow64 as per the instructions in that thread. I did not follow the other instructions in that reddit thread. The game now works in Campaign mode, with cut scenes.
This detects my Vive and runs. However, there are minor performance issues. In this game, even minor performance issues are nausea inducing and I believe this makes it unplayable to a large degree.
Too much stutter.
Regular stuttering when loading new areas/content
Stutter is likely caused by shader compilation, but it's so frequent that I don't think the average gamer would find it to be acceptable.
Works perfectly.
Previously this game had some major slowdowns in certain situations when using an fsync enabled kernel. This no longer seems to be an issue.
Runs smoothly with my Vive, but has some noticeable audio distortions at the end of every round.
Can be played via Proton on servers which have disabled EAC and encryption. Framerate isn't quite as good as native, but it works and doesn't suffer from any major issues once you are connected to a server.
Works perfectly.
I decided to play this in Proton because the Linux native build has issues with my wireless Xbox 360 controller. Running this in Proton resolves that issue.
Better framerate than the native Linux build
Stutters for brief periods of time occasionally. Probably the result of shader compilation.
I originally decided to run this in Proton because the native Linux build no longer seems to detect my wireless Xbox 360 controllers. Running it in Proton resolves this issue.
You need to disable esync to get it to render anything at all. However, even when it creates a window, it crashes immediately afterwards.
In order to prevent freezing and stuttering with linux-fsync, I had to run with WINEFSYNC_SPINCOUNT=2000 %command%
Produces "Fatal Error" popup when exited, but otherwise works perfectly with my Vive.
Fails to detect audio source, which is a primary feature of the game. Minor performance issues with my Vive.
Vive controllers still will not work, despite the game appearing to run smoothly.
Moderately severe audio crackling/distortions.
Played through the whole demo with no problems on my Vive.
Launches and shows skinned controllers with a media playback control bar attached to one of them. However, it does not seem to be possible to interact with anything.
Does not detect my HTC Vive. Opens a window on the desktop saying "You need a VR Headset to play this game".
Still fails to detect Vive: "You need a VR headset to play this game"
Detects Vive and tutorial modes seem to work. However, nobody was online so I did not get a chance to test the actual gameplay outside of the tutorial.
Loads a blank window on the desktop and outputs normal audio. However, there is no video output whatsoever.
Does not render to my Vive. Surprisingly, it does still render to the desktop and has keyboard/mouse controls. However, after only a couple minutes you are asked to do something which requires you to grab an object that you cannot reach without using the actual Vive controllers. This makes it impossible to proceed.
Same issue as previous versions of Proton. Game does not seem to detect my Vive.
3.16-5 includes some changes which fix issues seen with xaudio for some titles, including this one. However, on Arch Linux, it is necessary to compile faudio from source and drop the shared object file in the Proton folder, replacing the one it ships with. Full instructions can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamPlay/comments/a5a9m6/release_proton_3165/eblhpii. After following those instructions, this game works perfectly with my Vive.
Game randomly crashes when moving through shrubs. Since that effectively eliminates the possibility of playing stealthily, it greatly impacts the game negatively.
Slow to start up, but you can apply workaround as others have mentioned. Previously encountered crash bug when crouching in bushes is no longer an issue. Everything seems to work great.
Shows Valve logo with terrible performance, loads for awhile, and then takes you to the main menu. Performance is terrible. It seems impossible to interact with the menu to enter the lab.
Runs at good framerate on my Vive, which is an improvement. However, the load screens take a long time and sometimes it never returns from load screens. I played the archery game and walked around that mountain area with the dog.
Even with the latest SteamVR beta, this title does not appear to be fully functional. While some of the worlds work (ie. archery, arcade machine, mountain hike, etc..), there are some that result in crashing, like robot repair.
Occasional minor slowdowns. Major slowdown the first time you start using the in-game camera, but that seems to vanish after a few seconds. Tested with Vive.
The only problem is that it pops up a "Fatal Error" dialogue when exiting the game. It otherwise works perfectly with my Vive including the in-game camera which previously caused me slowdowns.
Game runs in VR without any workarounds needed. Performance seems acceptable.
As others have mentioned, everything works except the audio visualizer. Performance is acceptable.
Creates a window on desktop but freezes immediately after rendering the first frame. Never outputs anything to Vive.
Last time I tried this, there were graphical issues with invisible enemies and whatnot. That no longer appears to be an issue. However, performance is noticeably degraded.
All previously encountered performance and graphical issues seem to be gone. Played through the first campaign level and everything works perfectly with my Vive.
It did eventually show a window, but it took a long time and it was running very slow. Additionally, it did not detect my Vive.
I'm giving this a silver because contextual evidence suggests that some specific voice commands should do something. However, it does not seem to detect my mic. It is possible that I am doing something wrong. Runs on my HTC Vive without performance problems.
Works perfectly.
I decided to use Proton because the Linux native build does not seem to support cross-platform multiplayer and it also has issues with my wireless Xbox 360 controllers. Using Proton resolves both of these issues.
Better than playing the Linux native build.
I originally decided to play this in Proton because the Linux native build has poor performance and is plagued with some severe bugs that will never be fixed. It is known to crash when transitioning between levels and also has some controller issues as well. In Proton, I get about 20fps higher framerate and the 2 bugs I mentioned are resolved by this as well.
Occasional minor slowdowns. Controllers sometimes disappear after entering the settings menu. Other than that it seems to work great.
Controller skins disappear after entering the in-game settings, but otherwise it seems to work perfectly with my Vive.
Some audio distortions, but good framerate with my HTC Vive. I played through the entire game without issues.
Works out of the box with my Vive, but does have minor performance issues.
It boots up fine and even works with my Vive, but it can't connect to the game servers, which makes the game unplayable. This game cannot be played offline.
PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% in the launch options gets this game up and running. However, there do appear to be some minor graphical issues (ie. water turns invisible when you are beneath it, trees pop into existence and change appearance as you move around). I also had the game freeze once (that may or may not have had to do with me using the steam dashboard)
Encountered minor performance issues with earlier versions of Proton but now it works perfectly with my Vive.
Minor slowdowns during some parts, but generally seems to work acceptably well on my Vive. I do not understand Chinese, so I am unable to navigate the menu, meaning there may be game modes I have not tested.