Borked. Themida anti tamper wont run in proton.

Doesn't work due to Themida
The game will install, and it will try to launch, but after the EAC screen it crashes. "An Error has ocurred while loading imports. Wrong DLL present."

Themida Anti-Tamper is not compatible on linux making the game not launch

Not supported cause of Themida.
That's disappointing, really. The only way to play this low quality VRChat Ripoff is to either use an android emulator like Waydroid or Genymotion, or using Windows.

Completely borked, ever since Themida was for an unknown to the public reason added to the game. Same "Wrong DLL" error displays every time.
Really disappointing, since I can't even play in screen mode - forget VR...

thermida mentien le chargement de DLL non présent
rec room n'est plus supporté sur linux dû a thermida mentionnant l'impossibilité de charger des DLL ou que ils y a de mauvais DLL

The game does not launch due to Themida.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% --fullscreen=false
Ever since the addition of Themida, the game fails to launch and an error message appears: "An Error has ocurred while loading imports. Wrong DLL present."

Recently the Devs added what i believe is called Themida, it no longer runs due to this anticheat requiring windows only features that is not currently possible on linux/wine/proton.

does not launch
stuck on starting

linux support is no more
themida was recently added, so running the game on linux is currently impossible

A recent update quietly introduced Themida, which blocks Linux users from playing the game.
gamemoderun PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command%
Sorry everyone... Themida was quietly put into the game which prevents Linux users from playing... Rec Room has now went from a Sliver rating, to a BORKED rating...

gamemoderun PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command%
A few stutters at first, but back to normal later.
It was playable at first, but then they quietly added Themida which blocks access to the game. Linux users can no longer play Rec Room via Proton.

Fails to create account with error code "wrapper"
Need a way around Easy Anti-Cheat

Game was giving me an error code "wrapper" when trying to log in
gamemoderun PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% -d3d11
Game runs but does not work on login screen

gamemoderun PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command%
Performance is better with GE-Proton for me, but testing with Proton 9.0-2 works too. Need the Proton Easy AntiCheat Runtime for game to work: https://steamdb.info/app/1826330/info/

When the FPS drops, the image really stutters. Makes me a little bit sick.
A little bit laggy, and don't forget to install Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime.

Worth noting tho that image is completely bugged and unplayable if you use WiVRn/opencomposite. You'll need to use SteamVR (and ALVR if you're on an standalone headset).

Definently works. I played paintball without any slowdowns. At low settings it was 60fps locked on my sdoled
idk if this counts but I installed Proton EAC

I just set my graphics to Low for extra frames, but worked either way.
gamemoderun PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% -d3d11

3Д в 2Д меню очень низкого качества
Случайные фризы/лаги
Играл на Windows. И я не смог найти различия, лаги тоже были на Windows. Но конечно есть некоторые артифакты. Легко запустить, просто нужно использовать Proton Experimental и установить Proton EAC runtime. Только единственное VR не работает.

It may be choppy at times, but I played a few rounds of paintball and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
gamemoderun %command%
Occasional lagspikes, especially when opening new menus.

I put on proton ge 9-7 and it just worked. might have been a recent update that fixed it
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Some degraded performance through proton compared to windows 10 atlas os
2 stutters that happen when in a room for roughly 2 minutes every time
works now

you need to install the proton easyanticheat runtime seperatly to actually open the game

Can't go beyond the EAC window.
The EAC window starts, it closes after a few seconds and nothing happens after that.

Game reaches EAC screen, it finishes and after a while shows Failed to initialize IL2CPP.

Download the Proton EasyAnticheat Runtime from Steam for it to work
Installed EAC Runtime

It is purly borked
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Just it does not run

Install Proton EasyCheatRuntime from the steam library

gamemoderun PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% -d3d11

Note for anyone who will meet random crashes, try to reboot first.

Minir lag spikes
Random crashes. Logs seem to say it fails to allocate more memory for some reason

Install the proton EAC runtime, done works fine after
After installing the runtime, it should work fine but without it, you will have a wrapper error.

They implemented the proton patch into the game and it works straight out of the box ever since.
Tested proton, proton experimental, and proton-ge and they all work fine.

Graphics on Low and around 2 hours of battery
30 to 60 FPS on Low Graphics
Be sure to set on Proton Experimental and install Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime. Pretty sure it'll be on "Playable" sometime.

Needs to be installed Proton EAC Runtime