Need to set to 40 fps and lower some graphical settings to get a fluid frame rate
Just set to 40FPS and adjust some settings
Aside from not launching on stock proton and needing to install a GE you'll find yourself enjoying this on Linux
You will need to run this with Physx off if it is on by default
Keep in mind achievements are still bugged for most of the early game story achievements
You need GE
Depends if you want roll the chance of having to uninstall/reinstall the game. Runs well outside the loading screen issue
Very seldomly does the loading screen bug the entire game forcing you to close the game. In my experience I had to uninstall and reinstall the title when this happened
The biggest problem for this title as stated before is that when you inevitably run into the issue of an unresponsive loading screen you will be forced to reinstall completely as verifying integrity does not fix this issue.
CDPR Launcher
Most test is difficult to read
Cyberpunk traditional hitching is very common
Set FPS to 40 and adjust graphical settings to low/medium and ensure you use the FSR settings in game to performance or even balanced
Small framerate hitching
Runs surprisingly smooth. There is no end all be all settings for it as there are so many configs to use. Just know that no matter what you choose the game will run
Steam Deck limitation, set to 40 FPS with medium settings
Although you'll likely need to run it at 40 FPS through the Steam Deck settings it is quite consistent and enjoyable with very little drops in frames from time to time.
May benefit a little more with tweaking some settings to help with shader rendering at the entrance of races.
Once the controller buttons and configs work this would prove to be a great title on steam deck or Linux.
Touch screen on launch or virtual keyboard
Joysticks worked great however none of the buttons, especially interact/action, would not work when pressed. Also during character creation you would need to use virtual keyboard + RT to confirm and move to next window. Steam default controller configs did not match with what the game was looking for.
Sometimes small to read
Hard 40 FPS lock for this and dropping graphic settings
Hard to recommend considering the amount of graphical tweaking that is needed and the hard lock at 40 fps. You likely wont see 40 fps all the time and its more in the lower 30's
Guild Wars 2 Launcher
set to 40 FPS
It had a hard crash and completely nuked my microsd card. HIGHLY encourage to install on microsd instead of internal SSD for this reason alone. My microsd card was unusable and was not able to reformat in other computers as it was set to RAW. Just be weary with this one.
Set to 40 FPS and adjust some graphical settings. Be mindful of the crashes you will see as it did nuke one of my microsd cards
Set to 40 fps
Slight frame dips when loading scenes, areas, or busy fights
Slightly small text given the default resolution
The game defaults vibration on for controller. This would cause a crash after the inital hit on a monster. Turn off vibration in game and on steam deck settings
Very slight fps dips when panning camera around quickly in certain scenarios also when loading into any areas.
Aside from the vibration crashing issues and the graphical limitation of the switch that has plagued this port visually, it runs very well with the default settings on steam deck.
Game runs ~40 FPS
Steam deck can handle this title but will run warm and loud. Highly recommend setting FPS lock to 40 in the Steam Deck settings
Aside from the inconsistent frame rate during turn rollout this is a fun strategy title that can be run natively on early access
Consistent drops when movement is happening. Not terribly unplayable but will annoy anyone who doesnt like consistent frames
This port is one of the best available on Steam. Very impressive performance on Steam Deck at ~60 fps at default settings
Enjoy an amazing JRPG on an amazing system
This is a solid 50-60 FPS game on steam deck with medium settings and some custom changes like turing motion blur off.
You will need to launch this in desktop mode then adjust settings to Borderless and turn Vsync off in settings. May crash when changing windowed mode first so change Vsync first then from fullscreen to borderless
Launching in Game Mode will result in black screen. Initial launch needs to be done in desktop
Aside from the initial launch problems its a solid experience on Steam Deck and the gameplay is extremely smooth otherwise.
Limited to 40 FPS
Lock FPS to 40 in steam deck settings
Lock to 40 FPS and lower graphics to medium/low settings. Still noticeable hitches seldomly
Set frame rate to 40 FPS and lower some details in the graphics setting to medium/low for a somewhat consistant experience