-provider Portal
Crashed my desktop environment when played in Mint after an hour or two. Runs perfectly in Garuda.
-provider Portal

-provider Portal
Use mentioned launch parameters if you own arena.net account, otherwise no changes are required.

-provider Portal
i did not experince any issues with playing and runing the game . one thing with installing via steam is that the game kinda install twice, after the steam download finishes the game client still has alot of stuff to download aswell keep that in mind, also might be worth waiting for the client to finish even if it says playable,
-provider Portal added this so i can loggin with my existing gw2 account other wise you would create a new account with steam login

Zero issues. Works out of the box, proton tinkering not needed in my case.
Buttery smooth baby.

-provider Portal (for skip the Steam login)
FX sounds disappears at some moments.
My fps drop a lot in some zones, about 50% less compared with Windows 11.
Except for the performance issue (it runs me at 100fps on Windows 11) and the fact that some special effects are no longer audible, the game runs well. However, FOR ME, losing 50fps in some areas does not motivate me to play it on Linux.

-provider Portal
just a little bit of crackling while listening to background music, unclear if its caused by the game
love the game! am really happy with how well it runs, haven't run into any major issues so far
Runs great out of the box, no tinkering required.

Launched the game via Steam. PC completely frozen. Tried 3 times and had to hard reset after each attempt.
Uninstalled the game
In order to use mods like arcdps and radial menu you will need to use install directx compiler 47, the the the highest directx 9 version, highest directx 11 version, and dotnet472. Set your game to proton version 8 to install these. The dotnet472 install seems to fail with any other proton version. You should be able to change it to whatever version after you get these DLLs installed.

Download speed will reduce to 0 kb/s in the client launcher if the launch options are not entered.
On the verge of giving up, I stumbled this problem. The problem is the game is not downloading on the GW2 launcher, which seems to be a very common issue on Windows. This one however, on the Linux side, it seems to be a rare occurrence. I relaunched the game using -log in the steam launch options. This will run a debugger log which will run in the background.
I got this log here:
[0111/194224.450:ERROR:network_change_notifier_win.cc(225)] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 0 [0111/194225.215:ERROR:dxva_video_decode_accelerator_win.cc(1457)] DXVAVDA fatal error: could not LoadLibrary: msvproc.dll: Module not found. (0x7E) [0111/194225.764:ERROR:network_change_notifier_win.cc(225)] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 0 [0111/194226.269:WARNING:cert_verify_proc_win.cc(89)] Unknown error -2146762482 mapped to net::ERR_FAILED [0111/194226.530:WARNING:cert_verify_proc_win.cc(89)] Unknown error -2146762482 mapped to net::ERR_FAILED [0111/194226.543:WARNING:cert_verify_proc_win.cc(89)] Unknown error -2146762482 mapped to net::ERR_FAILED [0111/194226.550:WARNING:cert_verify_proc_win.cc(89)] Unknown error -2146762482 mapped to net::ERR_FAILED [0111/194226.552:WARNING:cert_verify_proc_win.cc(89)] Unknown error -2146762482 mapped to net::ERR_FAILED [0111/194226.556:WARNING:cert_verify_proc_win.cc(89)] Unknown error -2146762482 mapped to net::ERR_FAILED [0111/194226.732:WARNING:cert_verify_proc_win.cc(89)] Unknown error -2146762482 mapped to net::ERR_FAILED [0111/194226.800:WARNING:cert_verify_proc_win.cc(89)] Unknown error -2146762482 mapped to net::ERR_FAILED [0111/194226.820:WARNING:cert_verify_proc_win.cc(89)] Unknown error -2146762482 mapped to net::ERR_FAILED [0111/194236.731:WARNING:cert_verify_proc_win.cc(89)] Unknown error -2146762482 mapped to net::ERR_FAILED [0111/194325.518:WARNING:cert_verify_proc_win.cc(89)] Unknown error -2146762482 mapped to net::ERR_FAILED [0111/194425.947:ERROR:dxva_video_decode_accelerator_win.cc(1457)] DXVAVDA fatal error: could not LoadLibrary: msvproc.dll: Module not found. (0x7E)Then I came across this website, which helped me big time. https://forums.lutris.net/t/runner-missing-2-dlls-msmpeg2vdec-dll-msvproc-dll/16113. Without this command, I wouldn't have been able to download and run the game the whole time. Very stable game and love it.
-provider Portal
Keyboard Key ^ not work, cant swap weapons

-provider Portal
No problems, flawless.
I use the command to access the ArenaNet GUI to log into my non-steam account.

Install through Lutris
No problems, flawless gameplay

Perfectly playable if you don't mind the laggy launcher.
Launcher gets a bit laggy while updating the game or interacting with the launcher interface.
This doesn't interfere with the update process, and the game is perfectly playable. You can always mark the 'AUTO-PLAY' box in the launcher so you don't have to deal with it next time you want to play.

Works perfectly

gamemoderun mangohud %command% -provider Portal -ignorecoherentgpucrash
mouse fps drop moving cursor is server in FS rather than Window mode
connection was fine
Use the release version of DXVK if experiencing cursor lag 40 mins into playing the game. If your using a Proton version that isn't using Value tree's for compiling, the cursor lag is immediate and anywhere between 50+ fps drops or worse.

The frame times would go up after an hour of gametime while moving the cursor/camera. That makes it unplayable. You have to restart the game
-provider Portal -clientport 80
Stuttering while movind camera or mouse
Huge increase in Frame Times after approx. 1 hour
Framedrops and stuttering
The frame times would go up after an hour of gametime while moving the cursor/camera. That makes it unplayable. You have to restart the game. Which is very disapointing when in Boss fight or dungeons.

Heavy stuttering when moving the mouse after having played for a while, but a workaround exists pending a fix
LD_PRELOAD= XMODIFIERS= MANGOHUD_CONFIG="fps_limit=240" DXVK_ASYNC=1 WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 VK_LOADER_LAYERS_ENABLE=VK_LAYER_MANGOHUD_overlay_x86_64 %command% -provider Portal -autologin -ignorecoherentgpucrash -mapLoadinfo
In-game store font is ever-so-slightly fuzzy.
Switching between fullscreen and windowed does not work well on my ultrawide, but windowed fullscreen works well.
Heavy stuttering when moving the mouse after having played for maybe half an hour. Workaround exists.
Relevant reading with regards to the stuttering cursor:
- https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/issues/4436#issuecomment-2466646597
- https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/11446
Breaking down the launch options;
- LD_PRELOAD= : this fixes the stuttering when moving the cursor.
- XMODIFIERS= : fixes input of dead keys when using input methods such as Fcitx5
- MANGOHUD_CONFIG="fps_limit=240" : limits framerate, here to 240, as the game only offers 30, 60 or no limit
- DXVK_ASYNC=1 : unsure if this is required anymore but doesn't hurt
- WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 : should trigger FSR if you have fullscreen and a lower resolution than native, but unsure
- VK_LOADER_LAYERS_ENABLE=VK_LAYER_MANGOHUD_overlay_x86_64 : enables mangohud, required if used in combination with LD_PRELOAD=""
- %command% : self-explanatory
- -provider Portal : to log in with your arena.net account instead of through Steam
- -autologin : have the launcher autologin if you have saved your credentials, rarely works and you have tog press Login anyway
- -ignorecoherentgpucrash : unsure if it's needed anymore but should help if the in-game store crashes
- -mapLoadinfo : shows some statistics on loading screens

mangohud %command% -provider Portal
Mouse would disappear on World bosses. Solved by Alt-tabbing.
Huge increase in Frame Times after approx. 1 hour
No lags or disconnects
I have tried multiple Proton versions, multiple mice, Wayland, Xorg, CPU troubleshooting and was still unsuccessful. The frame times would go up after an hour of gametime while moving the cursor/camera. The cursor and the ground spells would disappear on some World Bosses and make the game that much harder. This might all be hardware or configuration specific so your mileage may vary. I currently use Heroic Games Launcher with Wine GE. Gemstore did not work for me on defaul Wine, but does on Glorious Eggroll version.
Works Great

Game is perfectly playable without arguments. Only thing to note is to use X11 as wayland caused issues on my machine.
MANGOHUD_CONFIG="fps_limit=144,no_display" mangohud gamemoderun %command% DXVK_ASYNC=1
Flickering when moving camera only on wayland (may be nvidia drivers)
Low framerate (May be a game issue and not Linux related)

-provider Portal
I use the command to access the ArenaNet GUI to log into my non-steam account. The Steam version launches as expected. Any issues encountered were not the fault of Linux, Steam, or Proton, but due to their engine being unable to render massive battles of players and graphical effects.

I have custom keybinds on my desktop install which synced with the SteamDeck. This made the community layout unusable, but is quickly remedied by re-mapping affected keys.
Lowered graphics settings (not required) and limited fps to 30.
Game performance will drop if there are a lot of players or events on screen. Lowering graphics settings helps with this.

XMODIFIERS="" gamemoderun %command% -provider Portal -autologin
protontricks: installed corefonts and tahoma
Special characters(i.e. á,é,í,õ,ç) could not be written in chat until I installed the fonts and added the modifiers to the initialization options
Big metas are slow just like on windows
Overall pretty great. Still have a few fonts missing but who doesn't love some Times New Roman.

-provider Portal -nodelta -mapLoadinfo
Changed DPI to 144 in winecfg to better scale on a 4K monitor. This caused flickering in the game launcher that stops if the laucher window is moved.
Needed to use -provider Portal
to play with Arenanet account on steam. Had to use -nodelta
to prevent the laucher from getting stuck while downloading. The game runs with maxed settings on stable 60 fps almost all of the time.

I had to start the game with the startup parameter -provider Portal
because I have an existing account and do not want to use my Steam account as I have no progress there.
If you do not already have a Guild Wars 2 account, everything will work without touching any custom configuration.
mangohud gamemoderun %command% -provider Portal
-provider Portal
Despite the same PC running this game just fine on Windows, in Linux I only get 2 fps. I've tried different versions of Proton, updated my kernel, reinstalled graphics drivers, and cannot improve it in any way.
Works perfectly out of the box!
I added the "-provider Portal" to play with my arenanet account (so you do not need steam login)
-provider Portal

Have account from prior to Steam having Guild Wars 2. Steam version can't import or sync with non-Steam accounts, so I have to use a different method.
Installed via Lutris installation script. Left all defaults. Runs beautifully even with graphics maxed on a 5120x1440 Ultrawide: 100+ fps
I did initially install via Steam before I realized that Steam version can't connect to non-Steam accounts. The game installed, and the launcher functioned and the game functioned as expected. I just did not bother to Create a new character and play once I realized I couldn't connect to my existing account.

-provider Portal -autologin -maploadinfo
Install missing fonts:
flatpak run com.github.Matoking.protontricks 1284210 corefonts tahoma
Switch to GloriousEggroll; increase RAM and/or swap size.
The Steam Deck suffers from crashes that I haven't seen even on PCs with less, equal, or greater RAM.
Use GloriousEggroll, then using CryoUtilities:
- Increase the swap size to 16GB
- Increase the VRAM size to 4GB
This will virtually eliminate OOM crashes.

It's my own layout I use while playing melee.
Small lags due to massive amount of people in world eventa
Launcher lags and worse performance are non longer existing thanks to new GE.

Works out of the box
Installed through Steam and was able to play instantly. No issues whatsoever.

Installed using Lutris install script. Work out of the box on X11 and Wayland.
gamemoderun %command% RADV_PERFTEST=gpl DXVK_ASYNC=1 -provider Portal -ignorecoherentgpucrash -autologin
Works out of the box

DRI_PRIME=1 DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command% -provider Portal -autologin -clientport 80 -ignorecoherentgpucrash
Game runs very well outside of huge raids or WvW. Very CPU heavy and poorly optimised.
Lots of disconnections and lag spikes, especially in PvP mode.
Slight lag and disconnection issues. Most likely ANet issues.