Seems to run okay. The mouse is a little "floaty" but that could be a deliberate design decision
As previous report said, it runs fine but the mouse input is a little...laggy. Which isn't ideal in a game of this nature.
Need to use "PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%" and even the fps is rather low
Choose "Play Advent Rising" not "Play Game" otherwise nothing happens. Disabling Esync seems to stop the random "General Protection Faults" that crash the game. Still very jerky in places, but is generally playable
It runs, but barely. There's a fractional pause every time a key is pressed, making the game very awkward and difficult to play. Plus it crashes when you quit.
Won't start. "Loading error - failed to load: audio/se/Blow1.ogg" and then "TypeError: Cannot read property "undefined" of undefined"
Works fine. The dialog sometimes flows off the side of the screen, but I think this is just sloppy programming
The fonts are messed up, with overlapping letters and strange spaces which shouldn't be there, but it generally works
Crashed the first time I tried to start a new game...but then it ran perfectly after a restart. Huh.
Generally okay. The picture is larger than the window but that seems to fix itself if you go into full-screen and back. Oh, and alt-enter sometimes crashes the game.
Works fine. Fps is a little all over the place, but it generally sorts itself out after a few seconds
Runs fine BUT you have to select "Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool" in the properties to make Steam use the Windows version rather than the (broken) Linux version
Generally runs okay, but some commands like "Credits" cause a crash to desktop
With no tweaks, black window and no game. With PROTON_NO_D3D11, get music, but still no visuals. Which are crucial for a visual novel!
Linux repo is broken, but if you choose "Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool" in the properties, the Windows version runs fine
Seems to run okay. The scene transitions are a little glitchy, with some graphical corruption and sometimes some worrying pauses, but it seems to work.
Seems to work fine. The menus are very slightly glitchy but nothing that affects gameplay
Killing the three "nw.exe" processes as others have mentioned....just terminates the game. Unplayable.
Like others day, delete the "Dependencies" folder from the game directory, attempt to run the game (it will crash), then run
WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/63710/pfx/ winetricks d3dcompiler_43 d3dx9_4
On the command-line. Then it will work perfectly.
Works fine out the box bar a couple of tiny graphical glitches upon startup which resolve before the menu appears
Is the previous report trying to run off an NTFS drive (which by default mounts read-only)? Game loads, but doesn't respond to clicks on menu making it unplayable
Crashes immediately. Command line gives: "WARNING: The runtime version supported by this application is unavailable. Using default runtime: v4.0.30319 Method ':_mainCRTStartup ()' in assembly '~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Bars and Balance/PLAY.exe' contains native code that cannot be executed by Mono on this platform. The assembly was probably created using C++/CLI."
Will not start, even with loading the various packages mentioned by others
Just as the other report says...no textures. So no fonts, no background, nothing. Game is unusable.
It runs, but there are some strange graphical glitches. Transparency on the textures is borked, and there are weird "cut-ins" of white flashes where overlaying isn't being calculated correctly. The LOD algorithm also isn't very smooth, with more detailed textures dropping in with quite a jarring effect as you move closer to objects.
Works fine out of the box. Some cutscenes have no sound, but I don't know if that's deliberate.
Works fine once you install Physx. Run this on the command line: WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/21680/pfx/ winetricks physx
Runs fine once you force DirectX 11, otherwise it crashes once you start the game from the main menu
PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%
Worked perfectly with no tweaks with both DirectX and Vulkan renderers
Seems to work okay. HOWEVER, my character was invisible until I selected a skin on the main menu. Don't know if this is a bug with the game or with Proton.
Works mostly fine. However, widescreen mode doesn't work, the game pauses slightly whenever changing scenarios, and sometimes the font doesn't display correctly and the text overlaps itself
Seems to work fine. Runs in full screen without any tweaks
Same as others - coloured shapes and then a black screen on the menu
After running "WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/225080/pfx winetricks dotnet40" on the command-line it works fine
Works fine. The ending might be glitched but we'd need to see a Windows playthrough to know what's supposed to happen...
Game runs fine, but there's no text in any of the dialog boxes, even after installing 'corefonts'. Kind of important to an RPG...
Game runs fine, but there's no text in any of the dialog boxes, even after installing 'corefonts'. Kind of important to an RPG...
It's a Java game, hardcoded with 32-bit dependencies. So you'll probably be running a 64-bit Java runtime on Linux...which means the game can't find any of the libraries it just assumes are present on your system. Downloading and installing lwjgl 64-bit lets the game start, but then it hangs because it can't find any controllers. Even adding libjinput doesn't help...and I gave up at this point.
Game doesn't capture the mouse in windowed mode making it a little clunky, but it's generally playable
Runs okay, but keeps flipping between windowed and full screen
After starting a new game, open a task manager and kill "Nw.exe". Game then starts after a few seconds, though performance is shoddy, with frame rate in the single digits
Continually brings up dialog with error ":3:1: Error: Unable to open include file settings.fx". Game then starts, but dialog keeps coming back at VERY regular intervals, making game all but unplayable
The game actually runs, which is strange as it's the first XNA game I've ever had work on Proton...but periodically black boxes appear to obscure part of the display, including the stats screen, which makes it almost impossible to play as you can't see what you're doing.
Works fine, IF you disable esync, otherwise it hangs right after starting a mission PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Clicking on any of the options on the main menu doesn't do anything - have to force close.
Crashes when starting game https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/2284 workaround does NOT work
Crashes immediately. Suspect it's expecting a 32-bit version of .NET, which won't install on the default 64-bit prefix
Crashes immediately with DotNET error. No amount of runtime installation seems to fix it
Crashes about 0.5 seconds into the opening movie. No errors on command-line either.
Contrary to the other report, I had sound out of the box with no tweaking whatsoever - seems to work just fine
Seems to run okay, but nothing appears for the pause screen, making it impossible to quit, go full screen or change any settings
Works just fine. The jumping controls are very shonky, but I think that's just part of the game and not a side-effect of Proton
No sound...and with no sound, a rhythm game is completely unplayable. Installing 'xact' doesn't work either
Works as well as reported on Windows. Some glitches regarding input and ambient sound, but those seem to exist on Windows as well so are not caused by Proton. Has a little difficulty releasing input when Alt-Tabbing. Played to completion.
Claims to be running for a few seconds, then quits back to Steam with no error. Very annoying as it works in Wine, but not in Proton for some reason...
No sound, and the fonts on the right-click menu are missing, even after 'corefonts' are installed
No sound, and the fonts on the right-click menu are missing, even after 'corefonts' are installed
Crashes after a couple of seconds with "Unexpected identifier" error. Tweaks don't work
Complains about a missing MS MPEG4 video decoder, then quits...rather than just playing without the cut-scenes. Said decoder doesn't seem to be available via winetricks
After loading, immediately displays the starfield....but nothing happens. No logo, no menu, no game.
Starts fine, but incredibly jerky framerate with constant pauses and jerky motion making it very unpleasant, if not impossible to play. Tweaks make no difference
Generally runs okay. Without the tweak, if you go to full screen then back to windowed, the graphics corrupt, and going back to full screen crashes the game. With the D311 tweak, the graphics still corrupt if you return to windowed mode, but going back to full screen fixes them and you can continue the game.
Game starts fine, but at the end of the opening cinematic, won't return control to the player. It doesn't hang, but no button presses achieve anything
Runs for a few seconds, then quits to desktop with no error message. No game window appears.
Game runs, but there are severe graphical glitches. Textures pop in and out...highlighted objects can be seen through walls, and the frame rate is terrible. Using Wine D3D lowers the frame rate to single digits, and disabling D3D stops the game from loading altogether
Borked, even with patch
Still doesn't work, even with the patch mentioned by 'Sunny' elsewhere. Just opens a black window for a split-second then closes. No error.
Works okay in Windowed mode, but is unplayable in full-screen due to the aforementioned mouse cursor situation
Mouse cursor is extremely laggy in full-screen mode to the point of being unplayable. Works fine in windowed mode though, although you have to quit the game and restart when switching otherwise the screen doesn't update
Mouse cursor is extremely laggy in full-screen mode to the point of being unplayable. Works fine in windowed mode though, although you have to quit the game and restart when switching otherwise the screen doesn't update
Sounds is scratchy and crackly. Game minimises itself during bootup when the "heartrate monitor" parks itself in your system tray unannounced. During play the mouse sensitivity keeps switching to 10000x without warning, forcing the player to quit and restart. When interacting with devices in-game, the mouse can't be moved, making the game unplayable as you can't select any options to advance the story. Plus when quitting, the game doesn't cleanly close it's processes requiring the user to manually kill all the phantom processes still running, otherwise Steam thinks the game is still being played.
Missing videos
No video
Even after installing MFC manually, there is no video being played, either on the title screen or within the game. Since the entire premise of the game relies on watching and reacting to video, the game is completely unplayable
Won't start. Renaming file to Outcast 1.1.exe got it to briefly load, but then complains about a missing config.ini and tells you to delete config.ini...which doesn't exist (huh?) and run the launcher again. Repeat endlessly.
Crashes to desktop without warning after anything from a few seconds to a few minutes. No error message. Completely unplayable.
There is no .conf file for DOSBOX, so you have to manually mount the game directory before executing ROTT.bat
Seems to work okay, though I've only played for a few minutes
I assume the visuals are okay - they're supposed to be deliberately messed up so I don't know what they're actually supposed to look like!
Generally okay
Once the game went full screen it was impossible to switch to other tasks
Still doesn't work
Even with nVidia 440.48 and Proton 4.11-12 there are still no visuals
After sitting at the loading screen for fourteen(!) minutes (I timed it) with the hard drive constantly churning away, the game crashes back to desktop with no error message.
Font on launcher corrupt
Fullscreen didn't stretch the image...it also stole the mouse pointer requiring alt-tab to release
Crashes to desktop after creating window. Forcing D3D11 or disabling it entirely stops the crash, but still no graphics, making it unplayable
DOSBox game. Runs fine, though the fading in/out is rather slower than it should be, and the pause before the menu appears is several seconds longer than on Windows
Umm..it RUNS, but only in the technical sense. Most (but not all) of the text appears rotated 90 degrees and a lot of it runs outside the window so it's unreadable. There's no sound either. Fullscreen works.
Seems to play fine, although Full Screen mode doesn't work properly - the display doesn't resize so it just plays in the corner of a mostly-black screen
Runs fine, but you have to disable esync to stop random crashes when transitioning between scenes PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Seems to play fine, although Full Screen mode doesn't work properly - the display doesn't resize so it just plays in the corner of a mostly-black screen
Even with the tweak to enable video playback (see other comments about preferences.ini), the game only uses a tiny part of the window, with 90% of the image missing, making the game unplayable. Plus all the text is blank too.
Steam says the game is running, but no game window appears.
Seems to run okay, though there are strange graphical glitches which detract from the gameplay. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1795936703
Pressing "INFO" in the game crashes it with the error "Runtime Error 2002 - Could not load animation at line 19541"
None of the tweaks work. Black screen for a couple of seconds then crash to desktop with no error message
Black screen on startup
Nothing at all. No visuals, no sound, nothing
Hangs immediately on first screen. Can't even get to menu. Disabling D3D11 causes the game to not even get that far and immediately exits back to Steam with no error
A bit flaky, but generally works
No sound at all
Game locks up when pressing "FX" option on menu. Also crashes when attempting to quit
Crashes if you alt-tab from full screen. Crashes if you press "achievements" or anything that opens an external browser. Otherwise plays fine.