16:9 only
Every other version I tried gave me only a black screen with the song playing. Works flawlessly after changing the Proton version
Black screen with a song playing.
I get only a black screen with a song playing. I used Alt+TAB to get back to Steam. The STOP button for this game in Steam does not work. I was unable to kill Steam. I had to reboot my computer.
Game loads with audio only and a black screen on Proton 6-8, works normally on 5.13. Thank you, previous reporters.
KDE Taskbar flicker frequency, although it's "fixed" by setting it to "Auto Hide".
With current default Proton version, the game only show black screen.
5 minutes is all you need
Out-of-the box, all the five minutes it takes
Working perfectly out of the box.
Sound crackles loudly and constantly, even with xact installed in the prefix
finished the “game”
It's rather small art-piece then a game, but works well :)
No issues.