do not launch
mostly positive reviews are pre changing the anti-cheat shit
You can play, but a bit frustrating giving how many ages of development and price tag
When menu open looks like previous is not closed, but keep on faded background, hard to see
Camera keys press take seconds to release making it very difficult, probably caused by low FPS and ubuntu repeat keys
Very low fps specially when zoom out
Too expensive for what it provide
Runs well ou tof box, a bit, a bit of audio issues, not enought to break the game
Worked few years ago, I can not able to run anymore
protontricks --no-background-wineserver 1531540 dotnet472
Is playable as single player. Fps drop is a pain, but not painful that the game
After some time of game play, your fps will be down to 1/10 of normal, you can downgrade all graphics to get playable, a full game restart is require to get back.
There is some anti-cheat that don´t run on linux, you can not play in secure dedicated games
Crash before join the game after click to start the mission
very bad fps
there are other bugs, like you can not bind axis with hotas joystick
too low fps, not able to map all hotas axis
5 to 10 fps
Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X Joystick is detected, but doesn't work properly. "proton run control" joystick is detected and work normally. Another game, "Lunar Flight" works.
works fine
On the past it has very slow save games, currently version works fine
can enjojy, but 20fsp and stick inputs are painful
ubuntu if you press a key it get sticky
barely can have 20 fps
game has many bugs, maybe not related with linux
rare and related with creatures mining, I suspect is from the game, not linux compatiblity
Works well
You need to install prototicks and hack a png file to enter in the game, but crash when start a new game.
Ok if you really want
It is a while I don't play. But after sometime play it get very slow, restating both steam client and shadow empire fix for a while.
After changing the wine cpu topoloigy you can have steady 60pfs, otherwise is 20fps with input lag
You need to start in safe mode, or will get stuck
Is the first game in my new computer I can not play on max 60fps. This one runs on low quality at 40fps.
Using Proton 5.10 you can run, but crash on click in any option in menu
you can only play 15 minutes before become unplayable
after 20 minutes it goes to 5 fps
Low FPS, crashes
Looks like the number of channels is small, during battle you stop to hear your own guns
after 15 minutes, FPS go to 5. Appears that directx 11 runs better.
Crash after 15 minutes of game.
Looks good until big slowdown to 5 fps and possible crash
5 fps after 20 minutes in game. Switch between fullscreen (or back) give you 5 more minutes of good fps
crash after 20 minutes
Fail to find, when change proton version fail wth javascript with illegal argument to open socket
Open a small screen but mouse don´t appears when moved in the area
Not able to play