Proton v9 and experimental gave all kinds of graphical bugs. Had to use Proton 8.0-5 and it ran perfectly, 75 FPS @ 1080p on Highest settings with vsync on

Played the whole game without issue. If you liked Subnautica (play it first if you havent), youd like this one, buy it while its on sale!

PS4 controller was laggy, though I believe it might just be wearing down

PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
For my hardware works ok in openGL but is unplayable in vulkan , must set proton to use openGL as i did in the launch options.
No problems at all. Ran great!

Works out of the Box
Performance is comparable or even a bit better than on Windows 10
Works perfectly out of the box

There are no issues with performance or visuals, but there is a little bit of audio crackling from time to time.

No issues with this game. I don't have issues with having to type in-game with a virtual keyboard. All graphics settings high.
Using Heroic Launcher with Epic

Game just worked out of the box, downloaded from Epic Games using Heroic Games Launcher.
I'm using KDE running on X11 not Wayland.
Played through the game. No issues occured.

-The debug screen doesn't display text properly -It only ran with Proton-GE and under nvidia drivers (prime-run) on my hardware for some reason, otherwise terrible performance on any other proton/wine

PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
I play on secondary monitor. When game is fullscreen and screen locks, the game is moved to primary monitor after unlocking. (Easy fix - use shortcut to move screens or in game switch to windowed, move game, switch back to fullscreen.)
Using default settings (vulkan) game installs, loads, and plays fine but randomly crashes, especially on the opening cutscene. With launch option to use Direct3D, game runs smooth as silk.
Flickering graphic when looking to alien containment unit ect...
Finished game without issues

Did not play the game, really, only tested the framerate at the very beginning of the game. If you don't see any update after a month, then you can assume it's still perfect from me. I tested the game both on Windows and Linux, here's the difference i noticed by eye. ========== WINDOWS: Min FPS: 270; Max FPS: 460; Average FPS: 300 ========== LINUX: Min FPS: 240; Max FPS: 420; Average FPS: 280 ========== As you can see, the performance on Linux with my system was noticibly lower, but the averages were really close. The biggest difference is getting a lot of FPS while looking in the sky from Windows, which Proton is unable to achieve, but i would say it's not really that relevant. Those 30 FPS of difference might be noticable on low end PCs, so beware. One thing to point out is that i noticed two stutters on Windows, which i did not notice on Linux. They would probably disappear by capping the FPS tho, which i do recommend to always do when not benchmarking, in any game, for lower input latency. I tried GE but i got on average 10 to 15 less FPS, i still don't understand the point of GE, i always either get the same or worse performance.

Runs perfectly out of the box.
Getting mod support via BepInEx to work requires setting WINEDLLOVERRIDES='winhttp.dll=n,b' %command%
in the launch options.

Works well

Worked out of the box with no problems at all
rare slight lag spikes

Sometimes loses focus and can't be restored, especially after the game has been running a long time.
This ran alright for me on Proton 8.0-3, but won't launch at all on 8.0-4; switched to Proton Hotfox to get it to run. The only issue I am having with this game is if another program steals focus from it (for some reason the Steam client and steam friends/chat list likes to do this) and the game has been running a long time (at least 30 minutes), when I switch back to the game sometimes it fails to render, but it is still running... I can very carefully move my mouse around on the pause menu and save the game, so I don't lose progress. I have reduced (but not eliminated) instances of this happening by running steam in offline + small mode and disabling the steam overlay.

Played flawlessly!
I had no issues getting Below Zero to run flawlessly out of the box.

As others mention, the only thing i have noticed so far is the arrow cursor arrow being slightly off, missing texture and hard to see.
Game ran perfectly without any issues. Arch Linux Manjaro

Had to force an older version of GE-Proton8-3 to make the game launch. The default Proton 8.0-4 at the time of writing this report makes the game freeze on initial launch on my hardware. With the older GE-Proton there is no issue, the game works flawlessly, including mods.

Runs pretty much flawlessly except for one thing.
Cursor texture is wrong color and missing pixels. Usable but much harder to see.

gamemoderun %command% -force-glcore
The texture when scanning fragments glitches sometimes. Also sometimes a school of fish would appear on a single fish that will dissapear as soon as you approach it
It stuttered a lot without the prefixes, but it is probably something related to my system

Decreased max refresh and frame rates.
Typing does not work. Only the first letter typed saves.

Can't rename anything, the on-screen keyboard only registers first key touched
Works like a charm!

Steam Overlay disabled

gamemoderun %command% -force-glcore
Serrated edges and unable to change antialising
Small stuttering at the beginning
The game played at 7 FPS before the launch options, although it was not laggy, just more stuttering
mangohud %command%
Runs great, no issues at all
Works like a charm!
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
limited to 40fps, turn of anti alias, turn some settings down to medium. solid 40fps about 5 watts
In the game settings you should "scale up the UI" to about 1.20 to avoid small text...
Like native.
Same as the first game, runs perfectly.