Fullscreen does not work, borderless and windowed do
Logitech G29 did not have force feedback, but worked otherwise. May just be because of no official wheel compatibility with Linux
12 GB of ram is not enough when playing missions on medium graphics, use swap partition, upgrade ram, or set graphics settings to lowest
GE-Proton7-20 causes DLL error, stable on 7-19
Steam overlay did not work without forcing vulkan. Everest & Olympus, the mod managers for Celeste, work perfectly on linux as well, with native versions.
Works with about the same or better perfomance than on windows.
Most mods are fully compatible with linux, and popular mods that have extra steps usually include instructions on their steam page.
On proton versions other than 7.0-4 controller was not connected.
Proton versions before 7.0 had no problems with steam overlay & controllers, but videos did not work. Proton versions after 7.0-4, including GE, did not work with steam overlay or controllers, but did not have the video problem.
Dualsense and Qanba Obsidian do not load Playstation icons.
Strive has occasional connection problems not related to Proton. Quitting to title or restarting the game fixes any problems.
Unverum mod loader can work on Proton 8.0-5 via Protontricks, but text mods are not usable. With vanilla game or manual mod installation, latest Proton still works fine.
Lots of microstutters but does not greatly affect gameplay
Microstutters on first launch, a restart fixed these
Playable with work
Noticable loss in performance compared to Windows, but still runs at a playable framerate.
Played with Quest 1, ALVR, and ADBForwarder for wired connection. I had to manually start ADB with "./ADB start-server", then launch ADBForwarder. Connection is inconsistent, but once connected it has been stable. I had to manually add a connection in ALVR to get my headset to show, then change stream protocal to TCP, see ALVR's wired connection page for a guide. ALVR's lowest resolution preset was higher than the Quest 1's resolution, so I had to manually set resolution. Steam overlay in game is inconsistent, but can work.
Dualsense haptic vibration and adaptive triggers do not work. Proton 9, Experemental, and GE did not have any differences. Dualsense works well otherwise.
I do not have an Xbox controller to check if Xbox vibration is working.
Flatpak steam or use proton, native is unplayable without flatpak
Running through non flatpak steam textures, geometry, and shadows would extrude or flicker, making the game unplayable. Playing through flatpak steam solved these issues.
This does not have an option for windowed/borderless windowed
Steam cloud does not work on linux native, works on wine.
May work native, definitely works proton
Native version on my laptop (integrated Radeon graphics), models would extrude and lighting glitch, making the game unplayable. Native on my desktop (RX 6750 XT) did not have this problem. Proton version runs with no noticable problems.
Steam cloud does not download between Windows and Linux saves, but the versions have save compatibility.
Native broken, Proton is working fine
Native has issues with models extruding, input problems, and is unplayable. Proton has no problems.
May work native, definitely works proton
Native version on my laptop (integrated Radeon graphics), models would extrude and lighting glitch, making the game unplayable. Native on my desktop (RX 6750 XT) did not have this problem. Proton version runs with no noticable problems.
Steam cloud does not download between Windows and Linux saves, but the versions have save compatibility.
Works without bugs
All achivements unlocked upon opening, but I am unsure if it is just from playing the itch.io version first.
Works without bugs
All achivements previously unlocked with the itch.io version will unlock upon the first achivement requirement you meet in the Steam version.
Battle sound effects did not work until switching to proton 7.0-2
Performance dropped to 1 fps in settings, then froze. May be due to mods installed
My KDE Plasma topbar would flicker through the window occasionally, regardless of borderless windowed or exclusive fullscreen. Likely a game bug with fullscreen, unknown if something similar happens on Windows or other DEs.
Dualsense controller does not always connect, relaunching with enabling or disabling steam input can make controllers work again. Unknown if other conrollers have connection problems.
Videos would not work without Proton-7.1-GE-2
PROTON_LOG=1 GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE_RANK=protonaudioconverterbin:NONE %command%
Videos may play without audio, the launch option included in this report should fix it.
Some videos have visual corruption at the start of playback. The severity varies by hardware, but the videos should play normally after a second or two.
Vsync can cause flickering in fullscreen mode when loading a new area. Disabling vsync fixes the problem.
Dualsense controllers may not be detected on first launch, relaunching should fix them. I do not have other controllers to test. Steamdeck built in controls and keyboard and mouse should always work.
Mods also work with limitations, see Linux modding guide on Gamebanana.
HOST_LC_ALL=$(echo $LANG) %command%
Quanba Obsidian and Dualsense require Steam input to be enabled for the correct prompts. Without Steam input, the Quanba shows Xbox icons and the Dualsense is unresponsive.
Max graphics + balanced FSR 2.0 gives solid 60FPS @4k with my GPU for performance refrence
Titanfall vanilla servers have consistently had issues recently regargless of platform, but connecting to games is still possible, and connection is stable after entering a match. Northstar mod provides community servers, allowing for more consistent multiplayer.
Origin/EA overlay does not work, making invites through Origin/EA app difficult to accept
If using the uncensor and music restoration patch, the folder "c11_0080" in " ~ /Yakuza 3 Remastered/data/auth/" will need to be renamed "C11_0080" to avoid a crash in chapter 11 due to Linux having case sensitive file systems. Other than that, there were no problems with playing the main story.
Works without problems
If using the uncensor and music restoration patch, several folders in "~ /Yakuza 4 Remastered/data/auth/" will need to be renamed to have capital letters to avoid crashes in cutscenes. The game works perfectly otherwise.
Installing Media Foundations did not help with the cutscene bug
Cutscenes play the wrong audio, sometimes causing the cutscene to end early
Cutscenes that did not have the audio bug had artifacting instead
Several different proton versions were tested, none fixed the audio bug
Playable start to finish with no problems
Performace was worse compared to Kiwami 2, and no performace tips, like plugging in controllers after launching the game, helped.
Works fine with default proton
Dualsense has to be plugged in after game launch to display Playstation prompts