Works flawlessly, except VR
Slow loading, though this was most likely caused by the game being installed on a Hard Drive
OpenXR/VR does not appear to work at this time, simply saying that it cannot find a VR Device.
Runs smoothly, there's only lag on first game start, otherwise I haven't noticed any other issues!
gamemoderun mangohud %command%

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Choosing Vulkan it intially crashed but only happened once

First game start is slow. Maybe problem is in shader caching or anything else

Auf einen Crash gehofft, aber noch nur mit Autos...
Flackern in Vulkan-mode
Bei Grafikpresets ändern
Habe sowolh in DX11 und Vulkan getestet. SteamDeck Preset war beide 40 FPS. Beim Wechseln des Preset: DX11: Schnellere Reaktion, aber lange Laden Vulkan: etwas länderes Freez, aber anschließend flottes laden.
Und bei Low Preset hat Vulkan mehr FPS ca. 20+Fps zur DX11

It works, out of the box, starts and able to play.
Some crackling can be heard when the game is at a heavier load.
Black screen flickering depending on the scene, mostly noticed on gridmap, can be fixed by setting up a sync. (Seems to be caused by Wayland)
Playable but for sure noticed a degradation in performance compared to when running it via WIndows 11.
CPU and GPU is underutilized. Running the physics benchmark shows a low score compared to the windows system which got much higher scores
It runs "fine" for the majority of uses, but if you are planning to use traffic (even on simplified vehicles) it may have a difference depending on the hardware. Tried Vulkan native and DXVK. Also like others, I noticed a heavier ram usage then normal.
I'm still going to give this a slight performance problem, since again the game runs, it's very playable and for the most part runs fine.
Mods work perfectly fine.
works just fine with proton 9

It runs pretty good with no issues. I haven't tried running it without proton-ge but should be fine.

this game is very heavy on CPU and RAM, would crash occasionally because im running out of RAM

If you're using a bluetooth headphone or speaker, sound may cut out. Installing Pulsewire Volume Control and on the Playback menu, setting the bluetooth speaker fixes the problem.
When running the game on Vulkan API, in gameplay, game sometimes shows artifacts that cover the entire game screen for less than a split second.
All of the game's functionalities are intact and there is nothing to worry about after you done some tinkering. I prefer you play the game with DirectX API rather than Vulkan, because of the minor artifacts I mentioned above. Only one problem is that you have to enable the mods everytime you launch the game.

gamemoderun ./BinLinux/BeamNG.drive.x64
On my hardware, regardless of the version of the game (Native/Proton): the screen flickers in black depending on the scene.
I tried running the game via Steam (Proton), and using a native executable file. In all cases, the performance of the native version is slightly better, but everything works very well through Proton, too. On my computer, the screen flickers black, regardless of the version of the game. For the most part, this can be fixed by enabling VSync in the game and limiting FPS to the monitor frequency. In this case, flickering almost does not happen. It's strange that the developers haven't added a native version to Steam - it's just as good, if not better.

They must have made some extreme optimisations for this game, because it runs SO WELL on Linux it's INSANE! MAX SETTINGS!
Steam Cloud for settings is not supported. All settings must be manually copied over from a previous instance of the game.

Unplayable on any map more complicated than Gridmap

Playing simply with keyboard and mouse, and no mods, seems as good, if not better than my experience on Windows with the same exact setup
gamemoderun MANGOHUD=1 %command%
Best to run without a RAM intensive browser, such as firefox, with 16GB of RAM or less
All in all, at least as good as Windows with my experience and playstyle, if not better. I did run into issues having Firefox open though, as I ran out of RAM and the game crashed when loading into freeplay. Will be getting more RAM.

Doesn't launch with GE-Proton, switch to Experimental
I was able to load in with no mods and play just fine, same with about 120 mods installed. worked flawlessly.
gamemoderun MANGOHUD=1 %command%

Basically the same as Windows on Fedora
If set to anything smaller than native resolution, fullscreen - borderless or normal - won't take up the whole screen, only as big as that resolution is on your monitor. There may be a way to tinker this into not happening, but I haven't bothered to look.
If you have NVIDIA, just make sure you update your Flatpaks after an NVIDIA driver update, and reboot after that. I didn't do this once, and the world editor was unusable because every texture of the UI was replaced with a minus sign. I updated my Flatpaks, rebooted, and all was well.
Works great but can lag in some situations
Force feedback on steering wheels is sometimes a little finicky.

At the time i installed it(long time ago), there wasnt suport for my wheel
Breaking cars in rally is fun

You need to set fullscreen from game settings first, then you're free to make fullscreen or escape fullscreen

DRI_PRIME=1 %command%
DRI_PRIME=1 to use the dGPU on my Framework 16

Works great, on par with Windows except for 1 bug
Mods disabled on every startup. Have to acknowledge and enable every time.

Excellent in VR but REQUIRES GE-Proton6-26
VR REQUIRES GE 6-26 See: https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/pull/106
They include a native Linux binary in the windows install which works well and might work well for VR soon.. but for the time being running via GE-Proton8-26 is "110%". It even had no issues supporting my Logitech Speed Force Wireless for Wii wheel - first time I've experienced good force feedback!
Some recent changes I made which have vastly imrpoved performance:
See: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/enabling-gsp-makes-steamvr-unplayable-on-rtx-3090ti/298694 for performance.
Using tmpfs for Steam's log dir ( https://github.com/ValveSoftware/SteamVR-for-Linux/issues/631#issuecomment-2114253901)
Note: I'm now running a 3090 and 64GB RAM

Not with my hardware specs, which meets minimum on the steam store
Vulkan renderer caused flickering
Unplayable on my system. Seems 32gb or higher of RAM is required now.
System runs out of RAM at 16gb while playing beam
Works out of box

gamescope %command%
worked out of the box for me, my g920 was recognized well with oversteer

prime-run BinLinux/BeamNG.drive.x64 %command%
Somewhat unstable due to using native build for Linux.
Native beta works MUCH better than the regular version via proton, for me it was about a 2x performance increase.

runs great given the hardware when running with vulkan, but requires gamescope launch options to run without heavy artifacting under wayland
gamescope -w 3440 -h 1440 -b -f --xwayland-count 2 --adaptive-sync -- %command%
Heavy black flickering, solved by running the game through gamescope with the launch options. The flickering only occurs on wayland, and is fixed with gamescope.
It takes a comedically long time to load the initial models and sounds, but with patience they do load and everything is normal.
Vulkan gives huge performance boosts on AMD hardware at least, and it's worth the loading time of the models with the gamescope arguments to not have to switch sessions just to play this game. My launch options are gamescope -w 3440 -h 1440 -b -f --xwayland-count 2 --adaptive-sync -- %command% and you can replace the -w and -h arguments with the width and height of your display. Installing gamescope and running gamescope --help in a terminal will show you all the potential options and what they all do.

on big maps game lag and cant reach 20 FPS
It ran well, its almost crashed but came back however beamng is know for that on windows so i cant say if its the game or linux

Ran out of box
It ran well, its almost crashed but came back however beamng is know for that on windows so i cant say if its the game or linux

Minor crackling at times.
Extreme lag when first entering a level, but goes away after 10 seconds or so once everything is fully loaded

For the most part it works, but Traffic needs alot of Memeory and therefor require some SWAP added extra
When using Traffic, this can be fixed by adding SWAP to my system (in my case 32GB)

Low framerate with normal Proton. GE doubles it.
Launching in Vulkan mode crashes, so VR doesn't work

Axis were upside down, though rebinding is very simple.
If launching directly from steam without tinkering, go to the game's folder, inside "BinLinux" is a native linux runtime that has overall better performance. For use of the multiplayer mod, see https://forum.beammp.com/t/linux-setup-beammp-proton-with-steamtinkerlaunch/688297 - Steam Tinker Launch will bring you through most of the steps, and everything runs flawlessly once installed.

Ran out of the box. Switch the Proton version to Proton Experimental and run it from Steam. No issues.
Ran out of the box. Switch the Proton version to Proton Experimental and run it from Steam. No issues.

gfx vk
Do not switch audio sorces mid game otherwise the audio will go away completly.
Game runs slower than on Windows and traffic crashes my game
Sometimes the game crashes when I spawn Traffic