Instability made for a bad first impression. Performance seems to smooth out with subsequent playtime.
DXVK_FILTER_DEVICE_NAME="AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT" VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json %command%
Because the game crashed before the first save point, I had to load the first autosave (after the unskippable intro) ... however, this save was bugged, the NPCs were stuck in place and the game did not progress. I had to start a new game.
Frame rate dipped to 5-10fps during introduction sequence. Did not repeat on second playthrough of sequence. Stuttering when entering new zones.
Crashed my entire PC when attempting to use a save point in the first area.
Will update my report after spending a few more hours with the game.
Game is not playable on the first run, you will have to suffer through a couple stuttery runs before performance stabilizes.
Significant stuttering when entering new areas. Improved on subsequent playthroughs, so I believe this may be a shader issue.
Occasional stuttering, especially during the slow-motion after clearing a room
Make sure to pick DirectX 11
Only occasional audio crackling on the new patch
Multiplayer mods work too
Mouse controls did not work while controller was plugged in
Game would refuse to launch until adding launch options
Works well. Takes *ages* to load in, but runs great once it's loaded. Issues with black screen on startup, easily fixed by fullscreen toggle
Note that I am using i3, so your mileage may vary. During the publisher logos, the screen is black. Toggling fullscreen off and on again (SUPER + F for me) fixed it, but the game is again all black at the main menu, where I must again toggle fullscreen on and off in order to see the game.
I was having issues with my wireless controller staying connected, likely unrelated to the game itself. However, occasionally when my controller would disconnect, the game would become entirely unresponsive to user input, even keyboard and mouse, and I had to restart. The issue did not occur again after switching to a wired controller.
At first, the image would frequently freeze, while the audio kept playing, and the game was responding to my input (for example, pressing the throttle would play the engine sound despite the frozen image.) Switching to a different i3 workspace and back would "reset" it. The culprit turned out to be v-sync, turning it off fixed the issue entirely.
Not sure if the load time is to do with Proton, or if it's like this on Windows, too. Forza is a massive game so it's conceivable that this is normal. The black screen issue is not a huge deal, and it might only present itself on i3, similar to the v-sync freezing. The game input becoming unresponsive upon controller disconnecting was extremely annoying, however, and it prompted me to switch to a wired controller.
Due to non-functioning Steam overlay, your friends will need to invite you. Runs perfect otherwise.
Steam Overlay not working. Switching to experimental fixed it temporarily, but back to not working.
Game would crash and freeze my entire system, requiring a forced hardware reboot.
Switched to proton experimental bleeding edge as per other recommendations on this page. Game ran exceptionally well with no problems EXCEPT the crashes, which happened basically once per match.
Proton hotfix seems to solve the stability issues introduced by the latest patch
Make sure to install the Proton Hotfix update in the download manager, then, disable any forced Proton version and use the default. The game will launch into the menu, Steam overlay works, and the game does not unexpectedly crash mid-match.
One specific area of the map causes crash every time
Game freezes and becomes unresponsive SPECIFICALLY at the "Deadfall Timber" area. Even approaching the compound from a distance will cause the freeze, requiring to kill the process; except sometimes it locks up the whole GPU and I have to hardware reboot my PC.
VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr11 DXVK_FILTER_DEVICE_NAME="AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT" VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json %command%
Occasional screentearing, not severe
Do NOT use amdvlk
drivers as you WILL crash in the "Deadfall Timbre" area every time. Either uninstall that package or force the radeon-vulkan drivers. Unsure if Proton Experimental or forced DX11 is needed; just for good measure.
Works great, runs like native.
Sometimes the cursor would disappear, and you have to wiggle the mouse for it to appear
Was able to get into the main menu. Attempting to start a new game crashes Steam.
VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json %command%
Screen would flicker and fail to go into fullscreen. Launch options fixed this problem. Could not properly escape fullscreen by switching to a different i3 workspace. Had to spam the workspace switching keys for it to eventually switch.
VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json %command%
Mirror reflection broken in just a single cutscene
Runs beautifully well. I hated every single second of my 20 hour playthrough (which is a huge compliment for horror)
gamemoderun %command% -dx11
Wired xbox 360 controller was not vibrating properly. It would very rarely vibrate, barely noticably, during some melee attacks. Not really that immersion breaking so I stopped trying to fix that and just played the game. Despite that, I definitely recommend a controller for this game.
On my specs, I was able to run the game completely maxxed out at 1080p. I locked FPS at 60 and it only ever dropped below that in cutscenes, which are locked at 30 FPS. There is some color fringing, which is an issue on Windows as well; this was easily resolved by navigating to the game's wine prefix, opening the file located at /Users/YourUsername/AppData/Local/SilentHill2/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini
, and adding the following to the end:
VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr11 %command%
Stutters a lot
Game forces shader compilation on every boot. Not a Linux specific issue
Game was stuck on the initial loading screen. Switching to GE fixed the issue.
Tiny stuttering right after loading level. Gone after around a minute of playtime.
Played ~100 hours on Xorg with no issues. Issues after switching to Wayland; fixed via launch option and uninstalling a depreciated package.
SDL_VIDEODRIVER=x11 %command%
Wayland: Screen would completely glitch out when playing Strike cards. Launch options fixed the issue.
Wayland: Controller was detected despite not having one connected. Had to uninstall xboxdrv.
Missing the background textures on default Proton -- switch to GE fixes the problem
gamemoderun %command%
Occasionally, the intended "glitching" effect on the status monitor will have a weird artifact that seems unintended. Not a real issue, barely even immersion breaking.
Considering my hardware I would expect to run this game maxed out @ 1080p with a stable 144 fps, but sometimes it can dip down to ~100. Not an issue considering this isn't exactly a "fast paced game" -- I wouldn't have even noticed if it weren't for the Steam FPS counter.
It feels like a native experience. I am completely hooked on this game.
Lower graphics for a better frame rate
Stuttering, low frame rate
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=144 %command%
Heavy screen tearing even with vsync enabled; adding the launch option resolved the game speed issue, and alleviated most of the screen tearing, although it does still happen occasionally.
With vsync disabled, I can only describe it as the game running at "double speed", the menus, physics, everything. Enabling vsync resolved this, but resulted in very noticable screen tearing, which I fixed with the launch option.