The game deserves a platinum honestly, as it does not have any major bugs, works good and performant, no tinkering needed
Limited FPS to 40
Some artifacts can be observed
Minor stutterings when device is cold started
Give it a platinum, silver doesn't cut it at all

Works well out of the box
If you are using AMD gpu with mesa driver

Some small and rare texture bugs
Couldn't play on TV display

Controller missing Start/Menu button mapping
The game installed and ran no problem. By default, my Steam install uses GE-Proton9-26, but this version would not show the Xbox sign-in on multiple attempts. I was unable to see it on Hotfix, but on Experimental, the sign-in displayed. Once signed in, I could use any proton, so I switched back to GE, but Steam stock 9-x works, and so does Experiemental and Hotfix.

If you have a proton prefix remove it (by removing the pfx directory), use Proton Experimental to login, use Proton GE to play the game.
Game is a black screen when alt+tabbing out
Some stutters every now and then
Took a couple attempts, but made it work.

Tried everything - nothing worked
Whatever I tried, game says my graphics card isn't supported. Message can be ignored, game launches with black screen and no sound. Alt+Enter etc. doesn't help.

I have solved the stuttering problem with this: Navigate to Settings -> HUD and Gameplay and disable player-designed cars and drivatars. If it is not enough then, disable online-functionality by switching to Horizon Solo mode.
Had to use GE-Proton22 to get out of the sign-in loop to allow signing into a Microsoft account before switching back to Proton experimental to play the game normally.

VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL=12_1 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr11 gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Sometimes there are stutters, but most often the frame rate is 60 (locked)
As mentioned earlier, there is stutters while racing, but game is not unplayable. With these parameters stutters did not gone, but there are almost gone. I'm playing with MSAA 8X, vsync on, full screen on, graphics - very high. In-game testing suggested minimal settings for some reason.

Sometimes fog that is very far off in the distance flickers, but it is barely visible, especially if you're not looking for it.
Ran as it did on windows when set to proton experimental. I did not try with the default or GE, but from other reports, it seems that it would work fine on those as well.
get a wine error vkCreateRayTracingPipelinesKHR, to solved i had to put "particle effects quality" and "ray tracing quality" on "very low" and off respectively

Since you dont have Microsoft game bar you wouldnt be able to invite friends but are still playing in an online game. To circumvent this, just install the xbox app on your phone and add your friends there and then you can send an invite from the mobile application.
game always launches in fullscreen mode with a black overlay which covers the game

I set GE-Proton and it just ran as expected.

Proton Experimental for logging in; Starting the game in windowed mode
flickering when the game is in fullscreen and V-Sync is enabled. black screen when the game is started in fulscreen.
I needed to use proton Experimental for logging into my Xbox account, but then I changed it back to Proton 9.0-4 because it runs better. Start the game windowed and only fullscreen the game once you're loaded in or you get a black screen. Aside from that, the game runs great.

Works out of the box with GE-Proton9-25

Switch to windowed.
Had to open the game on my second monitor, switch to windowed, and move to main monitor.

He usado Proton 9-04 y con esa version no he tenido problemas, con mis componetnees he logrado jugar en graficos medios y altos, DLLS no no es recomendable ya que baja el rendimeitno de mi grafica (gtx 1660 super), actualmente estoy en la distribucion de Ubuntu 24.04.02

gamescope -W 3440 -H 1440 -w 3440 -h 1440 -r 120 -f --force-windows-fullscreen --hide-cursor-delay 1000 -- %command%
On Bazzite KDE. Had to launch via gamescope else I had flickering on launch credits and then a black screen with no responsiveness. Had to enter the "r 120" in order to be able to set framerate limit higher than 60 (I'm on a 120Hz monitor). Ran perfectly on full max/extreme settings no dips below 120.

works flawlessly ootb on hyprland
in hyprland, starts in a window regardless of in game setting. using hyprland fullscreen bind fullscreens it with no issues. seems like other ppl have issues on hyprland, the only thing i can think of is that i use a window rule to float all steam apps by default

Black screen, could hear menu ticking on mouse hover, HAD TO PRESS ALT + ENTER and all was well.
Controller: No MENU or START button mapped
smooth, butter, can caravan with friends

If you encounter issues with the game launching in fullscreen/borderless, such as constant flickering, make sure to 1) try and disable adaptive VSync and 2) ensure your KDE rendering backend is set to OpenGL. This should allow the game to run in its launching state. Alternatively, if you have access to window controls, move the game window from its default position and it should respond normally. This is what I needed to do in order to get the game working.

Game works flawlessly after some tinkering, besides a memory leak that takes some hours to manifest.
On Hyprland, the game always launches in a floating window behind a fullscreened black window. This can be fixed by setting a fullscreen resolution with gamescope.
Memory leak. After about 2-3 hours, the game will warn that system memory is low, at which point the game process is using over 30 GB
On the first launch you have to login to your Microsoft account. The Window that comes up was completely white for me. I tried a bunch of different proton versions, until one of them let me see the login window and i could login. After that I went back to GE with no issues.
I've enabled GameMode, NVAPI and DLSS support in SteamTinkerLaunch which allows me to use DLSS in the game with no issues.
Works out of the box
No issues whatsoever. Well, there are some things, but those are platform-agnostic, so not gonna list those. Game genuinely runs better on Linux that on Windows & Xbox, no crashing like on the aforementioned platforms.

DXVK_HDR=1 gamescope -f -W 2560 -H 1440 -r 165 --hdr-enabled -- %command%
On Hyprland outside of Gamescope, going fullscreen will lead to inconsistency. The goal would be to get to a point where a black fullscreen window would open up over the gameplay, which I would have to move out of the way before manually fullscreening the game; otherwise, fullscreening manually would lead to black bars at the bottom. Gamescope sidesteps the issue entirely

It just shows a black screen when I try to set it to fullscreen from the in-game settings and if I use hyprland's fullscreen keybind it goes fullscreen but has black bars at the bottom and right even though I have set the game's resolution to 1920x1080
Somebody pls help

For best battery performance while also not compermising graphics quality too much, Low Preset was used while on the go
Forza will randomly hitch for a breif momment before contuning on like nonthing happened, This happens no matter the Quality preset which leads me to think it might be a proplem with the game itself or proton
The steam deck can easliy handle up to the High Quality preset, and can (somewhat smoothly) run on Ultra. My recomendation is to use Low when on battery or not near an outlet, and go full on with Ultra or High when plugged in

I had to swith to Proton Expirimental to login.

Couldn't finish logging in to my Microsoft Account using Proton 9.0-4. I switched to Proton Experimental and was able to login and play right away.
no problems but boot the game in desktop mode to sign into xbox, besides that gets a smooth 60 fps on low preset

Works out of the box
Running Proton 9.04 as my default on Steam, game installed and ran perfectly out of the box, no tweaking or adjustments required.
Got the Microsoft/Xbox sign-in pop-up right away, game works great with no issues so far, performance is solid and stable.

Tried this with a MS account that has never played before. No issues. Also tried with an account previously played on Windows, all cars and achievements came across without issue. Input device: DualSense Controller, wired.

when you start the game it asks you to log in. it used to let you log in to xbox, now it gets stuck and then says it can't log in. it goes on and on in a loop. before the update you could play, now it doesn't.

Каждый раз при перемещении на карту --- выкидывает в меню по причине «Ошибка с экрана». После этого можно вернуться в игру и спокойно играть
Стабильные 45 FPS на Steam Deck OLED без фризов и провисаний FPS.
Настройки Видео:
- Разрешение 1280×800
- Частота Кадров 45 КАДР./С
- Вертикальная синхронизация ВКЛ
- Полный экран ВКЛ
- Частота Кадров ВКЛ
- Размытие в движении ОТКЛ
- Сглаживание MSAA 4X
Настройки Графики:
- Анизотропная фильтрация СРЕДНЕ
- Качество теней НИЗКО
- Ночные тени ОТКЛ
- Качество размытия в движении НИЗКО
- Качество текстур окружения НИЗКО
- Качество геометрии окружения НИЗКО
- Качество SSAO ОТКЛ
- Качество отражений НИЗКО
- Детализация машин в мире НИЗКО
- Деформация ландшафта СРЕДНЕ
- Качество SSR НИЗКО
- Эффекты линзы ОТКЛ
- Качество шейдеров СРЕДНЕ
- Качество частиц ОЧЕНЬ НИЗКО
- Качество трассировки лучей ОТКЛ

Crashes the moment it finishes loading
Able to boot up and edit settings. But after it compiles/optimizes it crashes, I never make it to gameplay. Have tried several Proton versions. Does not make it to gameplay, crashes the moment it would.

you can load into the open world random multiplayer just fine but due to the lack of xbox gamebar its impossible to join or invite friends.
game would run in background but remained as blackscreen in fullscreen. fixed by disabling adaptive sync in kde settings.
mouse clicks were not detected at all. not a problem since i use an xbox controller for forza anyway.
upgraded gpu from 2070 super to rx7600 xt before switching to linux, experiencing anywhere from 2-10 frames on the same settings as my windows install.

Sometimes the cursor doesn't stay in the screen and travels to the second screen - fixed by changing to windowed/fullscreen. The game alt-tabs to a black screen every other time.
Microsoft account required for Signing in - otherwise the game is unplayable. The caveat is that the MS windows pop-up doesn't render. I had to keep restarting the game for 15 minutes until it finally rendered, and then spend another 15 in the whole signing in and linking Steam to MS account.
Works fine except for the MS sign in which doesn't work first 15 times.

Works like a charm
A bit worse performance than Windows but nothing really of note

When doing jumps some ground textures sometimes missing when car reach high altitudes. Seems also windows side issue.
Drivetar and player designs cause significant stuttering and frame drops. Seems also windows side issue.
It seems original game developer team has abondon the game, read; no game bug or performance fix -patch expected and there is only small (amateur) team developing more (game breaking) content for $. Example vram leak, related to player and drivetar designs been around now for years. "devs" respond repeating "we could not reproduce the issue".
- yeah, right.
That said game is fun and sometimes challenging even tho not very realistic.