The options menu has some issues with crashes when changing video settings. Game still runs flawlessly, just restart the game and the option changes where saved.
With the 530 nvidia driver it's currently impossible to play, downgrading works but isn't worth doing for just one game.
Proton-5.11-GE-3-MF GloriousEggroll
Moving workspaces I have issues with my mouse pointer being stuck in a small square in the middle of the screen, going out and into another workspace and back into the game fixes it(no need to restart).
Occasionally states "corrupted save" and I never experienced this under Windows(played a couple 100 hours on windows before). Just clicking on all characters lets me load the game normally if it happens(which is rarely).
Modding works really well on Linux. F4SE works with the stated GE-Protonversion, only downside is the lack of a native mod-manager. Lutris thankfully has some working in wine works best for me.
Shader cache, we've not received one precompiled yet but once it is compiled it is smooth like butter.
Game kept crashing, ' sudo sh -c "echo 1000000 > /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count" ' fixed that issue entirely. Shoutout to this comment
If you run the command once per reboot the game just runs perfectly. There's a way to make it permanent but I have not done that yet.
Game runs. You do lose a little bit of performance but generally playable. Had to use the 4.x proton version as the other one wouldn't run for some reason.
Copy all from Win64Shared folder to Win64 folder, after that it runs flawlessly.
Works out of the box, my gamepad worked way better then it ever did on windows(if at all).
Ignoring the slowness when first running it's a great game working, finished it on Linux.
Slowness in the beginning, played fine after a while and all slowness went away.
Perfectly playable
Fixing my old review with this, used to run really bad but now it's entirely playable.
Although voice recognition doesn't work it's not required and the game is great fun and very playable with other people.
No voice recognition as others have pointed out. Can thankfully be ignored.
Had to physically unplug my second monitor to get it to run above 15fps. Now the game runs perfect.
Game runs pretty well. I leveled 2 characters to 50 without issues, tried a little bit of Cyrodil, did some dungeons and all the usual stuff you do in the game.
Proton-5.9-GE-7-ST GloriousEggroll
Glorious Eggrolls proton version
i3/tiling window manager issue, you need to get into the options menu and make it full screen again every launch. This is very likely due to the tiling window manager blowing up the screen and thus causing issues. Any stacking window manager might be unaffected but even then it's just a flickering window where you can still see the options menu.
Runs great out of the box.
I didn't try mods, might have to give that one a whirl but don't see why they shouldn't work.
Be sure your library path does not contain any . (dot) as this will cause crashes(this is not a wine bug but a game bug). Game runs flawless on Ultra otherwise. You might need to change your installation path out of the .steam folder into something like /home/games.