mangohud gamemoderun %command%
No issues to report.

Works without error
Everything works perfectly. Saves can be manually transfered from windows with any sort of external storage
Runs perfectly

Playing without setting these launch options repeatedly resulted in the game crashing in first few minutes, so be sure to set them.
Worked perfectly with no issues, fantastic game

Fullscreen has the same issues for me in Linux that it did on Windows. Scaling is off, and there's cropping issues. This isn't Linux related. Windowed version works absolutely fine.
Ran flawlessly for me other than the fullscreen issue noted that also occurs in Windows.

Game crashed within the first few minutes. Not at a consistent point in gameplay, but always after very little uptime.
Crashes within first 5 minutes
Tried a few Proton versions (including GE) and launch options; ones listed yielded best results.
As other reports mention, some bounding issues when using the other fixes mentioned, as well as non-perfect pixel alignment when using stretching. Copied a lot of this from other reports, but none had a perfect fix for everything, so here:
To fix: World of Horror Steam Library Page -> Settings -> Properties... -> Game Resolution -> Set to 2560x1440 (Smaller will cause bounding issues, as well as pixel alignment imperfections caused by stretching to fix bounding), then launch game and re-enter the same menu to enable the new checkbox "Set Resolution for internal and external display" that appears.
Then In-game: turn fullscreen to OFF. And Full screen stretching to OFF.
Frame rate limiting -> 30 (game is locked at 30 anyway) Half rate shading -> on TDP Limit -> 3 watts Manual GPU Clock control -> 200 GPU clock frequency Scaling filter -> Liner (Only one that doesn't result in pixel tearing/misalignment)
Runs perfectly, gets around 4-5 hours of battery life. (!!!)
No Cloud saving possible

Disable fullscreen and fullscreen stretch, then enable them to avoid the game screen being cropped. A little ugly, but not a dealbreaker.
Does not support cloud saves. No other issues.
Unplayable when set to 1:1 (too zoomed out) and 3:3 (too zoomed in) scales. 2:2 scale cuts off the left and right edges of the game screen. Fullscreen stretch will stretch out the top and bottom parts of the screen, making menus, characters, and other art taller and/or thinner than intended. Windowed mode makes the game blurry and difficult to read.
To fix: World of Horror Steam Library Page -> Settings -> Properties... -> Game Resolution -> Set to 1920x1080 or 1600x900 and enable checkbox "Set resolution for internal and external display." After launching the game, go to Options and enable "Fullscreen Stretch" if it hasn't been enabled already.
Unplayable when set to 1:1 (too zoomed out) and 3:3 (too zoomed in) scales. 2:2 scale cuts off the left and right edges of the game screen. Fullscreen stretch will stretch out the top and bottom parts of the screen, making menus, characters, and other art taller and/or thinner than intended.
Windowed mode makes the game blurry and difficult to read.
x3 scale fullscreen cuts off parts of the screen. x2 or x1 scale work fine.
Once you change the launch settings it works perfectly.
Side of the screen get cut off
Side of the screen are cut off
The resolution issue needs fixing
Work perfectly with protonGE, which I tend to use by default to avoid most common tiny issues;
Added Resolution=1280x720 to the game's options.ini file, but it's still cut off slightly on the far right side in terms of being able to move my mouse pointer there.

Game continually crashes within a few minutes of starting it up - at no repeatable time internval nor game state.
Tried the Wine3D and Esync options.
Seems to work on proton for most people, but a few just cannot get it to run?
Can't play in windowed mode - loses cursor. Fullscreen mode requires 1:1 with stretch or the game gets cut off on the sides.
Windowed mode mouse pointer does not visally track until you click.
Can't use mouse input in windowed mode. Fullscreen mode has sides cut off unless you use 1:1 scaling w/ full screen stretch. Makes text vertically stretched out.

Runs better on my machine than when I was running Windows on my current machine.
Thereś some minor issues with some animations playing more quickly than is likely intended (such as for animations linked to reveals), but otherwise runs like butter.
Using Pipewire
Runs without the need for any Launch options using Proton Experimental and 6.3-5.
Without the PROTON_USE_WINED3D launch option, the screen would stay solid white in a small window until manually closed. After applying the launch option, the game launches just fine.

Absolutely playable, better in full screen.
The game has some weird behavior in windowed, it might either stretch or not fit in fully depending on the window size.
Crashes make the game impossible to play.
Crashes shortly after starting "SPINE-CHLLING STORY OF SCHOOL SCISSORS", usually within 5 minutes. Crashes don't seem consistent - they don't happen at exactly the same point, but they always do happen.

Don't alt-tab while you're playing.
Alt-tabbing may cause the game to start stuttering until a restart
I am running KDE Plasma on X.Org. I haven't tried disabling the compositor yet. Maybe that might fix the stutter...
The game runs perfectly out of the box, without the need of any launch options.

Runs great out of the box.
I didn't try mods, might have to give that one a whirl but don't see why they shouldn't work.
marche sans tweaks à faire, directement au lancement
The game runs, saves, and allows you to mod, all as intended.

The game is in early access, and saving runs is buggy on Windows, no more so for Linux. Runs are quick, so saving is very optional.
If using mods, because of the way Linux Steam handles the file system you can drop the custom folder directly into the main game folder (right click game, then click Properties > Local Files > Browse Local Files). This info may change over time as the game develops.
Seems to work properly out of the box. Audio, graphics, all looking fine
Set these launch parameters PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Doesn't launch at all
It's work perfectly.

Just didn't work
Tried PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 and PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1, but none of them works
occasional crashes if esync is enabled, runs perfectly with PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1

Works fine after forcing OpenGL.