Playable with proper settings, but will have noticiable slowdowns on certain scenarios. Other games from the same year run a lot better.
Had to install vcrun2022 dependency for SpecialK mod.
Needed to reduce the screen resolution to 1280x720, disable anti-aliasing and remove Global Ilumination (with SpecialK mod) to get a playable framerate.
The problems with performance on hardware close to the recommended specs on the store show clear lack of optimization. Regardless, can be played from beginning to all endings with proper options and modding. But some BS on the game itself, mainly non-replayable sidequests and forced "optional" endings is a lot worse than the performance - specially the requisite to get Ending Y, a real insult to skilled players.

Works super well out of the box, few minor issues not affecting gameplay.
Extremely infriquent artifacting with hair.
Custom controller mapping in-game has to be done every launch, no biggie.
Very enjoyable experience without tinkering at all, neither issue really degrade gameplay.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
severe controller lag with xbox one controller on bluetooth connection. resolved with WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%

Lighting did flicker a lot after longer periods of playing
I rarely experienced crashes during longer cutscenes
Turn off MSAA
gamemoderun %command%
Keyboard and Mouse Controls Displayed When Using Controller sometimes after using Keyboard and Mouse and does not switch back to controller glyphs everytime.
Installs and plays without any issues

Works pretty much out of the box , just add DXVK_FRAME_RATE=59 %command% to launch options to solve the micro stuttering issue
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=59 %command%
Pressing a key on the keboard would sometimes cause the ui glyphs to glitch between pc mode and controller
Works pretty much out of the box , just add DXVK_FRAME_RATE=59 %command% to launch options to solve the micro stuttering issue

Прошел игру полностью
Во время всего прохождения проблем встречено не было

Game runs great out of the box as long as you don't use MSAA. Modding is more finnicky than Replicant, but easy once you know what to do.
Game native MSAA introduces black artifacts. Switch to SMAA.
Game native MSAA significantly affects frame rate. Switch to SMAA.
Quick tips if anyone is having trouble with SpecialK, ReShade or LodMod:
Installed d3dcompiler_47 and vcrun2022 into game's prefix:
protontricks 524220 d3dcompiler_47 vcrun2022
Downloaded Wolf's Limit Break - File Size Limit Patch from NexusMods and replaced the game's executable with it.
Downloaded the latest SpecialK from GitHub (v 24.27.2 at the time), extracted SpecialK64.dll into game directory and renamed it to d3d11.dll.
Started the game.
Game should start and SpecialK's overlay should appear. SpecialK menu should be accessible by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Backspace. Additionally d3d11.ini, FAR.ini files and SK_Res folder should have generated in the game directory.
Downloaded latest ReShade from ReShade website (6.3.3 at the time), extracted ReShade64.dll from the downloaded executable and placed it in the game directory.
Added this at the end of the d3d11.ini file in the game directory:
Started the game.
Game should start and ReShade's overlay should appear. ReShade menu should be accessible by pressing Home. Additionally ReShade folder should have generated in the game directory.
Downloaded Automata-LodMod from NexusMods, extracted xinput1_4.dll and LodMod.ini, placed them in the game directory and renamed xinput1_4.dll to dinput8.dll.
LodMod is tricky to verify working as it doesn't announce it's presence. Two methods I found are:
- Downloading re-encoded H264 cutscenes and playing through the intro sequence to see if the play correctly.
- Setting up an FPS counter and seeing if the FPS is lower when dinput8.dll is present in game folder (LodMod's defaults are a little taxing)
Warning: If LodMod is not working and one is using custom cutscenes they will not load correctly and the game will softlock!
Everything worked out of the box.

DXVK_FRAME_RATE=59 mangohud %command%
Playing on a VRR monitor at the fixed 60FPS of the game, there was a slight micro-studdering issue for me. Reducing it to 59 through DKXV_FRAME_RATE solved that. Runs completely smooth now.

Sometimes in open areas it lags a little, but in handheld mode it's not noticable.
Overall really enjoyable experience.

Works fine!
Works perfectly

gamemoderun %command%
Works Perfectly out of the Box. Only booting on ext4. No boot on ntfs
No issues, works like native

If you are going to be using mods and special k, you have to use proton 8.0.5 but if not newer versions of proton work fine
I had to use proton tricks to install VC_redist x64 and x86

If you're fine with how the game looks out of the box, no need for tinkering. However, I recommend using the LodMod.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" gamemoderun %command%
I found the way the game handles level of detail jarring, so I downloaded a visual mod.
The mod initially refused to work for me until I renamed xinput1_4.dll to dinput8.dll; you might not need to rename it, so adjust the launch option accordingly.
Anti-aliasing settings impact the performance to a greater extent with LodMod enabled - MSAA 8x makes it practically unplayable. I ended up using SMAA for most of my playthrough. Also I followed the suggestion from other reports to enable gamemode, but I didn't notice much difference with it, your mileage may vary.

To use Special K without crashing, installing vcrun2022
via protontricks was necessary. Using Proton 8.0-5 was also necessary. Using other versions (9.0-3, GE 9.0-7, GE 8.0-32) resulted in a crash upon reaching a white screen before the menu loaded.
UI hints for input rapidly flickered between controller and keyboard controls.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES=xinput1_4=n,b gamemoderun %command%
Rolled back Proton to 8.0-5 to avoid crashing as game starts, now runs perfect with SpecialK (9.0-2 would probably be fine as well). LodMod and many other texture injections work perfectly now.

env WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%

gamemoderun %command%
Alt-tabbing made the control glyphs go between controller and keyboard/mouse rapidly. Switching to Proton GE fixed this issue entirely.

Dropped down to 1152x720 and used FSR to native, 2 sharpness. Dropped to low settings but kept AO on. Locked to 60fps/60hz.
This game will default to lower resolutions and become completely illegible if you also play on Windows desktop like I did. It has a problem saving settings to hardware configs, so it will falsely apply your higher settings to the Deck, resulting in a completely unreadable start screen. Switching the resolution back to desired fixes this.
A game you most definitely can play handheld but might prefer the biggest screen possible.

gamemoderun %command%
AO artifacts in various scenes. On ultrawide resolutions rare white flashes can be observed in the main menu, cutscenes or pause screen.
setting window mode to fullscreen and minimising the game window causes it to start spinning frames without limit.
Glory to mankind

If the Proton version works it runs reasonably well. Ultra-widescreen monitors will have some issues.
Alt-tabbing sometimes affected the state of the screen. Switched from Fullscreen to Windowed without actually changing the Screen settings, but it behaved like Borderless by stretching the UI on my ultra-widescreen monitor. Had to change it back manually.
Left the game vacant for a bit and of some reason I couldn't click the menu items. Game froze shortly after with a black screen and needed to restart.
Had a crash after leaving the game vacant when paused for a few minutes. Also, newer versions of Proton and GE had the game window permanently freeze when trying to launch it. Had to downgrade to 8.0-5 for it to launch at all.
Screen Mode switching on its own when alt-tabbing in and out of the game.
Older versions of Proton work better than the latest iterations for this game.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES=xinput1_4=n,b gamemoderun mangohud %command%
If you wanna use the LodMod for nier be sure to put: WINEDLLOVERRIDES=xinput1_4=n,b in your launch option

Game runs perfectly with no issues. Steam does all the job for you. I had one crash but nothing more
Devola and Popola best waifu
gamemoderun %command%

Game works out of the box and is able to load save files in Steam Cloud
Works perfectly out of the box! Just let the Steam Cloud synchronize and Steam will choose the correct version of Proton for you.

Near perfect OOTB
After about 2 hours of playing the FPS would drop by around 20. Restart fixes it
After about 1 hour of playing with a PS5 controller the game would start showing keyboard prompts and start flickering between keyboard and controller prompts when giving any input on the controller.

The experience is the exact same as on Windows. The port isn't great but the game is - and runs fine under Linux!
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
DualSense is only detected after emulating a 360 controller using SC Controller.
Anti-aliasing is broken and causes major perfomance issues. Turning AA to MSAAx8 or turning it off altogether fixes any issues.

Runs great. Turn off AA / Anti-aliasing in Graphics Settings - It tanks performance (also on Windows), It's known to be broken.
A great experience. Played both back and forth on linux/windows devices syncing the saves across with steam cloud. No visual glitches, slowdown, or audio issues that were not present on Windows. Turning off anti aliasing fixes performance, and its a known issue even on Windows. If you want AA you can use reshade/mods.
Note that NAHM mod manager does NOT work with Linux however.

tryiny to get far working messing around wi0th many diffrent version of protn with and with out proton tricks and ge. can not get the game to launch with far isntalled tried this command WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dxgi=n,b" %command%
if some one knows how to get far working on fedora pls message me