Mude para X11
Minha tela ficava piscando quando eu jogava este jogo, depois percebi que outros jogos acontecia a mesma coisa. Fui pesquisar e descobri que o wayland está com problema para quem tem placa de vídeo NVIDIA. Então até a NVIDIA atualizar o driver dela vocês vão ter que mudar para X11 para conseguir jogar sem problemas.
video ficava piscando, dá pra jogar mas é horrível
Works flawlessly out of the box.

Great voice acting
Works great
Works perfect on proton experminetal
the menu text is a bit hard to read but possable
Overall runs great, the default controls work perfectly well, can recommend.
Crashed after a while of playing; around 3-4 rounds
A few labels have small text that is slightly uncomfortable to read, but nothing is unreadable
Overall runs great, the default controls work perfectly well, can recommend.
I had a crash after an hour or so
Works fine
Played with Proton 6.3-8
No issues found
Game runs too slow to be really enjoyable. With faster computer than mine it would be fun.
Game runs sluggishly
Works OOTB - no issues

needed this in launch options: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Worked out of the box.
Works out of the box. I Haven't spot any issues.
OOTB no issues.

Proton-6.4-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Proton-6.4-GE-1 (GloriousEggroll)
Works out of the box
Works perfect out of the box
Works Fine - Funciona Perfecto: https://youtu.be/UhTAe9lqrgs
Works flawlessly out of the box
Out of box flawless

launch options: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%