Poorly optimised. Slightly worse performance than Windows.
7DTD is not a stable game on any platform. Any change from default increases the games inherent stability issues. Has a memory leak that gets significantly worse with modding/multiplayer.
Multiplayer has plenty of issues, but not due to Proton.
Most mods require EAC to be disabled. Recommend loading via the launcher to start with and swapping to the beta Vulkan renderer.
The crafting and skill menus play videos when you mouse over skills. If you mouse over them too fast before the previous video starts playing then the game will lockup and crash. Linux-specific.
There's a few blocker bugs in quests where things just wont trigger or progress. Can usually be fixed by saving and returning to the main menu. Wont fix just by reloading the save from in-world. Not Linux-Specific.
The game renders at a fixed resolution, usually much lower than users native res. If you click the window with the mouse, the fullscreen will flicker into a window and back each click. Controller/Keyboard runs perfect. It's a WINE/Proton issue technically that doesn't like when games aren't running at native, but doesn't break anything.
Great plug n play indie game.
The game's audio makes loud popping noises randomly during playthrough. No known fix, just a crappy audio engine.
gamemoderun DXVK_ASYNC=1 PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command%
Slight impact to framerate compared to Windows 10 in towns. Away from towns and player crowds, fps is much better
Requires Proton EAC Runtime to be installed from the Steam library to allow EAC to run
Requires Proton EAC Runtime to be installed from the Steam library to allow EAC to run
PoE has significant network stability and optimisation issues, but no fault of Linux/Proton
Have to add a custom DisplaySettings.xml in the game's data folder or will likely get a white screen on load.
Game tries to load in fullscreen on first launch, but fails. Need to add a DisplaySettings.xml with fullscreen disabled, then can load the game and set fullscreen once in. Works fine after that.
Game requires vcrun2010 to run. The game installs it by default on first load, but it can silently fail, and cause you to get a blue window on loading. Had to delete the prefix a few times, reinstalling vcrun2010 each time before it would work. Perfectly fine after that. Installing via Protontricks failed.
Did not work with GE Proton. Had to use Proton 7.0.6.
Using later Proton versions, the camera will rapidly spin when moving the mouse. Proton 6 fixes it.
Their servers and the game itself is extremely old and suffers a bit of lag at times. Devs say they're working on a new 64-bit build of the server component, but may be a while. Not Linux-specific.
If you own DLC, load the game once with all DLC disabled, then close it and re-add the DLC, otherwise it wont start.
1.0 currently incompatible with Steam Flatpak
For non-flatpak users, swap to the public-beta branch and it will run natively. However for Steam flatpak users, it will refuse to load. When clicking play in Steam, the button changes as if it's running, but nothing shows up. Changing to various flavours of Proton has no effect.
The game is currently running as a browser game. The dev is working on porting it to an actual game engine and compatibility will likely be fixed then.
For Steam Flatpak users only: The game needs SUID which wont function in Flatpak. Swap to the public beta and edit the '' file in the game folder. Add '--no-sandbox' to the end of the single line in there then the game should load normally.
Normal Steam users change to public beta and the game will launch natively. Flatpak users must use the above edit.
VS released their new engine which is 100% Linux-friendly. Just install and play natively.
gamescope -W 2560 -H 1440 -r 142 -f gamemoderun %command%
War Thunder relies on the desktop compositor to control mouse borders instead of the window manager. When moving the mouse to the side on a multi-monitor setup, the cursor easily escapes the bounds.
Running the native version in Gamescope fixes it. Can also run it in Proton but had missing ground textures and EAC isn't a fan.
Matchmaking worked identically to Windows which is to say not great, but that's a War Thunder issue, not Linux.
As a P2P game it requires someone in the party to have insecure firewall settings in order to host, and relies on everyone having a decent connection to said host. IPv6 support is still pretty poor.
Following comments on here, I tried running it with various flavours of Proton first. The game refused to load or black-screened on all of them.
Swapped to native and it worked first go, with no issues.