Cursor moved to center when looking around with Proton > 6
Wiht Proton > 6, the cursor flickers at the center of the screen when looking around. Nor problematic just a bit annyoing. Using Proton 6.3-8 works fine.

The mouse doesn't work well unless you use the Proton version I've used.

gamemoderun DXVK_FRAME_RATE=165 %command%
As long as you use Proton 6.3-8, the game will run flawlessly. If you use a later version, there's a bug with the mouse, when rotating your character. I can't use the fix for it, that's mentioned beneath, as I use Wayland.
Screen flickering when playing - fixed by setting refresh rate to auto

Apart from having to change the Proton version, everything works exactly how it does on Windows.
Mouse jitter on any proton version newer than 6.3-8, when holding right mouse click to change camera perspective
Very stable framerates, the maximum difference I've seen were about 5 fps, which isn't different from Windows installs.

gamemoderun %command%
Mouse jitter
Unfortunately there's cursor/mouse issues with the latest versions of proton, including GE. It is definitely still playable while questing and doing other activies, but becomes extremely annoying on dungeons. Works without any issues on version 6.3.8 but the performance is slightly worse.

Upscaled resolution for a better UI on 2k or 4k
fixed mouse problems for Proton Versions > 6.3-8
- Install latest Proton-GE version and activate it for LOTRO
- add start options
- maybe optional:
- open wincfg
- set emulated screen to your screen size
- install kespenguen's lotro hide tool: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kespenguen/lotro_hide/refs/heads/main/lotro_hide.c && gcc -lX11 -lXi -lXfixes lotro_hide.c -o lotro_hide
- start this tool in a terminal session ./lotro_hide
- Start LOTRO
- Change the fullscreen resolution to 1920x1080 if your on 2or4k (mine is 3440x1440, so i changed it to 2560x1080)
- Switch to fullscreen
The Screen should now be cristal clear, while having a bigger UI. The mouse shouldnt be visible

Game runs smoothly and I am easily able to look over the mouse jitter when playing. It is a bit annoying but a minor one to me.
Mouse Jitters around in the middle of the screen when looking around with right mouse or when moving with left + right mouse button.
I also tried Proton 6.3.8 and this does indeed fix the mouse jitter issue as reported by others. However using this version made me lose about ~30 FPS so I moved back to the most recent GE Proton release.
The ingame shop worked for me without having to switch it to the external browser.
As I do not have the Steam version of the game, I used the installer from the Lotro website and simply added it as non-steam game. Everything worked out of the box for me and the mouse jitters are the only noticeable issue I can personally make out.

Lots of lag
If you don't go down to Proton 5.13, it ain't gonna work
Works Great
Mouse cursor jitters in middle of screen when using mouse movement

proton version above 7.0 has visual mouse cursor bug
In order fix the mouse cursor problem with newer versions of proton i did modify "xbanish" for hiding mouse cursor logic. Tested in Wayland no problems yet to occur.
To Download and compile from github
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kespenguen/lotro_hide/refs/heads/main/lotro_hide.c && gcc -lX11 -lXi -lXfixes lotro_hide.c -o lotro_hide
To Run
As long as the terminal instance is running mouse cursor should behave normaly in game.

Everything works... except the mouse, which is a dealbreaker
Mouselook is entirely screwed up, to the point where it is unplayable
The graphics are a bit dated, but honestly that's not a real issue. The audio is fantastic, it's all very immersive and looks like I would have loved it but the mouse is just wrecked.
Nothing I did fixed it and I've given up. Given how central the ability to look around is, I cannot recommend it.

Works perfectly fine with no issues whatsoever.

Great performance, stability and general useability as per 30.08.2024 with only two caveats:
Ensure that proton version 6.3-8 is forced. This will give the most stability and performance, while preventing the "cursor on screen when controlling camera" issue occuring at current experimental versions of Proton.
Enable the ingame setting "Open lotro store in external browser" under UI settings. This will prevent the only crash I had when trying to access the store using the internal browser.
Aside from that I have had no issues as per testing over a period of three days.

The launcher reported that the .dat file was corrupted and could not finish updating the game without manual intervention.
If you face issues with updating, with an error such as "Corrupted dat file detected", open the launcher, click on the downward arrow in the launcher (next to the minimise button), select Options, go to the Repair tab and click the repair button. This will delete all your existing .dat files and allow you to redownload them during the next run.
Keep in mind that at the time this was written, this .dat redownload is 30+ gigabytes!
If you face issues with the cursor not disappearing when holding down the right click, switch to Proton 5.0-10 to resolve the issue.
If the screen goes black/blank while using GNOME (but the sound can still be heard, indicating that the game is running), try installing this GNOME extension to fix it: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1873/disable-unredirect-fullscreen-windows/

Unable to download files
The launcher shows up successfully, and proceeds to perform some operations. However, despite extensive network activity and occasional disk I/O activity, the game never actually downloads any data, before eventually completely dying down. No processing, no I/O, no network activity; halts to a total standstill. Tried different Proton versions, but the result is always the same. No data is actually ever even loaded into RAM or disk.

UPDATE: Cursor is gone, FPS is stable. Steps to reproduce:
- Use Xorg instead of Wayland
- add PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 to Launch Options
- Install latest Proton-GE Version
- Install CoreCTRL and set GPU to manual -> High
- add these lines to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-glamor.conf and restart Section "Device" Identifier "AMD Graphics" Driver "amdgpu" Option "AccelMethod" "glamor" EndSection

Cursor is visible when moving camera
You can turn off the cursor by switching to proton 6. But the FPS decreases by ~30 (at least for my system). Switching to Proton 9 and Experimental gave me the cursor, but increased the FPS. But now I had weird camera movement lags. And because of that I installed the latest Proton-GE Version via "yay -S proton-ge-custom-bin" and at least the camera lags were gone.
Im playing at 144hz on a 2k display with DX11 enabled and settings to "Ultra", but disabled "Character portraits" to increase the fps by 10-20. Now I have about 70fps looking at Angmar from Aughaire.
If using a newer Proton version the mouse will stay visible in the center of the screen when right clicking and moving the camera.

Game works great under Proton 6.3-8 Proton experimental doesn't work at all (can sign in but game doesn't launch past launcher) and there is a bug with the version in between where the mouse always stays visible in the center of the screen when moving the camera.

without changing to older Proton version, the game is playable. The mouse behaves weirdly.

So this doesn't effect functionality at all, but when you hold "right-click" to move your camera, the mouse pointer snaps to the middle of the screen and vibrates when you turn the camera. The camera still functions as normal, you will just notice the cursor when it would normally hide it.
I had to run an older version of proton to get it to start, otherwise after installation and patching of the game client, it would open a window and just freeze.
Game is from 2006, the server hardware is dated (for now). Completely playable through Proton, the lag is mainly server side/old engine.
Works out of the box

Using later Proton versions, the camera will rapidly spin when moving the mouse. Proton 6 fixes it.
Their servers and the game itself is extremely old and suffers a bit of lag at times. Devs say they're working on a new 64-bit build of the server component, but may be a while. Not Linux-specific.

It played perfectly for approximately 15 minutes at a time, until it locked up the display.
Game would play perfectly for awhile, then everything would suddenly freeze -- including input devices. I'd have to hard-reset the computer.
Game would play perfectly for awhile, then everything would suddenly freeze -- including input devices. I'd have to hard-reset the computer.
[Alt Tab] would scroll outside of the frozen game screen, but would not allow selections or activation of game failure notification buttons on game failure popup. It did launch consistently!

as you cant get launcher working cant play game

No joy.
Proton, all versions
Error in launcher: unable to decrypt and deserialize the data downloaded from the server. Tried all Proton versions, including GE, with and without PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1. Reinstalled twice, deleted compatdata. Nothing helped. Does anyone knows how to circonvent this error?

New store doesn't work in gaming mode, need to use desktop mode to access store in external browser
Made my own and shared to community
adjusted graphics settings
New store doesn't work/load in gaming mode integrated browser(CEF browser), you need to launch in desktop mode if you want to access it via Firefox
Defaults to a low resolution.

Launcher would not start without the launch option PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%. After it launched and updated it gave me the option to switch to DirectX 11. Launcher and game work well after that. I think it looks better using Vulkan-based DXVK for d3d11, so it's worth removing the launch option after the initial start.
PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 gamemoderun %command%, gamemoderun DXVK_FRAME_RATE=144 %command%
gamemoderun DXVK_FRAME_RATE=144 %command%
Even with the new Proton 8 the mouse is still visible, when rotating the camera. Switching back to older Version 6.3-8 resolves this issue. Never had any issues with this game on Linux.
When using Proton 7.0-5 or Proton-GE and moving the camera around the character would spin in any direction.
Downgrading Proton doesn't worsen the gameplay nor the graphics, so it's a safe option without sacrifices.

the game is multiplayer
I tried all the available Protons with default steam no GE or other versions of Proton besides what comes with the standard Steam install. 4.2-9 worked just fine. None other.
Was able to change resolution to full screen native and alt-tab out and play a youtube video and alt tab back. Game runs fine.
Might work with ProtonGE. I've gotten it to work with that before, with different linux. Idk how ppl are able to run with any other version of Proton, like experimental or 7.x, but likely a hardware and/or software-OS thing.
I have tried many linuxes and settled on EndeavorOS for it's solid support and Wayland default in KDE (or ... ugh, gnome). This is a fresh install, so maybe more tweaking will improve ability to run higher levels of proton, but idk.
It's really up to the developers to make their game more compatible. Perhaps checking on the LOTRO forum will provide some good info.
Works out of the box
Installed and ran flawlessly. The only thing I had to adjust was the graphic settings - it defaults to 720p. Windowed fullscreen works like a charm too. No crashes, no slowdowns, no input lag. As good as it is on Windows.

using "gamemoderun %command%" makes the game window not open so no launch options
Fullscreen was perfect with 5.0-10. In windowed mode the bottom of the game window was initially behind the task bar so I couldn't click on bottom buttons or input field for chat. I managed to fix that by manually resizing the window down, draggin it up a bit and resizing it to fit correctly, which made the areas disturbed by resizing black and not reappear, but logging and relaunching the game straightened that out and the re-situating of the window persisted. So no biggie
After resizing the window and relaunching in windowed mode to correct the bottom being covered by the task bar my mouse cursor was displaced vertically 1/4" from where it was registering clicks. I straightened that out by right clicking on the top window border and making it borderless (using KDE in Kubuntu). It was good then but further fooling with things it happened again but getting the window good, going borderless, and relaunching solves it and stays good on further relaunches as long as you don't screw with it. Simply minimizing and restoring, or switching back and forth to other program windows has no ill effect. Other than the fiddlyness with windowed mode and the mouse cursor being off, both of which were easily overcome, it all runs perfectly. I did also have the mouse cursor not disappearing on right click but that was resolved by rolling back to Proton 5.0-10. All in all no big deal and running perfect.
If you want to play in fullscreen and use proton 5.0-10 it's literally perfect. If you want to play in windowed mode, some minor window finagling relog, go borderless and relog again and its good to go. I'm also on a 16:10 monitor which may be a factor. And getting smooth gameplay under 50% CPU usage on an old core2quad almost as old as LotRO itself... other than the occasional server lag hitching which is just LotRO. And not sure if it's just me but I seem to get lowest CPU usage and smoothest play with DX10 set in game options, in windows and also now in linux. Not much, but a few % may be relevant if you're pusing the limits of old hardware.
Does not start
Tried older versions of Proton
Does not start up with any version of Proton, installation worked fine though.