All settings medium, TAA, and resolution scale set to 75%
Tiny menu and UI text
In game photos won't transfer between devices
A little fuzzy but mostly solid 40 fps experience.

A very smooth experience
Not a single problem for the whole 125 hours playing it. Stable FPS, no graphical, sound or controller errors.
Both windowed and fullscreen worked perfectly with no stutter or crashes.
works flawlessly

gamemoderun %command%
Funciona perfeitamente. Works out of the box.

I don't think it's a particurarly enjoyable experience, but playable if you want to make it so
very minor and infrequent issues at the very end when paused
Frequent black spots, broken water rendering can make the fishing minigame more challenging
Resource leak after playing for extended time, causes system to become inoperable. Regular restarts required.
see above

Load save... On train to Tennebrae Gladius says line about growing up and game freezes.
(140 character summary... brilliant move. Not even sure how to summarize the steps with specifics in 140 characters).
I don't understand why this game has a Gold+ rating. I've tried Proton Experimental, I've tried, Proton 8.0.5, I've tried Heroic Games Launcher so I could have it try to launch using Proton-GE, nothing. Every single variation I try all have the same damn behavior.

TDP slider at 8 when not plugged in
UI text is a bit too small for the Steam Deck's screen
some slight drops during heavy battles or when looking at certain big enviroments
perfomance drops on the Comrades multiplayer game mode, didn't managed to find anyone during matchmaking.
overall an good experience on the Deck, perfomance stays consistent between 40 to even 60 at times even on battles, lowering down the resolution scale can help with stability.
battery life and heating are big problems though, I recommend playing it plugged in for an better experience.

A bit of shadow flickering
Had to turn all the nvidia features off, otherwise 10FPS after the tutorial
Had to switch the proton version to 8.0.5 - otherwise the game wouldn't start at all. Also, for some reason It couldn't properly identify my Logitech F710 controller so I had to use Steam Input. With the highest settings (but witout NVIDIA technologies) and 150% resolution scale on FullHD I got around 80FPS in the open areas.

Inicia y funciona perfecto: Completado al 100%, 1080p, graficos(personalizado), control(xbox one/series),Proton=8.0-5/9.0-1

Great experience
Work as it should out of the box.

I capped the game to 40 fps for a smoother experience. I experienced a couple of crashes (presumably because vram filled up).
The crashes were not frequent enough to detract from the experience.

While there is definitely a performance hit, I found the game to continue to be enjoyable. No major crashes; Audio was clean and crisp.
PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=0 PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=no_upload_hvv VKD3D_CONFIG=force_host_cached VKD3D_SHADER_MODEL=6_6 gamemoderun %command%
Little glitches around textures no lining up correctly, but nothing game breaking.

Reduced Refresh Rate to 40hz
Hair seems to be oddly distorted for no apparent reason.
Initially my controller wasn't detecting the menu button, I had to re-select the official layout for the game to correct it.
Game refuses to run at 60FPS even on Low Settings.

Text is a bit small and can't be customized, but not a deal breaker
Due to the small text, I don't think it should be Steam Verified, but still totally playable. It's a fun game that runs great at default setting. I've enjoyed playing on the deck.

Mapped select button
UI text and subtitles are small, size is not customizable
Game always crashes after 5~10 minutes of gameplay
Tried the recommended Proton version as well as experimental and GE, the game still crashes with all of them.

Doesn't work in any regular Proton version
It only works with Glorious Eggroll (Proton-GE) release. Whenever I try to use regular Proton (any version) or Proton Experimental it crashes after the game loads to the field.

A experiencia será sólida e estável, acredito que será ainda melhor do que comparado ao windows
A utilização do vulkan na execução do jogo, mostra que o jogo roda de forma mais estável e mais rápida do que no windows 11
Somente no inicio o jogo pode apresentar pequeno stutters, mas após 5-10 minutos o jogo estabiliza perfeitamente

Just change the resolution as the default isn't the best one. I've also capped fps to 40 and changed graphic settings to high and it runs at 30-40 fps. Maybe change it to medium if you want it to cap at 40.

Funciona perfectamente con gpu vega64
Rendimiento y estabilidad de fps muy similar a w10, version steam proton 8.0-2
gamemoderun %command%
Sometimes grass (not all) is just disappearing and appearing again.
Disable Turf Effects and vsync. Everyother thing is working just fine.

Game will launch and show a loading screen for a moment, but then crashes to desktop without an error message. This happens regardless of Proton version (default, Experimental, hotfix, GE, and various older Proton versions all tested). Thought the issue might have been with the Preview branch initially, but I've switched back to Stable and I'm getting the same thing. Strangely though, the demo which I tried last week ran perfectly.
After disabling the NVIDIA graphic options and fixing the controller weirdness, game runs smooth without any further issues.
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Used a PS5 controller, controls were initially not mapped properly (All buttons acted as Dpad UP and Dpad Down). Fixed by opening the game's properties in Steam -> Controller -> Enable Steam Input
The NVIDIA graphical options in the graphics settings of the game caused significant lag in my game (after a while my game would completely slow down to around 12fps). Disabling all of them allowed my game to run at its expected performance (120fps).
Very stuttery until I set the resolution to 75% and the tram to low, then it ran fine with the highest settings.
Very Stuttery
tried dxvk async, changing the dxvk config, multiple versions of proton ge but only by lowering the tram and resolution i was abel to fix stuttering
The stuttering is really heavy and if you benchmark 5 different proton versions, DENUVO anti-tamper protection will block you for 24 hours.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
Whenever switching from keyboard and mouse to gamepad, the game would stutter for half a second
Stuttering whenever dxvk compiles new shaders (the ones downloaded from steam shadercache don't seem to be working with my setup) and DXVK_ASYNC doesn't seem to work properly even tho this is a dx11 game
Crashed 1 time in a highly NPCs populated zone after a 6 hours session
Text is fairly small in menus
Overall the game runs well enough to be playable. For best performance, I set the presets to "High" instead of "Highest".
gamemoderun %command%
On max settings, when there's a lot of magic, or water, the frame rate drops
There's additional Nvidia options if you have an Nvidia card. The "turf" option seems to cause lots of issues. Keep that turned off. The other options seem ok to turn on, but you'll loose a little performance.
Changed to native resolution
Changed to Steam Controller layout
In general I feel the text in FFXV is difficult to read but maybe that's just me.
Besides the text readability issues, I think the only thing I noticed was that the audio went out of sync with the video in one cutscene. Otherwise, I completed the game without any gameplay issues on my Steam Deck after 25-30 hours (I don't always do sidequests in RPGs).
PS3 controller so mismapping was expected. Still a pain though.
I'm guessing translating DX is limiting the performance, either that or it's limiting cores in some way. Either way, if I'm playing gotta keep everything else closed.
Just make sure you've got enough horsepower, then should work fine.
mangohud %command%
Slight suttering for the first 20 minutes
Very easy to get up and running.
Map the left hand menu button to Select.
Game runs fine
DXVK_HUD=fps,compiler gamemoderun mangohud %command%
The game has problem with switching fullscreen mode (which also happens on Windows). Change the config file instead.
NVIDIA Turf Effects has memory leak issue which is exacerbated on Linux. The game ran fine for a moment and then the framerate dropped to single digit. Turn off this setting is recommended.
Overall, the game runs better on Linux than it did on Windows 10. Stuttering did occur but happen much less than on Windows. You might need to tinker with the graphic settings. I play at high settings with only hair effects turn on. DISABLE NVIDIA Turf Effects!!!! Also installing the game on an SSD also reduce a lot of stuttering.
Works okay, some stuttering, but ultimately crashes itself and Steam every time the map is opened
Had to unplug and plug back in 360 controller for inputs to start working.
The game and Steam would both completely crash every time I would open up the map.
You might get some enjoyment out of this, but the fact that the map crashes the game makes it a pain in the butt. I'm pretty sure in earlier points of the game it's required as part of the tutorial. That may make progress impossible. It was enough of a bother to keep me from playing this on Linux at the moment. Crashes aside it performs better than Windows, framerate wise, as all Denuvo games seem to do. Stutters only when loading in new assets. Would be enjoyable if not for the crashes.
gamemoderun %command%
Noticed that some of the "grass" would glitch out for a short bit althought this was a very rare occurence.
Ocassionally game would run at a slower frame rate then reported which usually happened after a battle or when driving the regalia.
I encountered a handful of crashes on my playthough. Two times the game just completely exited and the other two times the game just froze with the audio playing which happened on the final chapters.
There were frequent stutters experienced in my playthrough. Changing graphical options and resolutions did not seem to make any siginicant difference. Also tried FSR manually but still the stuttering remained. No effect from gamemode or switching between current default proton version and various newer GE versions.
Played from beginning to end at 1440 with high settings and FPS locked at 60 which it managed to maintain most of the times...well once it wasn't stuttering.
The biggest improvement came from moving the installation to a SSD! The slowdown that randomly happened after a fight completely went away and the stutters were greatly reduced.