It works out of the box, but it has poor performance with the all graphics presets. Controller works fine. The audio some times late.
Need to edit the appinfo.vdf with steamedit to hide the Mac CD key and after it will works fine.
steamoverlay cause steam client crash.
Some workaround needed:
- appinfo.vdf should replace with this (It will hide the MAC dlc)
- Restart steam client
- Start game twice (maybe not needed for everyone, for me Ubisoft Connect not started the game at first time.)
It works out of the box but there are some minor graphic and sound glitches.
It works out of the box, i don't have any issue with the origin.
There are some glitches in the menu and cutscenes.
Need xliveless and this line ( in the /etc/hosts. It has poor performance.
Need xliveless and a line in the /etc/hosts. ( It has poor perfomrance.
Need xliveless and a line in the /etc/hosts. ( It has poor perfomrance.
With the latest steam client beta and proton experimental it is works out of the box.
Finally I also get the game running with Proton 5.0-6:
- protontricks 110800 -q dotnet35sp1
- cd $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/L.A.Noire
- protontricks -c '3rd/DXSETUP.exe /silent' 110800
- protontricks 110800 -q win10
- Options -> Renderer -> Directx 11
If you get "can't get line" crash you will need the fix mentioned under the Crash-to-desktop on Windows 8 section:
- protontricks 110800 d3dx9_43 d3dcompiler_43 d3dx11_43 d3dcompiler_47
- For DX11 edit the settings.ini, change the Renderer:DirectX 9 to Renderer:DirectX 11
NOTE: For dx9 enough to install d3dx9_43 d3dcompiler_43
protontricks 360430 --force dotnet452
The dotnet installation will fail but enough for the start the launcher.
Remove compatdata/360430/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/T2GP Launcher/app- before every launch.
Works out of the box.
Don't use "Check for Updates" button in the 2K launcher settings. works fine.
For fix whitescreen issue wine virtual desktop should be configured
protontricks 307690 vd=1280x720
NOTE: You can set full screen and higher resolution from the game.
It works with latest proton experimental and steam client beta.
Whitescreen problem can be solved with protontricks 202170 vd=1280x720
The game is working fine. Origin starts is a little bit slow.
Some times Origin update is failing. It should be retried more than once.