Game runs perfectly fine, except when using Steam Link I need to have the game windowed in order for it to display to where ever I am using Steam Link.
Ran perfectly fine out of the box
whilst on i3wm, if i switch workspaces it will crash
The official OCE servers yeild 120+ ping for AU players
Ran perfectly.
If you would like the new ui add to your launch options '-newgameui'
Game ran fantastic, If you are coming from BL2 the gun mechanics/abilities are superior. Just the story + characters arcs have been written into the ground
just getting a match what cumbersome, after a few updates it's been flawless
Had to use "Launch Options: PROTON_LOG=1 %command%" and had to Install "Proton BattleEye Runtime" via Tools. Other than that game runs flawlessly.
Runs absolutely amazing, whether I chose Vulkan or OpenGL, Performance is outstanding.
Basically game runs perfect, the only hinderance is being gated by EAC. hopefully with time this will be a non issue.
I don't use a controller with Dead Cells, but apparently people are having issues with some pads
Game runs absolutely amazing, I get on average 200 fps consistently and that is with every little video option enabled/maxed out
Going to a from a workspace or alt-tabbing in or out can cause it to hang and will take seconds/minutes to fix itself
I found used GE-Proton8-25 gave me a better experience than the current version steam ships by default
Game runs great, the first initial intro stutters for about a second and a half then fixes itself.
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command% --use-d3d11
Crashed on fullscreen
Regular crashes trying to get past the initial cutscene before tutorial
Using the command listed allows you to play @ 60fps on an NVIDIA GPU.
Crashes complaining about my graphics card
I've tried many different proton launch options. Just can't get it working
I made a secondary report as I couldn't edit my old one. Now the game runs perfectly fine out of the box!
Prior to the 1.0 update I did have some graphical issues with shaders constantly compiling/fps stutterting. 1.0 has fixed all these issues forme
gamemoderun %command%
In order for me to play mutliplayer I had to run this command in a terminal "timedatectl set-ntp true"
Basically until the developers at FacePunch decide to push EAC for linux, this game (regardless of how amazing it runs) will not let you connect to official servers.
You can connected to a bunch of non-eac servers, but it just isn't the same sadly.
Game runs flawlessly. Everything works as expected, I've noticed no difference in running between my linux/windows installations.
Had to set the windows environment to Windows 7 as well as install d3dcompiler_47
Had black textures until I used the protontricks fixes mentioned above
Can't buy in game currency as steam overlay doesn't work. (even when I used gamescope to get the overlay working I still couldn't purchase in-game currency)
Some games game runs flawlessly, other times it's stuttering all over getting 10 fps
you must follow this guide for the game to run Please follow this guide in order to get EAC working with the game.
For unknown reasons it was hard to keep a consistent 60 frames. Regardless of settings/Launch Options
I decided to test this game knowing it had moved to EAC. I can play online fine no drama on the Anti Cheat side of things. (FPS issues aside)
The game ran flawlessly for me, I did have some micro stuttering, which fixed itself just by playing the map out so the shaders cache.
gamemoderun %
For anyone using i3. For origin to work correctly I had to add this line to my ~/.config/i3/config -- for_window [workspace="X" floating enable, where X is the workspace number you have origin spawn on
FYI, The demo had some issues with stuttering the full game however doesn't experience this in the slightest.
Basically make sure you have ProtonEasyAntiCheat installed, and using either Proton Experimental or latest GE. This aside the tutorial wasn't playable for me at all, yet multiplayer ran flawlessly
Runs great, I'm having no issues hosting sessions for friends, or joining multiplayer sessions.
Basically I had no issues running the game, had some weird crashes. I changed the version of Proton from 5.0-9 to 4.2-9. But game runs flawlessly after that