Great console-like experience with GMKtec M7 Pro (DX12 + 80% scaling from 1080p, mid-high settings, no ultra)
Just one crash at the very beginning but probably because of the Vulkan shaders pre-cache build. Then, I had an almost two hours online on High Seas at steady framerates and ping. But the ping, it doesn't depend from this machine. It's on their servers.
It's okay when the servers are fine, you know.

Froze at first launch, had to add -d3d11 to launch options. Ran well after this !
Works as well as Windows out of the box

No problems with Xbox Live login. Only issue was intro cinematic endlessly loading, but it is skippable. Otherwise game runs smoothly.

gamemoderun %command%
Works on Wayland, even on very high settings. The very first startup and login take quite a long time but afterwards it works fine.

unset SDL_VIDEODRIVER; gamemoderun %command%
Couldn't get it to start before setting launch options, though.
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=90 %command%

First i had a Message for EAC Cheat Violation ("Rumblebeard") which was caused by a workaround for Starcitizen i had to edit the /etc/hosts file and comment with # the line modules-cdn.eac-prod.on.epicgames.com #Star Citizen EAC workaround after that it woked

env -u SDL_VIDEODRIVER %command% -d3d11
x11 i3 desktop. No issues with moving in and out of game or mouse capture. Both GE and Launch Options were required. Login worked fine without reverting to an older version but it was a little slow to load the ingame frame for MS login white screen apears but waiting or selecting content on screen made it work fine.

Microsoft account sign-in requires temporary shift to Proton 6.3-8.
OS is Lubuntu 25.04; GPU is an Nvidia 860m; Nvidia driver version is 570.86.16; Steam Compatibility is Proton Hotfix.
White screen on Microsoft login page resolved by right-clicking and selecting "print". Restarted and it then worked fine.

Had the same loggin problem as everyone with the white screen. Fixed it by: Right click on white loggins screen > print (i dont know why but that worked)

"Kicked for anti-cheat violation. (Rumblebeard)" Every time I try to play
Tried everything I could find or think of for the past 3 days, also got cracking audio when starting the game.

XBOX Login is broken for me. Used an older Proton to login and then switched back to GE.
Basically Perfect!

Has constant file corruption errors that force a file validation every time. Otherwise works fine.
Usually comes up with an error saying there is a file corruption after 10-30 min of playing. Clicking OK closes the game and forces a file validation. Ignoring the error message and not clicking OK can keep the game running for a bit longer.

I switched to Proton 6.3-8 so that I could utilize the Xbox login screen. After that, switched to GE0Proton9-22 and had zero issues.

Game crashed after logging in to Xbox account and displaying menu. Switched to Proton Experimental, didn't work. GE worked flawlessly.
Game froze after logging in, but it did successfully log me in, so I just restarted it and began playing.
Worked perfectly
env -u SDL_VIDEODRIVER %command% -d3d11
gamemoderun %command% -d3d11
Login only works with Proton 6.3. On other versions the login Window is blank. After Login you have to switch back to modern proton, or the game won't work

%command% -d3d11
The game has switched to direct x 12 by default, this means you need to force the use of direct x 11 if your card doesn't support directx12. When the game launched it asked me if I wanted to check the save data, but selecting yes made the game stop responding, when I selected no it just worked.
Xbox network login screen is blank. Could not find a fix and had to refund the game.

Similarly to another user I was having issues logging in, the login menu was completely blank. I tried what they did- moving the window to my second monitor and wiggling it around- but that didn't seem to do anything. After a good ~6 game launches it just magically opened fine. As far as I can tell it wasn't something I did that fixed it so. If you run into that issue just give it a good few attempts.
After I was able to log in I changed the direct x version through the in-game menu to 11 instead of 12 and restarted. The game runs well & without issue once you do get in, nothing wrong as far as I can tell.

%command% -d3d11
Xbox Log in popup was blank. I'm using two monitors so the solution was to drag it to the second monitor and do a little shake and the form would load.

DXVK_FILTER_DEVICE_NAME="Intel(R) Arc(tm) A580 Graphics (DG2)" %command% -dx12
Without the DXVK command the game drops half framerate, it is recommended to use it.
When the ping is decent you play smooth. Simple as that, it doesn't involve Linux itself but the internet conenction and the SOT servers.
Yes, it's optimized with DX12 too but you need that command line otherwise even a 580 drops half framerate. And by the way, DXVK consent to maxed out all the graphics, included the sea detail which is the heaviest. If you play on a 1080p monitor maximum I suggest to don't maxed out the textures, you will see no difference. Personally, I only kept the lights on "common" settings because I don't like the excessive bloom on the surfaces. The only thing is, be careful with the resolution because in my rig the best option is 900p dynamic instead of native. The card (Sparkle A580 OC) goes around 70-72% of usage and temps are just perfect: around 58C. The PCI-E 3.0 doesn't impact at all because "the miracle" is all in the command line.

On Low (Cursed) Shadow settings some Shadows were flickering, raising the quality of the shadows has fixed it.
Sea of Thieves is a game that often requires a long time commitment, the average game session will last you around between 2 hours or 3 based upon what are you doing.
Battery estimate without battery tinkering and 60 refresh rate shown up as around 1 Hour and 50 minutes, which wouldn't be enough unless you have a power bank or charging.

gamemoderun %command%
I got the game and it ran flawlessly out of the box. No performance issues or crashes playing with friends through a 6 hour session (no restarts).
The main downside is that you can't get invited via the xbox menu. Ways around this:
- You can get invited through Steam, provided you have the Steam version of the game and at least one your friends in the ship does too.
- You can be the one to send the invitations. You can send invitations through the game menu without the need for the xbox game bar and your friends will be able to accept them (provided they are not on Linux too)
- Be in the same guild. You can join a guild's ships without the need for an invitation via the guild menu.

gamemoderun %command%
Changed audio to alsa to partially fix the voice chat
Voice chat not working on pipewire. Kind of fixed by switching the game to alsa, gets broken after switching lobbies. Fixed by a restart
Sometimes starts freezing every few seconds. Fied by restarting
Very rare crashes
had some voice chat issues as stated previously

Game works perfectly, but you cant invite Xbox players
You cant Invite Players to your Game on Xbox, since Xbox game Bar dosent work

The only issue was the weird Xbox account login process - it opened the steam browser but that one didn't close itself again. You can get out of it by pressing the steam key. (this is only a thing if your Steam account isn't linked to your Xbox account already)

Seems to work fine, except for infrequent EAC errors
Season trailer played with some freezes which crashed the game (so I skipped it next launch).
Notice: the game was installed on windows partition and then mounted and run in Linux.
At first, got some difficulties logging into Xbox (probably related to issues with internet provider / Xbox services). The game also crashed due to some freezes during the trailer. After that I played a session for around 2 hours without any issues. The game works flawlessly.
EAC weird random violations. The other day, I started the game and got a message "EAC detected local file integrity violation". So I ran integrity check and got 5 files to download. But the EAC violation message appeared again (for another file). Then I restarted the game and was able to enter session without any issues. This probably not proton-related, as similar issues can be found for Windows as well. However, it could still be due to my particular setup (game is installed on a mounted NTFS partition).

I previously reported this game as unplayable, crashing on launch. Once I disabled CPU integrated graphics in the UEFI settings this was resolved and the game ran flawlessly. This setting had no effect on Linux-native games (my monitors are plugged directly into the GPU), but broke Proton/SteamPlay compatibility.

This works fine, except for a very minor slowdown on cut screens only.

Tried lots of combinations of commands, settings, and Proton versions. Nothing worked.
Various as suggested by other posters
Did not see initial splash screen or black screen. GPU shows activity for several seconds, system slows sluggish responses to inputs, and then game process exits.

env -u SDL_VIDEODRIVER mangohud gamescope -W 3440 -H 1440 -e -f --force-grab-cursor %command% -d3d11
No issues after tinkering, game runs like nativly. You will not be showen as online when playing on xbox companion, however you can join games and get invites.

%command% -d3d11
May even run better than your PC on Windows! I may crash once in a blue moon, but that could just be the game, at least you can re-join your crew's game asap.

Had some issues with EAC denying some .pak file version. Verifying the integrity of the files and switching to ProtonGE fixed all issues!
Significant lag + stuttering upon entering the game world, but everything seems to smoothen out pretty quickly.