Works in Offline Mode
Controller doesn't work correctly after Alt+Tab
Multiplayer not working (EAC)
Works out of the box - apart from multiplayer which is - due to EAC - not working. All offline parts are playable though.

No Multiplayer Online - DO NOT BUY!!!!!!!
Online Play Is Blocked. I listed this under "Bugs" in the report, but really it's an anti-cheat issue.
I'm tired of seeing Gold-Rating on games that have no online functionality, when that is the primary focus of the game. I have played most DBZ fighter-games since the ps2, and multiplayer has been a huge point every step of the way. When the primary focus of a modern DBZ game is the online multiplayer, I don't agree with it getting anything above a Bronze rating. You'll get bored with the story after a single playthrough and with the price it's asking for the dlc packs, this is not an acceptable state to play the game in (the game can be bought for under $10 on sale, but the dlc will only get up to 50% off, which sounds nice until you realize that's still over $100 with the discount). The only value left here for a Linux user is maybe modding, as that should be done for offline play anyway. I'm not sure what all modding software is compatible, but modding should still be able to be done on Linux.
after starting the game and minimising it or using alt+tab to switch to another program and then coming back to the game i couldn't control my character at all, despite being able to pause and browse through the menus. this happens whether i use a mouse or a controller

Game constantly swaps between 90FPS and 15FPS in battles or cutscenes.
EAC not supported in Linux.
The game's constant fluctuating of frame rates makes it unplayable. If the only thing that was missing would be multiplayer, the game would be acceptable. But considering during battles that the frame rate fluctuates so wildly, it's not enjoyable at all. It was a stuggle to get through the first tutorial mission, so unless Bandai adds proper support for this, stick to Windows to play Xenoverse 2.

gamemoderun %command%
EAC does not load so unable to play online.

gamemoderun %command%
Sometimes the controller its not detected or dont work all buttons.
If you dont mind dont player coop or pvp its out of the box. EAC please update this! (Other dragonball games by bandai with EAC works fully online, i dont know why we having problem with this).

gamemoderun gamescope -w 1920 -h 1080 -f -b -- %command%
Blackscreen on Wayland without using gamescope, and this exact settings.
Proton Experimental does not work with controller.
Alt + Tab makes your game freeze.
EAC does not initialize
Yes, if you use X11, it works flawlessly without command arguments, but if you have Wayland, you do need those arguments. Also, use WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command% for mods.

If you have no problems to play single its working out of the box.
In some recent update i can get the content of the events but still i cant play matches online, so there's no reason to continue since i used to play with friends.
The game its running out of the box but with no multiplayer theres no reason to play or get more dlcs.

EAC has no Linux support, so multiplayer is not supported. But then the rest is quite enjoyable, also the online is not a problem because it is already kind of dead.
EAC does not work in XV2, therefore it is not possible to play the online mode. In addition, you must change the Proton version to 6.3 for the controls (keyboard, mouse and controller) to work.

Something changed. It seems we are closer to seeing full Deck support on this game, but not quite there yet.
The game now connects to online servers, but still shows a message about EAC being disabled and multiplayer matches being unavailable.
The recent game update, when paired with Proton Experimental, no longer starts the game in offline mode. You're able to connect to the servers and use some online features, however multiplayer matches seem to still be disabled because the game shows a message that it was started without EasyAntiCheat. Something has definitely changed to get this game closer to being 'verified'. It's no longer being blocked from connecting to the servers. If someone can find out how to force EAC on, it's possible that it will work. I feel like we're getting closer.

The online on this game is important but the pc online is practically dead so u won't notice that much of a difference here
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
dinput8.dll for mod support
Easy Anti Cheat is not enabled in the game following other protondb reports, and if it was i wouldn't be able to play online cuz i use mods in the game.
The game is completely playable on NVK drivers even on a 1650 ti mobile, won't encounter any major issues

Unplayable. Easy Anti-Cheat support not properly enabled by developers.
Tried to manually install vcredist and xinput.dlls with no change
Steam launches a transparent EAC splash screen, followed by a black screen which quickly Crashes To Desktop. Unplayable in Experimental, GE, 8.0-4 and 7.0-6. Installing EAC Runtime from Tools in Steam does not make a difference. Easy Anti-Cheat provides support for Proton (https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/steamdeck/proton) but DIMPS and Bandai Namco do not seem interested or aware in changing it despite the fact this game is still on an active development cycle.
It's actually a bummer how much time I spent with this game before making the jump to Debian, only to find out it's completely broke. I see a lot of reports recommending tweaks related to the game files or patching through a similar way mods do (which would disable multiplayer) but all these reports have in common that they only seem to work in Arch-based distros.

Online mutliplayer is nonfunctional, but the game (even with mods) works flawlessly aside from that.
The EasyAntiCheat install that is shipped with Xenoverse 2 has Linux support disabled.
The only way to play mutliplayer is by using XV2Patcher, and it only allows you to play with other users that are also running a EAC bypass. (XV2Patcher comes with one.)
If you're planning to install XV2Patcher for mods and/or EAC bypassing then you need to add the following to your launch options after installing it so that wine will load the modified system libraries that XV2Patcher uses to inject into Xenoverse 2:
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xinput1_3=n,b" %command%
or if you're on a steam deck then add this line instead to fix controller support:
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
after adding that then you can launch mod installers just like normal by using wine and they should be able to install and run just like they would on windows.

Please contact Bandai Namco support and ask them to enable Easy Anti Cheat support in this game for Proton/Linux. https://support.bandainamcoent.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000446452
You may link them to Steam's documentation that shows how simple it is to do. https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/steamdeck/proton
This is our only hope to get this game playable in online mode on SteamOS at this point.

Still very enjoyable to play, though due to the missing online functionality you miss out on quite a bit.
Occasional freezing, fixed by exiting and reentering the game.

il gioco in modalità full screen può causare il blocco del sisema operativo e costringerti a forzare l'interruzione della sessione utente con cosegunete perdita dei progressi non salvati
i controller della PS4 cono riconosciuti come controlle della Xobx e in modalità full screen possono bloccarsi completamente
Easy Anti Cheat non funziona
set to window o window border less in graphis setting before to play
Controller is not detected on Proton Experimental, have to switch to 6.3-8
Anti-cheat does not work, so playing online is impossible.
This game is fully playable on Linux outside of Multiplayer due to Easy Anti-Cheat; however, you may need to try different Proton settings.
Easy Anti-Cheat blocks Linux play as with many Namco-Bandai titles.
Controls seem to function or break based on Proton updates.
In my short testing, the game runs fine on Linux without multiplayer. Easy Anti Cheat seems to force the game to offline mode on startup.
Forced offline due to Easy Anti-Cheat software.
EAC doen't work
EAC prevents any attempt to access online multiplayer
Offline only which limits many game features later
EAC doesn't allow you to go online
As EAC Proton isn't implemented (yet?) in this game, I wouldn't consider it "enjoyable" because of the many game modes you can't have access to

Considering how much late-game content is locked behind online functionality, I couldn't recommend this game in its current state.
EAC is completely broken, locking you out of any functionality requiring a connection to the online servers.
EAC is nonfunctional, online features are completely unavailable.
The game runs perfectly fine. But the online part is not working duo lack of EAC support.
Tan solo hago este reporte 3 meses despues del otro, puesto que ayer este juego obtuvo el Steam Deck Support Verified y queria ayudar a la comunidad que le interese este juego haciendoles saber que sigue el mismo problema con el EasyAntiCheat.
Basically game runs perfect, the only hinderance is being gated by EAC. hopefully with time this will be a non issue.
No puedes tener una buena experiencia porque creo que el multijugador es el punto fuerte de este juego y por culpa de EAC no va.
You can play single solo perfectly without problems.
Online doesn't work 'cause the Anti-cheats.
No multiplayer (EAC), but otherwise nearly-native singleplayer gameplay with 6.3-4.

Easy Anti-Cheat Borks this game, Unable to start at all
Game is broke.
Rodou super bem :3
Game crashes at launch
No se ejecuta con la fluidaz necesaria para jugarlo.
El juego se ejecuta a 15 fps con caidas a 2fps.
Caidas bruscas de fps de 15 a 2 .

Nothing online-related works anymore.
while fullscreen will lose the ability to use inputs, while fine in borderless windowed
Make sure to use borderless windowed mode so that <Alt>+<tab>
won't affect the game.
Online doesn't work, which means you can't buy items from the TP Medal shop anymore
You can play good with this version, except the online
yes but works in version 4.2-9 flawless with the 4.11-11 fps drops

Only complaint I have is alt-tabbing anywhere but the title screen makes controls in the hub unresponsive (however in battle the controls work fine oddly). Other than that runs like native.