Basically not playable. You literally lose your save games every 2nd time you play.
every while my singleplayer save game is broken and I can't load into it (game keeps crashing when trying to) and I have to delete all my save games and start all over again
can't play on servers because of Battleye. Also can't deactivate Battleye protection on my Nitrado server (which I got so I could play without losing my save game everytime). Also can't setup my own server because stupid exclusivity stuff
Maybe you could join someones Singleplayer game (if thats possible?) so you can prevent losing your stuff (if thats not also Battleye protected). Haven't had the chance to test this. Other than that game is not playable because of Battleye + save game issues
Use GE-Proton8-21 and play on a dedicated server and its quite enjoyable, given you have the hardware to run it
Singleplayer save games are broken all the time
With GE-Proton8-21 BattlEye and therefore playing on servers works
for more fps you can use console commands to turn stuff like volumetric clouds and fog and some of the grass on the ground off. Especially the clouds give me like +20 fps. Commands are: r.VolumetricCloud 0, r.Fog 0, grass.enable 0. If you have console access enabled you can access it with the Escape menu (bottom left corner) which will actually save your last entered commands, so you dont have to write them down because you need to enter them every time you start the game
They turned off anti-cheat support for Linux
thank you EA/Respawn
Game doesn't even start
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Tried a bunch of different proton versions. Game doesn't even start. When I launch steam from console I get some error messages about ld.so cannot be preloaded. No clue how to fix that so for now it doesn't work for me
mangohud %command%
After my initial issues where the game didn't even start I had deleted the wine prefix and then after a system reboot it reinstalled all the dependencies and worked since then. Didn't have any other issues with the game and I believe the issues I had where not related to game directly. I can run at around 100 fps without frame gen (but with fsr 3 on quality; 1440p) on high graphics preset (basically the default setting). frame gen can be enabled and works fine, I get like 130-160 fps with it in the short testing I did. My hardware is by no means low end or something but I really didn't expect that great performance given how many reviews on the games launch looked like. It's fairly vram heavy, I think it was running at like 17GB usage or something, so I don't know how it'd run on other graphics cards.
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
apart from the game being absolute garbage it runs very good out of the box. I had like 300+ fps for the most part without any tinkering whatsoever.
When running on vulkan I had some issues where the game crashed when I changed my volume or tabbed out of the game. Switched to DX11 in the game launcher and didn't have this issues yet.
The game performance on vulkan seems to be a bit better than on dx11, but I had some stability issues with vulkan so I switched it to dx11, performance is definitely more than good enough to enjoy the game
Works very well out of the box
The only problem I'm encountering is that every time I start the game I can play for like 10 - 30 minutes and then I have like half a minute where the fps go down to about 30 and after that it's fine for the rest of the game session. Its not really a problem and it never happened twice in one gaming session (my longest was about 2+ hours at once I guess).
Works great out of the box
I'm stuck at 90 fps for whatever reason, but it's fine. Played about 4 hours at once with a friend in coop, did not encounter a single disconnect or any other sort of issue
All the fun games modes are gone, each week there are new significant issues with the linux client. Not a good release at all
-nojoy -fullscreen -vulkan
my microphone is still not working (since day 1). It works perfectly in every other application, I tried with and without all the sdlaudiodriver start commands. Idk what causes this issue for me but it's very annoying. I don't play highly competitive or whatever but I usually play on a fairly high rank and not being able to talk to the people I'm playing with is kind of a deal breaker for me
most of the visual issues are already fixed but sometimes smokes have small artifacts
every time you start the game you have to go to the settings and re-enable fullscreen for it to work
I really wish they'd tested their client on linux. Right now it works the best, but at release the game had some really big issues with sound not working at all, huge graphical issues, the game not running on wayland. I've had everything. And some of those bugs (like the sound delay bug and my mic not working) are still not fixed. Valve is the only big company that cares about Linux so it hurts even more to see how much their CS2 team cared about it.
Runs very well with Proton Experimental, didn't try any other versions of proton.
I had to run the command "sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=1048576", otherwise the game would crash upon launch. I've also downloaded DZGUI for easier connection to modded servers.
Runs perfectly fine. DZGUI is not as advanced as other (windows) alternatives, but it does its job very well. Other than that I've had no issues
Runs great out of the box
no issues with online play
Did not work at all
Able to start the game but I got some weird looking video output instead of the main menu and then the game just closed
DXVK_ASYNC=1 DXVK_FRAME_RATE=165 WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7.dll=n,b" PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 mangohud %command%
added bBackgroundMouse=1 inside Fallout4.ini
I initially tried a lot of things recommended by others (as you might see from all my steam start commands). The one that helped the most was the bBackgroundMouse setting inside the ini file. After setting this my game ran at 60 fps without any stuttering BUT the mouse cursor went to my off screens and i tabbed out when i clicked. So I had to disable my secondary monitors and after that the game ran butter smooth with ultra settings on 165 fps. Propably most of the starting commands are not really needed and I dont think it matters too much which version of proton I'd have used as I tried a few different ones and they all worked pretty much the same (same problems, same solutions), this one is just the one I had selected when I first tried turning off my secondary monitors
mangohud gamemoderun DXVK_FRAME_RATE=100 DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Had to run 'protontricks 377160 settings winecfg' > Graphics > Enable 'Automatically capture mouse' as mentioned by others to fix the mouse from glitching out to my second monitor. It's not the best solution, but it's something.
mouse goes to 2nd screen if you don't capture it with protontricks and even then it's buggy from time to time. Also the mouse speed seems to be different when go horizontal vs vertical
you need to capture your fps otherwise the game runs much faster than intended
Can't say it's great, but I don't think the windows experience is any better based on what I've seen
gamescope -W 2560 -H 1440 -- %command%
without gamescope my mouse would always go to my 2nd monitor if I was moving my mouse towards it for long enough (sometimes after like 1 360 turn and sometimes after 5; seemed pretty random to me)
When I first played F76 it worked fine, had to restart the game a couple of times because I had to change graphic settings and for whatever reason it requires you to restart the game every single time... As I said after some time I had the issue where my mouse would always leave the game window at some point so I had to use gamescope to fix that. idk if this happens on X11, just tried it on gnome wayland.
I had two freezes but both where outside of a race while i was doing stuff in the settings, so probably caused by me
Runs great on my hardware, no issues with the xbox login it just popped up and worked ootb when first starting the game. I switched to proton experimental because most people on protondb had it selected so idk if it would've also worked on proton 8 or ge proton
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
game freezes a lot and sometimes like 30 seconds
multiplayer (EAC) works now without kicking you out
Seems like EAC works now which is awesome. I was able to connect to a server and run around in the base and start a mission. I experienced a lot and really heavy freezes. It seems like its getting better when I'm longer in one area but currently it's not really playable like this. Got kicked out of the server a few times because I lagged so heavy and when flying in a heli you basically get like 4 frames for the whole flight.
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
I don't know if it's caused by some game update or by the newest version of GE-Proton, but the heavy freezing in the menus and helicopter are completely gone for me. I had some rubberbanding issues when I just played but this could very well be a server side issue. When I'm not sprinting it's fine. So for me the game is now absolutely enjoyable and I'm very happy the developer listened to the community and activated EAC support for this game.
played with a couple of friends in a shared world. No issues
I experienced significant frame drops from about ~ 100 fps (at lowest settings) to like 10 fps very very often
many performance issues
usually crashes whenever i change graphic settings while in a mission
multiplayer itself was playable. just make sure you are not the host (if playing with someone on windows) so every time your game crashes it doesnt kick everyone else out
Maybe if I had a graphics card with more vram it would run more smooth, the fps itself are not that bad but the vram is always capped on 8gb and whenevery I look around or turn or whatever I have stutters (probably because its dropping/reloading stuff in vram?). I tried reducing to FHD (from QHD) which did not change the vram problem, and I've also tried the absolute lowest graphics settings + DLSS on (which gave me around 100+ fps, but still not very consistent). I don't think it's very playable with all that issues. I mean you can play it, if you dont tinker around in the settings all the time the game doesn't really crash (at least it didnt for me), but it's not really nice to play on lowest settings with performance problems all the time. I have a dual boot system so this is one of the (very few) games I'll actually fire it up for.
I hosted a multiplayer session for a few hours and we had no issues with it
This is my second report because I have upgraded my PC and with my new graphics card the game runs pretty good (no stuttering and all the other issues I've had before). The game uses up to about 13 GB of VRAM, so I guess the issues with playing it on my 3070ti was the 8GB VRAM. That being said, on Windows it definitely works with less VRAM without problems (and probably also better with my new hardware). But for anyone interested in playing this game on Linux, if you happen to have enough vram it works pretty well. Definitely playable! I had to switch to GE Proton to get all the video sequenzes working
had no issues. Multiplayer works and performance is great
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
I added the launch commands I always add and changed the Proton version to the newest from GE (which is also something I do for most games) and had no issues (or tinkering) to get this game running. No performance issues or anything, played for 1 hour straight and no crashing or anything
Runs pretty good, had one crash in 2 days of play and I'm not sure if that was related to proton
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
fps are very good in this game even with high graphics settings, however in outpost rush (probably also in other big pvp battles and such like) I don't have very great fps (depending on the situation between 40 and 90ish). It's definitely playable and idk if that's also happening on Windows or not.
didnt run in proton 7.0-6. Works with experimental. Performance is not super great and there are some lags and stutters here and there (nothing too crazy), but I played multiplayer with a friend on windows and she experienced the exact same issues, so I guess it's more related to the game itself. But overall the experience was pretty good
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
I can't look around with my mouse. It's just looking on the ground and spinning around no matter what I do.
Unfortunately doesn't work for me because my mouse input does not work properly.
had once the problem that i was not able to connect to a friends lobby until everyone restarted their game. other than that no problems
Needed to disable steam overlay, otherwise the game would freeze upon start. Had no issues playing online with friends
mangohud PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 WINEDLLOVERRIDES=libglesv2=d %command%
I used the proton version and launch options others on proton db recommended and with that (haven't tried with different settings) the game runs perfectly fine. Max. Preset on ~100 fps, I'd say pretty much the same as on windows.
Doesn't work thanks to Anti-Cheat
Singleplayer works but honestly, it's a Multiplayer game so it's borked in my eyes
overall great experience, some issues with multi monitor setup
sometimes my mouse would just go to my 2nd screen. opening the escape menu and closing it again fixes it but it can be pretty annoying when it happens like 5 times in one match
Getting kicked by EAC
Every time I log in with my character I get kicked by EAC
performance is very bad and inconsistent. Restarted the game a couple of times and it was always different
sometimes character would just turn 90 degree without me doing anything with the mouse
graphic settings (especially fsr settings) can change performance drastically in very weird ways
I originally tried it with steams proton 8 which did work for me. I had to skip the sequenz when starting the game (with spacebar) because it just showed me a black screen. Also one of the sequenzes at the beginning of the story did just show as a black screen. Before I began playing I switched to GE-Proton8-3. I noticed that lowering my graphics settings didn't give me better fps, in fact it made it WAY worse. After tinkering around with the settings I found that preset high and fsr set to balanced ran pretty well for me (60-100 fps with some lags). After playing for a couple of minutes I decided to try some different proton versions if the initial video would run on any of them. But after that my game would not run with more than 10 fps no matter which graphics setings I choose. The only one giving me slightly more fps (like 30+) is fsr on ultra performance which looks like 360p. I don't know if I was lucky that it worked the first time I played, but if I can't get it at least back to how it initially was (with some stutters and fps drops and weird input lags) I can't really play
awesome game, works perfect ootb
had a 5 hour session without any issues. Performance is great, no crashes whatsoever