Not working
The DayZ launcher is working, but when i press "play" in the launcher or try to join a server, the game doesn't lauch. I tried many launch options seen here and many Proton versions.

Performs much better than on Windows (AMD GPUs), mods are super easy to set up with DZGUI
Mouse 3 doesn't work for some reason
The GPU is properly utilized here, whereas in Windows the moment you enter a sizeable city the usage takes a noise dive. Super easy to set up everything, only issue I've had is the game doesn't recognize the M3 input of my mouse, I've tried in other DXVK games and it works there.

Runs great OOTB

Starts and runs great, Only played on official servers so can't comment on mods.
Launcher leaves a box outline in game, so I turned the launcher off.

In short, as the game runs, probably loading mesh and similar data, occupies a lot of VRAM, never completely freeing it. I arrive in having the full VRAM occupied and that decreased the fps, probably halving it, leading to input lag and such. From the sensors, I see 6056/6144MB of VRAM used continuously.
VRAM memory leak bug impacts the fps after some minutes of playing.

There is an initial setup tinkering, afterwards runs flawlessly. Must set launch options, set specific watched mod folder in the launcher.
-name="your name" -noSplash -skipintro -noPause -world=empty
In the DayZ Server Launcher, change watched mods folder to:
Border of DayZ Launcher visible, must be minimized.
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=1048576 could be needed. The tutorial I followed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TmPvG2HvPk

This game will run fine with pretty much any modern proton enabled, as long as you don't want to play with mods.
I should be able to run it on ultra settings with no issues but I only get 60FPS on medium settings at 4k.
In order to get the launcher to properly identify mods, I adjusted the proton prefix to mimic a windows install. I did this by updating the registry, adding alll folders (documents, saved games, photos, etc.), and installing needed dependencies. Chat GPT helped me do this and now the game runs normally with mods through the launcher. No script required. I have the instructions linked here for anyone who wants to try it. https://github.com/Baghdaddy27/dayzonlinux/blob/main/instructions

No because there may be problems with fps drops when moving the mouse even in the menu which is why it is not an "out of the box" experience
gamemoderun mangohud DXVK_ASYNC=1 LD_PRELOAD="" %command%
After about 30 minutes of play when moving the mouse there is a noticeable drop in fps from 150 to 40-50 and an increase in frametime. LD_PRELOAD="" and DXVK_ASYNC=1 apparently solves this problem
The game works great in my case even better than on the most popular system in the world starting with "W" and ending with "W$". Just download and play

use other launcher, like DZGUI to play on moded server. it loads mods automatic and connect to server
WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=8:0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14 gamemoderun mangohud %command%
use other launcher, like DZGUI to play on moded server. it loads mods automatic and connect to server. launchoption in steam is to only run game on physical cores
Old game but one I find myself returning to quite often. The sanbox nature of the game makes it so replayable. No tinkering needed.
The game runs great without any problems. Would recommend using something else than the native launcher, like WoozyMasta/dayz-ctl.
gamescope -f --force-grab-cursor -- %command%

only the Bohemia typical issues
Most Proton versions seem to work just fine out of the box.

gamemoderun LD_PRELOAD="" DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command% -noSplash -skipintro -noPause -world=empty
I just put the command and there were no more slowdowns sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=1048576

I'm not sure if my FPS is lower or higher than when I played it on Windows since I didn't do objective tests like that, but it feels just as good.
It so happened that after a couple of hours of playing, everything started to freeze
Besides a few hitches with selecting and running with mods, no major problems.

Modded servers were not working. Unsubsribed from all modds on steam workshop which had been previously subscribed too when I was on windows. Then resubscribed to mods and redownloaded and have had no issues since.
Have to minimise launcher or borders are visable ingame
If you dont play modded servers it works out of the box. I find i have better fps under linux
Worked without issue.

Its totally playable and works like a charm. On Extreme I get FPS between 60 and 80, though I only use a 60hz monitor so its smooth.
If I leave open the launcher you can see light borders of it in game. To fix just minimize the launcher before booting the game.
Its weird... I feel like changing settings doesnt improve FPS a lot. Doesnt matter if I put everything to Extreme or Middle, only Low improves FPS significantly.

No problems detected!

LD_PRELOAD="" gamescope -w 2560 -h 1440 -f -r 180 --force-grab-cursor --adaptive-sync -- %command% -noSplash -skipintro
Gamescope used to bypass KDE scaling to hit native 1440p, as well as lock cursor to window better
Identical to windows
Overall, with just no launch options it works great, I've tweaked it for myself just because of personal preferences and stuff. For mods, use DZGUI, https://aclist.github.io/dzgui/dzgui. It works very well, pretty much the windows DZSA launcher for linux. With gamescope, I did have an issue of the game becoming extremely choppy after about an hour or two, which was fixed with the LD_PRELOAD launch option!!

-name="your name" -noSplash -skipintro -noPause -world=empty
To play, use the following in the terminal: sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=1048576
or, permanent solution (requires reboot): echo "vm.max_map_count=1048576" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
For those of you who want to play on community servers (no command line), watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TmPvG2HvPk
additional information: Set Watched Folders (Add custom folder...): .local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop

Click install, click play, bingo bango
Official servers only so far; havent played any mods

sometimes my mouse would leave fullscreen but i have no idea what caused it and it might even happen on windows, fixed immediately just alttabbing lol
weird playing it, havent played it since 2014 alpha, didnt expect it to run well but it runs fantastic and had no issues!

Steam mod subscriptions must be 100% up-to-date! Daily file verification may be required. Servers seem unusually sensitive to ping during peak hours but, this may be a local issue for me specifically.
Run DZGUI launcher: https://github.com/aclist/dztui The setup takes a while (Steam API key) but this is the only solution I've found that works 100% of the time, also makes mod management simple.
If you're running an AMD GPU, make sure you're using Kisak's updated MESA drivers. Many distros aren't pushing updated AMD drivers. One of the main reasons Bazzite seems to be more friendly to gaming is because they push updated drivers often. Running Kisak's gives you the same experience and you will probably notice lower temps and higher frames. https://launchpad.net/~kisak/+archive/ubuntu/kisak-mesa

Stopped working for ~1 Week now
crashes occusionaly. makes it unplayable

Need to install the unix patcher for the launcher to be able to handle mods https://github.com/valters-tomsons/DayZLauncher-UnixPatcher
Install a patch for dayz launcher so mods work
Mods reloading takes a longer time then normal whenever you restart the game fully
After installing the dayz launcher patch no issues at all
Install unixpatcher to get mods to work https://github.com/valters-tomsons/DayZLauncher-UnixPatcher

The official servers work well but if you want to join a modded community servers (that are the best ones) the official launcher can't handle mod paths. As a workaround you have to install the mods with a web browser and launch the game with unofficial dayz-linux-cli-launcher like this:
./dayz-launcher.sh -d <mod ids> -- -connect=<server ip>:<server port>
This opens the official launcher where you should simply press the PLAY button to join the server.

DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
uses cpu instead of gpu if resuming from suspend
neither Fullscreen/Windowed allowed me to move the game window between screens. It remains on the screen marked as primary.
uses cpu instead of gpu if resuming from suspend
uses cpu instead of gpu if resuming from suspend.
Which results in significant FPS drop.
Arma Reforger doesn't care and remains high 200+fps
Don't use DayzSaLauncher.
It tries to use Junction Points instead of symlinks to manage mods.
Instead, use dayz-ctl since it defers to steam to manage your mods.

Great experience out of the box
I sometimes got kicked from official servers out of the blue (had to reconnect) but this is most likely an issue with the game itself not with any system or configuration.
No tinkering needed to have a good time with this one.

Yes ONLY if you play the BASE GAME, without mods. With mods, you may have issues, which you may be able to fix the same way I have.
gamemoderun %command%
Running the game at Fullscreen or Borderless would crash the game when Alt-Tabbing. Switching to Windowed (which was still borderless) fixed it.
The game was stuttering heavily every few seconds, from 60 FPS to around 30 FPS, with no discernible pattern. I used a combination of Feral's Gamemode, GE-Proton, and added rules to enable performance mode on my GPU, as apparently it was running in a sort of "balanced" mode. I believe this last one fixed the heavy stuttering.
I recommend (at least for AMD GPU's) to check if your GPU is running on a "balanced" mode, and not a "performance" mode. This is why I was having heavy stuttering issues on MODDED SERVERS. I recommend checking this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/16xa8io/stuttering_and_frame_drops_in_games/ to learn how to fix this issue.
The first time I installed the game, it crashed after 20 minutes. Setting up vm.max_map_count=1048576 fixed the issue, despite the count already being that value.
I have only selected "Excellent" because I have managed to fix the heavy stuttering issues I was facing initially. HOWEVER, the BASE GAME, without mods, ran perfectly from out of the box. The issues only started happening on modded servers for some reason.
I initially played with Steam's Proton Experimental, and do not know if GE-Proton is better or not; however, it is what I use. I also recommend getting Feral's Gamemode and adding the launch parameters to the game, check the "vm.max_map_count" and how to set it "1048576" as this is required to run the game without crashing after a few minutes. Furthermore, don't forget to check if your GPU is running on a "balanced" mode, which could cause the same heavy stuttering issues I was having.
The BASE GAME ran perfectly from the very beginning (perhaps only the crash fix needed to be applied for the base game).

The game run perfectly out of the box but i recommend to use DZGUI launcher to elimate launcher crashes and for modded server
Sometimes default launcher crash i recommend to use DZGUI launcher
running perfectly

Si vous comptez jouer avec des mods, sinon les mods apparaitrons comme corrompu
semblable a l'experience windows
installer et lancer le DayZ launcher Unix patcher si vous comptez jouer avec des mods, a part ca tout fonctionne parfaitement!

Didn't encounter any issues. Didn't use any mods, so can't say if it's working or not.

for modded server use the DZGUI launcher since the normal launcher could freeze at some point and doesnt go well with mods.
Issues with DZGUI: Sometimes u need to manually search the IP of the Server u want to join. Here u dont need the gameport, u need the QUERYPORT. u can serch servers on www.battlemetrics.com for this info
example PORT

Had to revert to Proton 8.0-5, otherwise the launcher crashes after any button press. Once on downgraded Proton you can disable hardware acceleration and the launcher will stop crashing on Proton Experimental. Tested on two different distros and flatpak/runtime Steam.
I do NOT recommend DZGUI because it requires you to provide a Steam API key, as alternative I opted for 'https://github.com/valters-tomsons/DayZLauncher-UnixPatcher' to fix the original launcher instead.
Most distros require you to run 'sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=1048576' to prevent a crash.
After all this tinkering the game runs as expected, performance seems equal to Windows.
Once you fix the launcher issue and load proper mods, everything is alright.