It works flawlessly straight away.

Works totally out of the box, absolutely no issues with performance or anti cheat or anything like that.
In game voice chat is quite quiet for me, even when receive volume is 100% I have to manually adjust people's volume much higher. Quality is totally fine, and I was able to adjust my own microphone settings optimally which was good.

gamemoderun %command% --disable-gpu
May be just a bug with the game itself, audio for the player occasionally doesn't play though (only the surrounding world).
Launcher is 32 bit and requires 32 bit Vulkan drivers to be installed (lib32-vulkan-radeon on Arch) otherwise it will not launch.

I have installed it and could play.

DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command% --disable-gpu
Stutters after ~30 min on mouselook. Can be fixed by enabling Steam Overlay
Planetside 2 is highly dependent on netwrk connection speed. This is also true for Windows
There are two (and a half) ways around the 30min stutter (which began around mid October 2024).
-The first is to avoid DXVK by enabling PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1. There is a slight performance hit, but less than the stutter
-The second is to enable Steam Overlay. This allows full DXVK performance. I found this when researching the issue (I also use it to fix HELLDIVERS 2); apparently this has happened before to other games. I have not found a good answer to why this fixes the issue...
-The half-solution is to restart when the problem comes up, which gives you another 15-30 min of normal play.

It just works out of the box
It just works out of the box

PROTON_LOG=1 %command%

This game has quite a rocky history behind it, making the game's framerate unstable on all platforms.
General performance tweaks are advised, no matter how beefy your system is. This is because of poor engine optimization/utilisation of your hardware. Meaning you are going to be mostly CPU bound which primarily uses 2-4 cores. Single core clock speed is a must, and even then the performance even natively on windows is sub-par at best.
Poor performance due to engine limitations, both on Windows and Linux
Make sure to disable shadows and set all settings to low (except textures since these use the gpu)
Generally still a fun game if you can endure the 20 fps engine related framedrops.

No issues here.

PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 gamemoderun %command%
Workaround heavy stuttering , which are not related to wayland or X11 , neither Nvidia or AMD gpu for what i read here , i do not think it is related to Proton version either . Simply use PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 If you have stuttering after ~30mins .Tested during prime time on a friday , on emerald with very heavy fights .

WINEDLLOVERRIDES=libglesv2=d gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Prior to 10/17/2024 patch, worked great (minus issues present in Windows too, like massive CPU bottlenecking and extremely bad shadow algorithm). After this patch, after about 31-38 minutes, playing on Proton will lead to the game will start having an enormous frame drop every time your camera is moved. Restarting the game fixes it for another 31-38 minutes.

Planetside 2 on performance and DLSS runs good on the Steam Deck, although a bit chaotic.
%command% --disable-gpu
Done many personal changes to the control scheme to fit my comfort along with Gyro to mouse but once finished was quite a solid experience.
Planetside 2 run quite well on the Steam Deck, the UI fit the 16:10 screen quite well, and I was able to enjoy infantry and vehicle fights using Gyro as support.
The game requires plenty of mouse input for the menus.
The game can get a bit chaotic at times due to the sheer scale of battles, which can get a bit overwhelming on the Steam Deck screen but on smaller scale battles it is quite enjoyable although you will require plenty of control tinkering.
Works great in Wayland IF you enable gamescope. Without, on my system, it had unplayable stutters.
gamemoderun gamescope -W 3440 -H 1440 -e -f --force-grab-cursor -- %command%

gamemoderun %command% --disable-gpu
I also installed Recursion Tracker (a popular Planetside 2 overlay and stat tracker) using SteamTinkerLaunch as described here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/11vao54/recursion_overlay_working_on_linux/

WINEDLLOVERRIDES=libglesv2=d MANGOHUD_CONFIG=gpu_core_clock,gpu_mem_clock mangohud prime-run %command%
Compared to Windows, the game seems to have significantly higher FPS drops, but it is still playable.
I was missing these packages to make the game start: vulkan-intel lib32-vulkan-intel vulkan-tools vulkan-icd-loader
Causes driver crashes every few minutes. Sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes 20. But they lock up everything and you can't even switch TTY's.

All is ok. No freeze, no sound bug. alt+tab ok.
All is perfect, CLEAR. Just don't forget to activate proton experimental on steam availability and download the game.
Totaly playable, just don't forget to activate proton on steam availability.

Except for my coms issue, no issue at all !
Coms are reaaaally low

Requires absolutely no tinkering, it works flawlessly out of the box. Although, while I play on low settings, I think tinkering could help with performance, it never really bothered me, but after 230 hrs i think I'll do some digging into the performance side of things the next time I come to play it.

MANGOHUD_CONFIG=position=top-right gamemoderun DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 WINEDLLOVERRIDES=libglesv2=d %command%
audio still slowly disappears and after ~5h without restart youre basically deaf
Ive been playing it via proton for a while and today i was unable to login since the username-text-field was not clickable with experimental and GE9-1 (multiple tries). with GE8-32 it (and everything else) still works.

If launching from an NTFS partition, need it mounted as user in /etc/fstab: uid=1000,gid=1000,rw,user,exec,umask=000 0 0

Avoid if planning to get into the community. Best played with a close knit group of friends.
unfocusing the window seems to cause a crash on Plasma 5

WINEDLLOVERRIDES=libglesv2=d gamemoderun %command%
Tweaking a few key settings can make a huge difference. Technically speaking the launch options are not mandatory, just highly, highly recommended.
Absolute no-no's for performance (Platform Agnostic): Shadows: OFF Particles: LOW
Settings for Linux/Proton should be a bit different in my experience. I have only tested on my PC so results may vary. I've found dropping the Render Resolution to 75-90% and using in-game FSR to upscale back up (Quality or Balanced option, 80/85% is my preferred sharpening amount) is disproportionally beneficial on Linux/Proton compared to Windows. Other settings are pretty much what you'd want on Windows.
Proton version seems to matter little in my testing. That said, I experienced noticeable decreases in performance when using older versions of Proton (as most who have played PS2 on Linux are probably used to doing), and instead recommend using the latest version of GE-Proton, provided you are using the aforementioned FSR/Render-Resolution tweaks.
The sound bug is still a problem on Linux/Proton as far as I can tell.

Using Proton Experimental ran fine out of the box. I wouldn't say it's identical to Windows, but it does run well.
Many of the reviews recommend Proton 6.3-8. I do not recommend using that version of Proton; doing so gave me 25 fps in the lobby. Your experience may be different, but that was mine.
I use Proton Experimental for most titles that require Proton. With my hardware, I was able to run 70-100 fps on max settings with Experimental, and did not need to add any launch commands. My only complaint is that framerates seemed to vary wildly, but again, your mileage may vary.
If you aren't comfortable running Proton Experimental (for one reason or another), 8.0-5 ran very similarly to Experimental.

%command% --disable-gpu
Planetside2 has a ton of known issues independent of platform that one should be aware about. These are not linux configurations/bugs, they are planetside ones.
Notably, even if the game was optimized better, you'd still get framedrops due to large player counts. Aim for 120+ on potato (you should potato this game if you want an even playing field) then accept it dipping down to sub 60 in 100+ pop fights. If you do not do this your guns will shoot ever so slightly slower and those "acceptable sub 60's" will turn into slideshow sub 30's. Render range and shadows are the most impactful settings, and the game is fairly CPU locked and singlecore, so don't expect your beefy PC to be able to keep up unless it's built with that in mind.
Also, the audio will starting dropping sounds at around 2 hours like clockwork, ranging from as soon as 45 minutes if you've had constant action and 8 hours if you sit in a corner away from noises. You just have to reboot the game, this has been a known issue for probably half a decade.
As mentioned elsewhere, launch tweaks are only for getting past the launcher, past that it's just normal ini graphic configs to try to salvage as many frames as possible.

Overall good experience. If you get really good additional tweaking can further improve performance.
Game struggles with larger amounts of audio in larger fights
I have more stuttering in game than friends with windows and lower end hardware
Every few month I experience large amounts of crashing and incredibly bad ping (300+) I say something in chat, game crashes and when I relaunch the issue is resolved. I suspect a server is being rebooted but not certain
setting the resolution to 4k crashes the game, regardless of windowed or fulllscreen. Manually setting it to 1080 fullscreen in the UserSettings.ini file didn't work. Setting the system to 1080 is my current workaround.

DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command% --use-gl=osmesa
most audio channels get lost after some hours of playtime
shift+3(german keyboard § sign) has no more effect since updating to ubuntu 23.10 and thus libinput-bin:amd64 1.22.1-1ubuntu0.1 to 1.23.0-2 all other weapon slots work while e.g. running with left shift pressed.
works best with ubuntu 23.04. wait before going to 23.10

Works flawlessly.
Works really well. I've put a lot of hours into this game over the last decade, and it's really nice to be able to use this on my main linux OS.

DXVK_FRAME_RATE=144 WINEDLLOVERRIDES=libglesv2=d gamemoderun mangohud %command% --disable-gpu
The only problems I ran into were server related latency issues.
3+ hours of solid play on Fedora today with no problems. 1,159.1 hours total with various Linux builds.
One minor missing texture that appears to be getting better over time, has improved over multiple game launches.

mangohud %command%
Set wanted fps limit in useroptions.ini, because something has changed and using mangohud or dxvk fps limiter no longer runs smoothly.
Stutter issue that i said was fixed in tkg-proton 8.0 had reappeared after updating kernel, and i found that custom cpu scheduler can fix it, at least BMQ scheduler runs smoothly. I think it should run well with all proton 8.x versions when using custom cpu scheduler.

Works fine with normal Proton 8.0-3. I use it through steamtinkerlaunch sometimes when I want to tweak things, but works fine without
mangohud gamemoderun %command%
Sometimes hitches a bit. Could very likely be a PS2 issue though as I've heard others report the same

default launch fails to display the launcher properly, showing a black nad then white window

No sign of life when trying to launch through Steam.
Doesn't open through Steam, launcher AND game opened fine when ran via Wine (ran smoothly for about 10 seconds), but then anticheat doesn't work and closes while in-game.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES=libglesv2=d MANGOHUD_CONFIG=gpu_core_clock,gpu_mem_clock mangohud gamemoderun %command%
Enable Freesync/g-sync
Found a fix for stutter. With mangohud i've noticed GPU usage only at 30% and clocks at 800Mhz. Enabling FreeSync made game use 100% of GPU (no idea why). can play now at maximum setting with no stutter. Instruction how to enable freesync/g-sync https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Variable_refresh_rate. Proton version makes little difference so can run it on default.

gamemoderun %command% --disable-gpu
I played in a populated map with my brother for about an hour. No issues at all. Will update i heavier map population causes slow downs in the future as it did last year when I tried to play.
I am running on Linux Mint 21.2 and walked through CTT Ultimate Linux Gaming Guide including changing the Kernel to 6.4.7-1-liquorix-amd64. I also became aware the btrfs file systems may not perfom as well as ext4 due to fuctionality missing for some STEAM and Proton related code. I am using ext4 file system this time around.