Game itself runs fine, had a couple of issues with steamvr and joining multiplayer
As long as you don't attempt to change the graphics settings, it works fine. You're just stuck at main display resolution, and medium graphics settings. Any change of graphics settings - it crashes and cannot be restarted until clearing out the directory per other reports.
Runs perfectly fine. The only issues, were clearly game issues and not Proton etc
Only thing of note is lack of mouse sensitivity options; but that's a game issue
Attempted with and without ansel, the d3d11 tweaks, no success. Can get the splash screen (briefly), when the game switches to fullscreen, nada. Have to switch out and kill the process.
Only played in windowed (I play FTL the same way), worked perfectly however. All time I've got on this game is actually under Linux.
Perfect as ever. The usual frustration of the save not carrying over (damnit Jamestown)
Per the others be sure to cd ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Jet\ Set\ Radio/ && rm jsrsetup.exe && mv jetsetradio.exe jsrsetup.exe
. Appears to be fixed to fullscreen, but there could be some settings somewhere to sort that out. Really do need to alt+f4 to quit though
Never tried it under windows to make a comparison, graphically it's fine. There is some apparent input lag for the mouse, and crashes very often - display stops updating. The system is responsive though, so can be killed after dropping to terminal.
Now working fine - no longer having the "it will run for 20 minutes" then crashing badly.
Thus far, surprised it's working as well as it is on launch - even as it has Denuvo. It's a shame that it's limited to epic now really.
Game starts, or attempts to start. Fails after a few seconds without even displaying a title screen
Does not launch, keep getting "The server is not reachable, check your Internet connection and click 'Retry'"
Again, once installed libgnutls26 from the AUR, launches fine. There appeared to be slight juddering with the frame rate, but otherwise quite playable.
Works great, but you must skip the videos (they do not play). Occasional minor audio glitches. Very glad this works
Couldn't get past the first/tutorial level. Important text (and large portions of the menus) do not display correctly, rendering it unplayable. In game, it works perfectly fine until "Access Console" when the render bug kicks in, and you cannot complete the level.
Does not launch, keep getting "The server is not reachable, check your Internet connection and click 'Retry'"
I take back borked... After adding libgnutls26 from the AUR it works well (guess this will also be applicable to NieR...). Only bad things of note so far... Had to disable all screens apart from the one I'm going to play the game on (may be ok after the first run; still some verification to do), and the FoV defaulted at a whole 33 - so would recommend checking that.
Performance wise, forgot I'm actually playing on Linux.
Once the tweak of PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 is added to the launch options, works fine
Rating silver as sometimes it runs fine, sometimes has a terrible frame rate, and, sometimes just locks up/stops rendering (although the machine can be ssh'd into to stop the process). It's not apparent what or why this happens, but it does.
When it's working though, it works well.
One of 2006's finest games, running surprisingly well on 2015's finest laptops (trusty XPS 13).
Black screen, seems to be loading issues. From running steam from a term:-
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1566431379) LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Game/Squanch/Meshes/Editor/SM_Editor_Villager requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/Squanch/Meshes/Editor/SM_Editor_Villager LogStreaming: Error: This will hitch streaming because it ends up searching the disk instead of finding the file in the pak file. LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages... LogStreaming: Error: /Game/Brandon/SpawnPoint_Preview LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Game/Squanch/Meshes/Editor/SM_Editor_Vagoomba_MeleeV2 requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/Squanch/Meshes/Editor/SM_Editor_Vagoomba_MeleeV2 LogStreaming: Error: This will hitch streaming because it ends up searching the disk instead of finding the file in the pak file. LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages... LogStreaming: Error: /Game/Brandon/SpawnPoint_Preview LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Game/Squanch/Meshes/Editor/SM_Editor_Vagoomba_MeleeV1 requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/Squanch/Meshes/Editor/SM_Editor_Vagoomba_MeleeV1 LogStreaming: Error: This will hitch streaming because it ends up searching the disk instead of finding the file in the pak file.