Used to need tweaks. Runs perfectly now.
First time it'll install Uplay and you'll probably need to exit it after logging in and then restart the game. This only needs to be done once. Still recommend disabling Uplay overlay.
protontricks 494360 --gui and select the default wine prefix. Run winecfg and in the Graphics tab, you will see the option to enable a virtual desktop. Set to 800x600
Game would appear on top left of screen while cursor hitboxes are severely misaligned. Without the protontricks fix mentioned it is not playable.
The machine I am running it on uses SwayWM and I have set this specific game window to appear as floating in 800x600.
The float settings for SwayWM:
for_window [class="steam_app_494360"] floating enable, resize set 800 600
Ran perfectly from start to finish. Played with Steam Controller.
Seems to load fine up until spawning when it starts to very quickly use up all available RAM and freeze the computer. Tried several workarounds such as using WineD3D, setting all graphics options to low, and capping FPS to 30. Nothing seems to be able to make it work right now.
GE required to have the ending videos play. Everything else is fine with either regular or GE.
It requires a bit of work to get running, especially from a new FFXIV account, but runs fine after. See below.
Intro video will lock up the game. New accounts have to be made on the website, NOT the launcher or you'll get locked out for 24 hours. Most "Enter/Submit" buttons in the launcher will crash the launcher. Press Enter on keyboard instead whenever possible.
- It is crucial that new accounts are made on the website and not the launcher or there will be a 24 hour lockout on the email address used.
- Set "Browser" to "1" instead of "2" in "FFXIV_BOOT.cfg" or the launcher will crash.
- Set "StartupCompleted" to "1" in "FFXIV_BOOT.cfg" if the launcher gives a java error when updating the game.
- Set "CutsceneMovieOpening" to "0" in "FFXIV_BOOT.cfg" to stop the intro from running as it will lock up the game on a black screen. Note: It will still try to play when idling on the main menu screen and lock up.
- Press "Enter" on keyboard instead of clicking the buttons whenever possible in launcher or it will crash.
Native version doesn't work right, as confirmed by the developer. Works fine on Proton but not in fullscreen. Press F11 to switch to windowed if it starts up in fullscreen and then set it to windowed properly in the game options. After a save and quit it should run fine afterwards.
Ran it with SteamTinkerLaunch to be able to install Vortex Mod Manager and played with mods that way. No problems with that either.
Requires proton/winetricks dotnet40 to run. Need to force Proton because it thinks it's native. Hard to navigate menu; mostly invisible.
Main menu appears black, with buttons sometimes appearing. Alt-tabbing heavily back and forth made it possible to eventually change settings and start the game. The game itself seemed fine.
"Full screen" wasn't truely full screen but still without borders. Could not find a way to get it in windowed mode to see if that would help the graphics issues. Alt+Enter did nothing.
Will have to experiment more to try and make it fully playable.
Worked perfectly, even with 360 gamepad. No workarounds needed whatsoever.
Alt+Enter to fix black screen, works as normal after.
Starts up with a black screen and audio only. Alt+Enter fixes it and can press it again to go full-screen as normal.
Videos (from cell phone and the final end video) sometimes did not play or showed as a white screen. Was fine for the first 80% of the game. It did not really hamper the progress of the game but still a bug. Tried GE, Experimental, and other Proton versions with no luck.
Using the "protontricks 573060 -q dotnet472" in a terminal window will install the needed .NET dependencies. It will take quite some time to install but afterwards it will work perfectly. Must have attempted to run the game at least once prior before the command will work. This works for all other Logistical (1) modules I have tried thus far, just replace the steamappid in the command for each module.
installing dotnet472 via winetricks (or protontricks) is required to make it run.
Using the "protontricks 689340 -q dotnet472" in a terminal window will install the needed .NET dependencies. It will take quite some time to install but afterwards it will work perfectly. Must have attempted to run the game at least once prior before the command will work. This works for all other Logistical (1) modules I have tried thus far, just replace the steamappid in the command for each module.
Proton-6.8-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Some missing audio in ME1 which is fixed with setting WINEDLLOVERRIDES=openal32=b %command%
in the launch options.
Disabling overlay & notifications from Origin may help with stuttering but I have not noticed any.
Solved several puzzles, experienced no issues whatsoever.
Every other startup it would show big black 'triangles' when moving the mouse.
Latte dock does not disappear, window has no borders, tiny part of bottom not visible. (Does not impact gameplay.)
Proton-5.2-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
- Update Z to my
, replace$HOME
with an actual value!
WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx winecfg
- Edit
and setEnableMicrophone
, andWin32UltraLowLatencyMode
all to0
vim ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith.ini
- Set alsa as the driver for wine
WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx winetricks sound=alsa
- Disable real cable input on pavucontrol
> last tab > set RealCable toOff
It takes some work and results may (reportedly) vary from distro to distro but on my configuration (kubuntu 19.10 with backports ppa) it ran like a charm with the listed tweaks with very little latency while using the original RealTone Cable.
Suffers from the same gameplay choppiness issue as on Windows in later levels. It runs fine until you hit that point. It's an issue with the game, not Proton compatibility.
Played it from start to finish and it ran like native after the simple dotnet4 protonfix.
required to run: protontricks 1044340 dotnet40
In-game sound and music was set to zero. Fixed by simply moving the sliders up in the settings menu.
Steam overlay works. All achievements work.
When starting the game a menu pops up asking you to select to "Play the Game" or "Launch Controller Layout Tool". The game will not start regularly and only works via the "Tool". This tool is actually the main configuration app. You will have to check the box for "Windowed Mode" or the game will not run. You will have to do this on subsequent launches as well. Once in game you can press F to go fullscreen.
Switching back and forth between Windowed and Fullscreen when in game can cause the game window to move and the cursor to be stuck on the wrong bounding box. A restart (via the Tool as instructed) will remedy that.
Works fine.
Game has issues with mouse grabbing and dragging items. It can take a few tries to pull a lever for example. This is a game issue, not a Linux issue.
Mouse issues are a pain at times but can be worked around by flicking or repeated grabbing. As stated, this is a game issue, not specific to Linux or Proton.
Experienced stuttering which was fixed by running the following on the command line:
chmod -R -w [Steam Library Location]/steamapps/compatdata/1222670/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Application\ Data/Origin
Run the command listed to fix stuttering, disable vsync in game. Very first time running the Origin launcher will crash, just restart the game.
If you own DLC on Origin you can copy the files over into steamapps/common/The Sims 4/
and save games into steamapps/compatdata/1222670/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/saves/
Native version does not work. Proton works like a charm.
As said, the native version will not run but via regular Proton is it 100% okay and was able to complete the game.
As noted below, installs fine and you can ignore the "missing file" error. Played through an entire map and then again with multiple loads & saves. No issues.