How well this game works depends on what your audio situation looks like. For me on a Scarlett solo 3rd gen it was a pain.
Used the guide people are sharing but it seemingly requires turning off my audio interface and thus my headphones. Too much of a hassle to set up.
Getting the game to recognize an audio interface requires a lot of work.

Hadn't played in a while and after game the updated it will no longer launch. Haven't faound a fix yet.
Looks like Ubisoft killed it for good this time.

The game is playable, but I eventually gave up after trying to get my Realtone cable working in-game multiple times
Tried following this popular guide to get my Realtone cable working properly, but was unsuccessful: https://github.com/theNizo/linux_rocksmith
It may be partly due to my own incompetence that I failed, but I encountered issues at almost every step of the guide and eventually gave up.
Can't use the Realtone cable or my audio interface OOTB.
The game is still playable without any audio input devices. You obviously won't have note detection and everything, but it's playable. No input devices were detected for me and trying to get them to work was such a massive hassle that I gave up on it (after failing multiple times on multiple distros). It's much easier to just switch back to my Windows installation every once in a while just to play this game.

I got it to work following this amazing guide on Github: https://github.com/theNizo/linux_rocksmith, specifically the Arch - Pipewire Jack guide. If anybody needs some help to tinker it, feel free to reach me on Steam
Some notes:
- I basically followed everything there (besides the last steps to create the shortcut on steam)
- Using Proton Experimental, Wine Staging, and the wineasio-rsasio driver on RS_ASIO.ini, and just using it on [Asio.Output] and [Asio.Input.0] items there to prevent the clean guitar input return on my speakers
- I could't make it to show on Pavucontrol, but it didn't affect the game anyway
- The LD Preload option didn't work for me, so I had to run it via the terminal on the other option
- VERY IMPORTANT to restart the computer after finishing all steps, specially the first one (user groups)
Does not start on any Proton version, instantly crashes.
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libjack.so %command%
I used this guide to get everything working
But for more details:
Requires RS_asio + WineASIO + Native-Jack to work
If done correctly, then everything is fine
Ahhh It's difficult to get this game working properly, honestly it took me ~3 Hours to get everything working correctly on Arch Linux.
I wish there would be a one-click solution for this later on in the future, but until then I recommend this guide.

Realtone Cable is just not working out-of-the-box.
Audio input not working with official guitar cable
Relisted version doesn't launch with any proton version

Completely unplayable
Does not start on any Proton version, instantly crashes. Tried all launch commands recommended by others on Protondb.

Doesnt work out of the box! A new guide has been made by "TheNizzo" on github. I followed this and it works MUCH better than all the others.
Add rs-asio and configure it a bit.
Follow this guide! https://github.com/theNizo/linux_rocksmith
My setup is relatively simple. I have a Scarlett solo in which my guitar and wired headset are pluged into.
All works after following the guide and best of all NO delay and NO distorted sound.
Quick tip is to use proton 8(.05) since a step is easier when using GE or 9.

Doesnt work out of the box! A new guide has been made by "TheNizzo" on github. I followed this and it works MUCH better than all the others.
Follow this guide! https://github.com/theNizo/linux_rocksmith
My setup is relatively simple. I have a Scarlett solo in which my guitar and wired headset are pluged into.
All works after following the guide and best of all NO delay and NO distorted sound.
Quick tip is to use proton 8(.05) since a step is easier than when using GE or 9.
Only issue i had was my steelseries arctis wireless pro headset mic getting priority causing feedback and no guitar input. Simply avoided by turning off the docking station.

PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 taskset 0xf %command%
Note that the game will crash with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION c0000005 if it is run on a machine with too many CPU cores. The workaround is to use the "taskset" command as part of the Launch Options to limit the number of cores to be used by the process. If taskset isn't installed you can install it on debian OSes with "sudo apt install util-linux"
After running the game at least once to ensure that it creates its Rocksmith.ini file, I edited the file so it has the following field values:
EnableMicrophone=0 ExclusiveMode=0 LatencyBuffer=0 ForceDefaultPlaybackDevice= ForceWDM=0 ForceDirectXSink=0 DumpAudioLog=0 MaxOutputBufferSize=0 RealToneCableOnly=0 MonoToStereoChannel=0 Win32UltraLowLatencyMode=0
Before running winetricks I made a backup of the pfx directory:
cd ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680 cp -r pfx pfx_backup
WINEPREFIX=/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx winetricks sound=alsa
WINEPREFIX=/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx winecfg
Now before launching the game make sure you disable the Rocksmith cable in pavucontrol If pavucontrol isn't yet installed then install it: sudo apt install pavucontrol Now run the pavucontrol "Pulse Audio Volume Control" GUI app and from its "Configuration" tab find the "Rocksmith Guitar Adapter" and set Profile to "Off"
Launch the game and if you hear any static/fuzz go back in to the pavucontrol Configuration tab and make sure the Rocksmith profile is set Off (for some reason I had to do this twice before my change persisted) as well as any other inputs such as webcam mics (set them "Off" too)

winetricks: sound=alsa force set real tone cable as audio input (not voice input!)
ini changes: ExclusiveMode=0 ; Win32UltraLowLatencyMode=0 ; latencybuffer=2
Audio crackling a bit, u can kinda fix this by lowering the input volume in your sound settings. I've yet to discover a value that eliminates it while also allowing you to play quieter when fitting. for now 55-70% is about right.
There's also a little bit of delay but it's minimal.

First, i turned rocksmith input off in pavucontrol. then i changed the audio settings in Rocksmith.ini to
Then, enable alsa and set rocksmith as an input in winecfg as below (change ~/.steam/steam/
for your steam folder, if is not default)
WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx winetricks sound=alsa
WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx winecfg

EnableMicrophone=0 ExclusiveMode=0 LatencyBuffer=0 ForceDefaultPlaybackDevice= ForceWDM=0 ForceDirectXSink=0 DumpAudioLog=0 MaxOutputBufferSize=0 RealToneCableOnly=0 MonoToStereoChannel=0 Win32UltraLowLatencyMode=0
No need to tinker with ALSA, Proton Tricks or anything else. Plays with very little latency using RSC,with wired headphones. USB-wireless headphones I found still had latency.
CDLC works fine with D3DX9_42.dll installed in game folder (Can be found in this thread: https://customsforge.com/index.php?/topic/33138-rocksmith-remastered-cdlc-fix/)
Now, if only Proton could fix my guitar skills.....

PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%
Edited the rocksmith.ini file like so:
[Audio] EnableMicrophone=0 ExclusiveMode=0 LatencyBuffer=0 ForceDefaultPlaybackDevice= ForceWDM=0 ForceDirectXSink=0 DumpAudioLog=0 MaxOutputBufferSize=0 RealToneCableOnly=0 MonoToStereoChannel=0 Win32UltraLowLatencyMode=0
Also added the Rocksmith USB Adapter as an input device in winecfg and disabled it elsewhere system-wide and added the D3DX9_42.dll file for CDLC support
The audio had some weird latency issues, the fix for which was mentioned earlier (specifically editing the line LatencyBuffer= to equal 0 instead of 4)
The Rocksmith USB Adapter wasn't detectable by the game until I disabled it system-wide, only enabling it as an input device in winecfg. I think disabling exclusive mode also helped, but I'm not entirely sure
Without tinkering, the latency almost makes the game unplayable as a lot of the notes you hit simply aren't detected or count as "Late." It's also completely unplayable without tinkering with the settings for the Rocksmith USB Adapter unless you decide to use your standard mic for it

Needed to change my input/output sources to use my audio card using winecfg.
You can do it with those 2 commands (steam flatpak, remove the .var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/
part of it if that's not your case) :
WINEPREFIX=~/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx winetricks sound=alsa
WINEPREFIX=~/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx winecfg
Apart from that, this game runs great.

As with other comments, used protontricks to set wine/proton to use alsa. Without that realtone cable isn't detected.
No RTC without setting wine to use alsa.
Rocksmith.ini needed Win32low latency setting to 0 and exclusive mode setting to 0 along with the wine alsa change in order to detect RTC.
Using pipewire on Debian 12 and the motherboards analog line-out (not hdmi) audio output gives a latency that is quite possibly on par with windows OOTB, although I didn't side by side to be sure.
Further latency improvements could certainly be achieved with the WineASIO and RS-Asio methods others have described, but it's low enough to be playable as is for me.
I did notice pw-top shows buffer/sample rate as 256/48000 however there's two wine preloader entries that show higher buffer of 480 so still potential to reduce latency further if anyone knows how to get wine to obey the PIPEWIRE_LATENCY= env too.

No issues if you play unplugged like I do
Input Not Working
While the input may not work out of the box, the game works flawlessly with CDLC for those playing unplugged.

PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command% Disabled Rocksmith adapter in pavucontol Rocksmith.ini edited to Win32UltraLowLatencyMode=0 ExclusiveMode=0 Used Protontricks and set sound to alsa and Rocksmith adapter as input.
Game is running fine, CDLC working fine.
I have played it before with Linux Mint and Linux Ubuntu following the setup with winetricks and protontricks. But this time it went different, I built a brand new PC with a gigabyte aorus xtreme x670 motherboard, using it's internal audio hardware and software. Installed Fedora 38, downloaded Pulseaudio Volume Control, disabled the Rocksmith cable in Configuration. I did install Winetricks and Protontricks, but I never did any tinkering with them, all I did was start Rocksmith 2014 for the first time to create a config file, but I started hearing guitar audio right away. Maybe it is Fedora, maybe it is the new Linux Kernel 6.2+ But it seems Winetricks and Protontricks is not needed anymore.

Setup instructions:
- After installing Rocksmith 2014, open Desktop mode on your Steam Deck
- Follow the Steam Deck guide at https://github.com/theNizo/linux_rocksmith
- Start the game from Steam once, using provided debug launch options
- Run from terminal, using the following script & audio settings
PIPEWIRE_LATENCY="256/48000" /tmp/proton_deck/run
- Optionally, add Proton script as non Steam game, with launch options:
PIPEWIRE_LATENCY="256/48000" %command%
Make sure to adjust buffer size according to your audio interface.
Solved crackling with PIPEWIRE_LATENCY="256/48000" env and missing audio by running with generated Proton script.
For wineasio to work, it is necessary to open pavucontrol and disable all audio devices except your external audio interface.
See https://github.com/theNizo/linux_rocksmith/issues/27 for further details.
Gaming mode does not work, only Desktop mode works.
I used the same guide as most other people: https://www.reddit.com/r/rocksmith/comments/uvdxbh/guide_get_rocksmith_working_on_steam_deck/
It stopped working and I wiped the system for other reasons anyway. On reinstall, launching wouldn't even bring up a screen: it would just silently exit and the play button would light up green again.
I fixed this by going into the game properties and "signing up" for the Rocksmith 2014 "Beta". This reverts the October 2022 patch and that seems to be all there is to the fix.
The password to opt-in for the revert beta is "JustInCaseWeNeedIt" (ref: https://www.reddit.com/r/rocksmith/comments/xa49mq/important_update_coming_to_rocksmith_2014/).
Hope this helps anyone who's frustrated out there!
Proton/Wine doesn't seem to support multiple sound inputs so there is no way to even assign a second RS cable as an input device for multiplayer. I did not try with a microphone but that might work.
The last patch from Ubisoft in October 2022 (it is now March 2023) seems to have killed the ability to play on Linux. Luckily they provide a fallback mechanism to go to the previous version.
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%
ExclusiveMode=0 Win32UltraLowLatencyMode=0 ScreenWidth=1920 ScreenHeight=1080 Fullscreen=0 MsaaSamples=4
I get 12 fps at start up 5 fps when doing nothing and 1 fps when something chabnes on screen
Crashes on launch. Unable to play :(
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%
I followed the guide here: https://www.reddit.com/r/rocksmith/comments/uvdxbh/guide_get_rocksmith_working_on_steam_deck/
The game crashes on launch and nothing opens.
Used to work, doesn't work anymore for some reason. Game crashes on launch and no launch options help.
Fresh install of Rocksmith did not fix the issue. Fresh wineprefix did not help. Protontricks tweaks did nothing for me.
General steps:
Run the game once to generate the config files.
Locate the Rocksmith.ini file in the install folder, open it with a plain text editor, and change the next values to 0:
- If you haven't already, install winetricks. For Ubuntu based distros, you can do it with:
sudo apt install winetricks
- Then use this winetricks command to set the audio as ALSA (assuming Steam and it's data is installed in the default folder. If it isn't, change the "221680/pfx" path accordingly). It's a single line command:
WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx winetricks sound=alsa
RealTone Cable:
- If you use the RealTone cable, use:
Select the RealTone cable as the input device.
In your audio settings (for example, pulseaudio or pavucontrol) disable the Rocksmith adapter.
Everything should be working now.
Direct Connect Mod (no cable):
Instead of the official cable, I'm using the Direct Connect mod. With it, you can play using any regular jack audio cable or any audio interface. To use it:
- Download the cache.psarc file. This version of the file works for the September 2022 update.
- Place the cache.psarc in the install folder, replacing the original.
- In your audio settings (for example, GNOME settings, pulseaudio or pavucontrol) select your guitar input as input device.
The game should now let you select Direct Connect as input, and everything should work.
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%
- start Rocksmith 2014 to create Rocksmith.ini
protontricks 221680 sound=alsa
protontricks 221680 winecfg
: change input device to Rocksmith Real Tone Cable- disable Rocksmith Real Tone Cable in audio settings
- in installation folder: edit Rocksmith.ini
You can also use winetricks instead of protontricks:
WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx winetricks sound=alsa
WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx winetricks winecfg
- download dll from customsforge.com
- place it in installation folder
- if it doesn't work: add d3dx9_42 as (native, builtin) library in winecfg
Crash/Doesn't start
If Rocksmith doesn't start or crashes on login, set start options to PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%

protontricks 221680 sound=alsa protontricks 221680 winecfg
Change the next values to 0 inside the Rocksmith.ini file, located in the install folder:
I'm using the Direct Connect mod: download the cache.psarc file and place it in the install folder, replacing the original. With it, you can play using any regular jack audio cable or any audio interface.
Run the game once to generate the config files.
Change the next values to 0 inside the Rocksmith.ini file, located in the install folder:
If you haven't already, install winetricks with:
sudo apt install winetricks
Then use the next command to set the audio as ALSA:
WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx winetricks sound=alsa
If you chose to install the game somewhere else that isn't the default folder, the previous command should reflect that new path.
The game should now let you select Direct Connect as input, and everything should work.
once working, the only issue was that there is about a half second latency with guitar audio.
Once working, there is some latency between strum and audio coming out of the deck that is a little distracting. I'm not sure how to reduce that.
I followed the guide here: https://www.reddit.com/r/rocksmith/comments/uvdxbh/guide_get_rocksmith_working_on_steam_deck/
I had to manually insert correct resolution in the Rocksmith.ini file (1280x800) in order to get it to load in Gaming Mode. It loaded OK in Desktop Mode without this tweak.
the RealTone cable was not detected by software until tweaks in guide were made.
Follow the guide and fix resolution in Rocksmith.ini, then its fine.
I have created an extremely easy guide for beginners in Archlinux
i followed a guide that was using reaper as a pitch pedal for rocksmith did the same on linux using wineasio and wine reaper!
configured rs asio and rocksmith.ini
the tunin knobs kinda flicker
works great when you set it up right!

protontricks 221680 sound=alsa protontricks 221680 winecfg Set both audio out's to System Default. Set both audio in's to my pulse soundcard name. Edited the Rocksmith.ini file : EnableMicrophone=0 ExclusiveMode=0 RealToneCableOnly=0 Win32UltraLowLatencyMode=0
I was getting stuck on the white screen using nvidia-driver-470.
Switching to nouveau got it working. Follow the documentation for this. My HDMI names changed so I had to configure my monitor preferences again (reboot with console, login and check what the new connection names are with xrandr).
One crash when I was changing settings
Using pipewire (and pipe-alsa libraries/plugins) and audio set to ALSA (see reports below on how) it works good. RSASIO installed but not being set as audio by winetricks. I chose not to use it so i removed avrt.dll which is not ideal but doesn't seem to cause any issues. No noticable delay nor distortion. Firefox seems to break the games audio so that no output device is detected, I believe it to be because the pulseaudio daemon (which is required for firefox?) is running at the same time.
In pauv disable the rocksmith adapter and use default output (I had two for some reason? I chose the one with the less detailed name and it worked).
CDLC shows up, D3DX9_42 might need to be imported into winetricks libraries as native (I did native then builtin). My game freezes when loading CDLC but that may just be because of me copying the CDLC from an NTFS drive. Can't be bothered to check now.
Couldn't get the output audio working.
"No audio output device is detected." I followed steps shared by others, still no luck.
I don't know if it's the motherboard thing (I have problems with 3.5mm jack sockets, motherboard MSI MAG X570S MAX WIFI, Realtek ALC4080) or problem with Pop!_OS 22.04.
A bit of setup required to get it working properly
I've literally published a guide for setting this game up: https://thenizo.github.io/linux_rocksmith/
(Tutorials for Arch- and Debian-based distros.)
installing protontricks and executing the following command made it work
protontricks 221680 sound=alsa
I'm using pipewire as an audio server
Using easy fixes in the system can make game fully playable, just tinker for 10-15 minutes.
No realtone cable. Amplifier and sound card, as remastered version has microphone feature. In protontricks just set audio to ALSA, winecfg set audio recording on audio card that I using. Pavucontrol to adjust volume and after disabling profile for sound card.
- audio=alsa
- changed audio devices in winecfg: + Both output devices to default + Both input devices to rocksmith device
- in the configuration file (game path/Rocksmith.ini) set Win32UltraLowLatencyMode and ExclusiveMode to 0
- in pavucontrol or pulseaudio disable rocksmith adapter
- for CDLC's to work you need to download the custom DLL file and in winecfg change D3DX9_42 to native
needed to manually change the resolution on the config file or it would open but only show the loading screen