Perfect experience OOTB
Also, very good game for anyone that is still on the brink of buying! The dev team is super open to feedback.
Ran out of the box on my newly installed machine. Make sure to enable the proper drivers for your build in your configuration.nix.
Runs perfectly
I don't have any complaints at all, didn't have to do anything to get it to run perfectly. Game is super fun as well.
Won't work starting September 1st 2024 due to the addition of EAs kernel level anti-cheat.
Another great game ruined by EA.
EA Anti Cheat blocks Wine
Can't even start the game, because they specifically check if the game is run through Wine and block you from starting.
Small issue, nothing major.
At some point in the game the items not currently visible in a scrollable list appear fragmented above and below the currently visible items.
Works without tinkering
Glad to see a smooth launch like this. Had no problems at all!
Runs like it's supposed to, no bugs or artifacts.
Very enjoyable experience so far.
Haven't had any problems with this game so far. Runs smoothly and doesn't crash.
Raytracing seems to break the game atm. If I have raytracing enabled the game crashes after 15-20 seconds of playing. I tried different Proton versions and drivers but none worked. Otherwise it works and runs fine, I just had to figure out where the crashes came from.
I used the Steam version btw, didn't have any problems with setup.
I had to use protontricks to get the game to capture my mouse. Before that it would constantly move to my second monitor and I'd tab out of the game. Here's the fix that worked for me: run 'protontricks 377160 settings winecfg' > Graphics > Enable 'Automatically capture mouse [...]'
Credits to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/rjaq74/comment/ht4a9oa/
Mouse wasn't constrained by the game and would move to my second monitor while playing.
Depending on your system you'll have to put in a good hour of fixing before finally being able to play it without worry.
The artifacts went away after forcing Experimental Proton.
As asid before, had heavy and frequent artifacts before forcing experimental.
As I always use Proton Experimental this was a breeze to get running, I just had to start the game.
No problems at all, works out of the box
There were some wonky physics, but only in cutscenes. Other than that great!
Borderless Window shows a white border around the window
DX12 cut my performance in half, compared to DX11. After setting the launch option I get twice the FPS with the same settings as before. (2K monitor, all settings ultra, rendering set to native)
Before switching to DX11 the game crashed every 10-20 minutes, sometimes even more frequently. Since using the launch option it has been better, but it's not gone.
Arrowhead knows of the problems with certain AMD GPUs (6 & 7 series) and are working to get it fixed. In the meantime use the launch option for DX11.
I guess it's just because the game is dated.
As it doesn't run with OpenGL for me I had to use software rendering which is fine at first but some areas of the game run with noticeable framedrops.
Crashes at startup if not run with software rendering.
I'd love to play it with OpenGL, need to figure out a fix first.
Doesn't get past the seizure warning screen if trying to start with AMDVLK drivers enabled. Make sure to set the launch options so the game uses RADV instead. Once it does run I haven't experienced any issues with it. Fast travel works without problems and I haven't had a single crash in my ~2h playing so far.
Game crashed after finishing the last boss at the end of the credits.
Runs great, didn't have any issues beside the occasional crash when finishing the last boss.
Playable without tweaks but has issues when loading saves
Loading saves is strange. The game will stop responding and crash sometimes, sometimes not. If it doesn't crash you will eventually load in and can continue playing.
The crashes are far too frequent to make playing enjoyable, switching to RADV doesn't help.
The Deadfall Timber area crashes the game, although I experienced frequent crashes in other parts of the map as well.
As others suggested here I switched from AMDVLK to RADV drivers but my game still crashes frequently. Getting anywhere near Deadfall Timber is a guaranteed crash, while anywhere else on the map is a gamble. Crashes on other parts of the map only make the game unresponsive for a while, while the ones near Deadfall Timber lock the whole GPU and make the PC do a hard reset. Depending on the spawn position you already know whether you will finish this game or lose your hunter, which is super frustrating. I'm staying away from playing this game until the crashes are fixed.
Game finally released, runs OOTB
The game just released today and the problems previously mentioned with the cutscenes are no longer a thing. Everything runs smoothly and without bugs through the latest Proton version.
It's playable, but pretty buggy.
Scrolling in textboxes is sketchy, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
The game stopped responding the first time I started it up. On the second try I was able to start playing. However after I finished the first case the game crashed while in the loading screen, crashing the gpu driver as well.
The main menu is bugged if you tab out of the game while it's starting up. You won't be able to press any buttons unless you restart the game.
Wait for fixes for the problems, I can't recommend it at this point, although I like the game so far.
My audio drivers crash randomly when the game starts sometimes, although infrequent.
If you're running RADV on Proton > 7.06 the whole window will fill with black artifacts after moving.
AMDVLK drivers cause frequent stutters on all Proton versions.
You can't accept the EULA and begin playing if on a Proton version > 7.06.
The steps I took to have it run (almost) perfectly:
- Switch Proton to 7.06 and STAY on that version (all other versions seem to cause problems in some way or another).
- Switch drivers from AMDVLK to RADV (if you don't already use them).
The game runs smoothly and without stutters after that. Although the FPS do tank sometimes, but not as hard and as noticeable as before. Also more FPS on RADV compared to AMDVLK.
Dialogue audio is sometimes a lot more quiet than expected, then as loud as normal in the next second. Not sure how to fix this. Only seems to affect dialogue and is very infrequent.
Only happened once to me so far, when I was selling a horse in a stable. Other than that the graphics perform as expected.
The game runs great and doesn't have a lot of bugs or glitches, which can't be said for the Rockstar Games Launcher. Once you're logged in though it shouldn't matter too much as it will stay in the background.
Great game!
It just works!
Great game, love the setting and story! Very very good game, give it a try!
I had some problems with d3d12, especially heavy artifacting of the shadows of the ship in water. Switching to d3d11 in the in-game settings worked.
Another annoying thing, I have to start the game twice because EAC fails to start on the first try. Works on the second however. Other than that very enjoyable experience.
Runs OOTB for me, without any bugs or artifacts.
Great experience so far, haven't had any problems whatsoever.
Runs perfectly out of the box
I had no problems running this game as it is, I only encountered a single crash during my second playthrough. Other than that, great game!
Runs perfect in native.
I fell through the map after picking up the first blue chess piece.
Had a lot of fun figuring out the puzzles, glad to see it running natively!
Game starts but doesn't progress past registration
I was able to start the game, I saw EAC load and was able to proceed with the Embark ID registration. After registering I wasn't able to proceed to the main menu however, an error popup shows, complaining about "A disallowed game process memory modification was detected Error Code TFAV2010".
Works out of the box, but has some kinks.
Taking pictures in photo mode crashes the game.
Works flawlessly without any tinkering, but trying to take a picture in photo mode crashes my game, not sure what's causing it. Only affects the F10 photo option in game, Steam screenshots (F12) don't seem to be working in photo mode.