Testei a versão DEMO
Precisei fazer este teste pois a versão demo não executou na versão nativa, se tiver problemas você pode usar o proton.
I believe that some fixes in the gameplay issue may have some improvement.
The online game has an inadequate character movement, they move extremely fast, you don't see that in Youtuber's videos of famous streamers.
The movement of the characters is too fast, I don't see that in the videos of famous youtubers. It is not possible to configure the speed of the characters in the game engine ...
Enter the Lobby only
I ran the game in two versions of the proton: 3.7-8 and 6.3-2; With proton 3.7-8 the game starts, I tried to play online, can enter the lobby, however before starting the game a black screen appears and crashes the game. Version 6.3.2 doesn't even open the game.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
O comando adicionado impõe rodar com OPENGL, o que facilita rodar o jogo na GTX 550ti de maneira fluida.
PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 %command% gamemoderun %command%
Apenas uma unica vez o jogo fechou antes de iniciar uma partida online.
Acredito que você deva ter Hardware de Armazenamento de dados tipo SSD. Tenho HD e a experiência é cheia de queda de fps. JOGO COM QUALIDADE E RESOLUÇÂO MíNIMA
Problemas de desempenho prejudicam demais a experiência. A versão do proton pelo menos permite o jogo abrir.
Dificuldades em carregar arquivos em jogo, quedas abruptas de FPS.
O jogo consegue travar o computador durante carregamento de missões.
No programa do "launcher" não consegue mudar a línguagem para português.
A versão nativa da suporte a linux, é melhor jogar nela por enquanto.
Everything works fine
the background music in the game's introduction has no fluidity.
I did two tests:
First Configuration on game and results: a) Quality: Low. b) Resolution: 1360x760 60Hz. c) Windowed: Off. d) Motion Blur: off. e) SMAA: off. f) V-Sync: off. g) Target FPS:60. h) Results: +30 Fps and when there is special effects drops to 10-20 Fps".
Second Configuration on game and results: a) Quality: High. b) Resolution: 640x480 60Hz. c) Windowed: Off. d) Motion Blur: On. e) SMAA: High. f) V-Sync: on. g) Target FPS:60. h) Results: +30 Fps.
Tudo ok, não vi diferença entre a versão nativa e com proton
Para usar o controle do "xbox one" é preciso configurar no próprio jogo, não reconhece automaticamente.
Após qualquer mudança de resolução de vídeo o jogo fecha.
Versão mais novas do proton não abrem ou não inicializam o jogo.
O comando utilizado pode ser usado em GPU sem suporte a vulkan
Somente mensagem de "Launcher Error"
-novid -nojoy -safe -vulkan
Ápos inicializar aparece a mensagem:
"FATAL ERROR: Failed to connect with local Steam Client process!
Please make sure that you are running latest version of the Steam Client and launch the game from Steam. You can check for Steam Client updates using Steam main menu:
Steam > Check for Steam Client Updates...."
Entretanto a Steam está atualizada. Tentei com todas as combinações possiveis para os comando de inicialização, sem sucesso.
Precisa-se configurar urgente o jogo para permitir jogadores a entrarem em servidores protegidos, se não fizer isso o jogo perde a graça.
Não é posspivel entrar em Servidores Protegidos, não foram feitas configurações para isso acontecer.
Problems with Directx?
Proton 3.7-8 -> initializes. allows pre-game installation configurations. requires install directx and give error. message: ". Internal error System See the DXError.log and DirectX.log files in the Windows folder to determine the problem." Then I clicked Ok. Ask for the installation of Adobe reader. The game starts in a new window, loading the initial window that shows the companies of the game, but breaks soon after.
Proton 3.16-9; 4.2-9; 4.11-13 -> same proton 3.7-8, but did not need to run the pre-game setup.
Proton 5.13-6; 6.3.2; Experimental -> no laucher
Conclusion: There seems to be a problem with "DirectX"; advise to use proton 3.7-8; Problems with Directx?
Jogo inicializa, apresenta a logomarcas de algumas empresas e depois só tela preta.
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command% RADV_PERFTEST=aco %command% PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Comandos de inicialização foram utilizados para desabilitar o DirectX 11 e rodar em DirectX 9; usar o CPU-Bound e o compilador de shader otimizado para jogos conhecido como ACO
Não consegue-se ver o menu após aperta a tecla "ESC"
Versão do Proton GE: GE-Proton7-10.
Etapas para conseguir jogar:
- Você verá tela preta e audio do jogo.
- Aperte a tecla "ENTER" duas vezes"
- Espere e verá o jogo inicializar.
- Caso queira ver problemas de acesso do menu, aperte a tecla "ESC". Você vai verificar que não aparece o menu.
Observação: Acredito que existe algum problema de carregamento dos comandos que permitem a visualização do menu do jogo.
Falha no carregamento de cores em textos.
Em alguns videos as cores não são carregadas corretamente.
Houve progressos desde a ultima vez que testei, consegue com dificuldade iniciar o jogo, textos estão muito comprometidos por falha de carregamento de cores.
Choosing the correct proton version can be played without any problems
Proton 3.7-8 and 4.11-13 -> Performs initial configurations. Renders "Vulkan Shadder" fast. Then it shows errors and remains on a black screen.
Proton 3.16-9 -> You can play without problems. During the game I decided to press the "ESC" key and the game crashed.
Proton 4.2-9-> You can play the game without any problems. However after leaving, STEAM continues to process the game, I needed it for the game. I was able to run at 60-80 FPS on average
Proton 4.11-13 ->
Proton 5.0-10 -> Initialization takes longer than older versions of proton. You can play at 80 to 114 FPS, however I found the graphics quality worse than that of proton 4.2-9.
Proton 5.13-6 -> does not execute.
Proton 6.3-2 -> does not execute.
Ready experimental -> does not execute.
Conclusion: Using proton 5.0-10 is the best alternative.
Totalmente Jogavél
Consegue-se com este hardware roda jogo com as configurações máximas:
- Resolução FullHD (1920x1080)
- 60 FPS
- Qualidade das texturas altas
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
O comando de inicialização permite o jogo rodar no OpenGL, requisito minimo do jogo, no vulkan a taxa de FPS cai consideravelmente.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command% PROTON_NO_D3D10=1 %command%
Quando o sistema operacional está configurado na resolução de 1280 x 720 (16:9) o dimensionamento da tela cheia fica maior do que o desejado.
Os comandos de inicialização utilizados permitem que o jogo rode OpenGL para simular o directx 9. Essa decisão foi baseada nos requisitos minimos do jogo: Windows XP não suporta directx 10 e 11. A experiencia com OpenGL pareceu melhor do que no Vulkan.
Tudo parece estar funcionando ok.
Teve um pequeno problema de carregamento de imagens na cena de introdução do game, especificamente na parte a qual mostra-se logomarca da empresa. O problema de carregamento faz com que as imagem fica com pixels amarelos e pretos.
Como observei pequeno problema de carregamento de imagens na introdução do jogo, pode haver outros problemas.
It's worth testing if you have a good amount of ram, processors and video cards above the hardware recommendation.
I believe that my computer is above the minimum hardware requirements, because comparing both CPU and GPU are superior. Stuttering is observed constantly, even with the game settings at minimum, there are constant fps drops.
I believe that improvements can be made to the proton to run this game even on simple hardware like my PC.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Adicione o comando para rodar jogo com OPENGL, capaz de ser executado numa GTX 550ti, sem suporte a Vulkan.
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command% PROTON_NO_D3D10=1 %command%
Os comandos que utilizei foram pensados nas limitações de requisito minimo do jogo: O windows XP não suporta directx 10 e 11. Entretanto os comandos de inicialização tornam a resposta do jogo aos comandos do teclado um pouco lento em relação a execução sem os comandos.
Does not launch
I performed this test with proton because using the console to develop for windows is more robust than for linux. My goal was to be able to play using proton to use the developer console. I can already play this on windows using : (CPU intel core i7-2600 and GPU with HD graphics 2000) , configuring the game but minimum video specifications and controlling FPS rate to 30. If proton developers manage to make the game viable under these conditions, it can be concluded significant advance for use of the proton.
No geral tudo bem, precisa de alguns ajustes.
O único problema que experimentei foi ao procurar por "partidas rápidas", o jogo informar o erro: "Por favor, antes de conectar a um servidor assegurado pelo VAC remova plug-ins".
Não consigo acessar servidores assegurados pelo VAC, o jogo relata que precisa remover Plug-ins.
O ambiente gráfico do console de desenvolvedor está ruim
Não consegue-se conectar em servidores com VAC, o jogo informar que existem plug-ins instalandos, mas não existem.
A versão do linux tem apresentado problemas de estabilidade frequentes, os desenvolvedores precisam trabalhar para encontrar e solucionar bugs erros.
No english translate, so difficult to analyze
Pronto experimental -> no open
Proton 6.3-2 -> no open
Proton 5.13-6 -> no open
Proton 5.0-10 -> same proton 4.11-13
Proton 4.11-13 -> It is difficult for me to evaluate the efficiency of the proton, I can open it however the game is configured in an Asian language, I don't even know how to start the game. I found the information processing too slow, I don't know, maybe it's a matter of configuring the proton.
Proton 4.2-0 -> no open
Proton 3.16-9 -> no open
Proton 3.7-8 -> no open
With proton 6.3-5 the game doesn't run in English, only Russian
Even though I set the English language in the game properties, it appears Russian, so how will I rate the game?
Bem jogável mas não pode usar "V-sync"
Ativar a opção gráfica com "V-sync" prejudica comandos no jogo, logo no ínicio tive dificuldade em escrever o nome do avatar. Assim, recomenda-se desativar o "V-sync" para ter uma experiência aceitavel para jogo.
O teste foi realizado na versão demo, portanto observe outros relatórios.
Jogo perfeitamente jogavel, porém precisa concertar problemas de mapeamento com controle do Xbox One.
Jogo roda bem, manteve-se o desempenho observado em outras versões antigas do proton
Acredito que a maior estranheza está no tempo de resposta para conhecer o controle do Xbox One, demora de 30 a 60 segundos em média, acho que poderia ser mais rápido.
Stops automatically
1 second after clicking on the "play" icon, the game closes and you can press the icon again.
Inicialização interminável
Ápos apertar o botão "Play" inicia-se o processo de carregamento, porém não aparece de maneira nenhuma a tela inicial do jogo.
Testei todas as versões do proton oferecidas por padrão da STEAM a única versão é possível iniciar é esta do relatório.
The demo version of the game is not available for installation.
Steam informs you that the game is not available on the platform (operating system), so it is not possible to test the demo version of the game.
I am also writing this report to inform developers at both Steam and Proton that there are several demo versions of games that cannot run on steam.
Works Great in Proton 6.3-5
I played with:
- Resolution 1280x720(16:9)
- update monitor rate: 60Hz (Vsync)
- configured game in "High Video Mode"
Results: FPS 50-60
EAC hasn't support this game on linux
I didn't know how bad or good this game runs on proton because it's impossible to play online
It does not start, whatever the proton version
Shader processing cannot even be started
I were able to start up the game and didn't view its initial menu. The game closed few seconds after.
In the first time some windows appeared, installed some softwares.
Jogavél, porém com limitações
A depender da quantidade de NPCs e construções o jogo pode ser lento.
The game's initial window appears, however a few seconds later the game ends and you can use Steam normally.
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command% PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Configurações do jogo
- Os comandos de inicialização forçam o uso do DirectX 9 e o "CPU-Bound".
- Optei o uso do DirectX 9 pois o radeon HD 3850 não suporta DirectX 11.
- Sincronização vertical: desligada.
- Suavização: desligada.
- Sombra: baixo.
- Texturas: baixo.
- Precisão do HDR: baixo.
- Geração de Efeitos: baixo
- Observei menor variação de quadros e eliminação do "stuttering".
- Jogar +30FPS -- Resolução < 1600 x 900
- Jogar +60FPS -- Resolução < 960 x 540
With proton 6.3-5 Initially appears error message
The following error message appears:
"EasyAntiCheat Error> Failed to create IGameClient instance!
Check that the game was run from correct launcher.
Online Play is not available"
Then the game's initial screen appears stating that the servers are under maintenance
Changes after July 22, 2021 update
After the update performed on July 22, 2021, I tried to boot the game several times using proton 6.3-5, which I have observed:
(1) At all times, steam performs: "performing initial setup".
(2) The animation of loading "Easy Anti-Cheat" appears at all times.
(3) In most cases the game can be started, and then a window appears with error message: "EasyAntiCheat Error> Failed to create IGameClient instance! Check that the game was run from correct launcher. Online Play is not available" The FPS rate when this window appears goes up from 20-30 to 188-200. You can proceed by clicking on the "ok" icon
(4)On the initial screen of the game, the message is displayed with 30-40 FPS:
"Bad or missing configuration".
There is option to click with the "left mouse button" to proceed with the "login", however it returns to the same message.
Easy Anti-Cheat Error and Proton Experimental
After the update performed on July 25, 2021, I tried to boot the game several times using proton experimental, which I have observed:
(1) At all times, steam performs: "performing initial setup".
(2) The animation of loading "Easy Anti-Cheat" appears at all times, and finish fast.
(3) the game can be started, and then a window appears with error message:
"EasyAntiCheat Error>
Failed to create IGameClient instance! Check that the
game was run from correct launcher.
Online Play is not available"
The FPS rate when this window appears goes up from 14-65 to 50-55. You can proceed by clicking on the "ok" icon
(4)On the initial screen of the game, the message is displayed with 30-40 FPS:
(5) You can finish the game initial windows press "ESC" and "OK"
"Bad or missing configuration"
Operating System Settings with Steam Open
1.1) Resolution: 800 x 600;
1.2) CPU consumption: 1%-5%;
1.3) RAM memory: 29.2%;
1.4) SWAP Memory: 336.5MiB of 2.0GiB (16.4%);
1.5) Commands for Startup Settings: -safe;
1.6) Proton 6.3-6;
After Launch Game:
2.1) CPU consumption in case of higher demand: 50%-55%;
2.2) RAM memory in case of higher demand: 53.5%;
2.3) SWAP memory in case of higher demand: 342.0MiB of 2.0GiB (16.7%);
2.4) Error Messages:
" EasyAntiCheat Error: Failed to create IGameClient instance! Check that the game was run from the correct launcher. Online Play may not be available."
2.5) The initial screen appears, asking to login, put with the message:
"Bad or missing configuration 1,000.118.110 "
2.6) It is not possible to use the command "ALT+TAB" to change windows.
2.7) You can exit the game using the "ESC" command and clicking on the "Ok" option.
Problema com EAC....
Ao carregar o jogo com poucos segundos depois o Anti-cheat bloqueia o progresso de carregamento.
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command% PROTON_NO_D3D10=1 %command%
Um dos requisitos minimos do jogo é o DirectX 9, os comandos utilizados na inicialização forçam operação com o DirectX 9.
You can enjoy
The Game has some scaling problems, images are large, giving the feeling that it is cropped.
Operating System Settings with Steam Open
1.1) Resolution: 1024 x 768 (4:3) 1.2) CPU consumption: 3%-8% 1.3) RAM memory: 36.3% 1.4) SWAP Memory: 96.5MiB of 2.0GiB (16.4%) 1.5) Commands for Startup Settings: -safe 1.6) Proton 6.3-7
Open Game Operating System Settings
2.1) CPU consumption in case of higher demand: %-21% 2.2) RAM memory in case of higher demand: 48.8% 2.3) SWAP memory in case of higher demand: 98.0MiB to 2.0GiB (4.8%) message: 2.4) Maximum FPS: 70 2.5) Anti-Aliasing 2x
Perfeitamente Jogável
Não observei grandes melhoras da versão nova para anterior do proton, talvez seja por que meu PC supera e muito os requisitos minimos.
Do not see the game window or do not run
Proton 3.7-8 -> Checking the "System Monitor", there are two new processes "Steam Child Monit" and "Survarium_Launc". What you can see is just the frame of the program window and it remains so. Detail, a new steam window does not appear.
Proton 3.16-9 -> same as observed in Proton 3.7-8
Proton 4.2-0 -> same as observed in Proton 3.7-8, however the frame is not verified.
Proton 4.11-13 -> same observations made in Proton 3.7-8
Proton 5.0-10 -> same observations made in Proton 3.7-8
Proton 5.13-6 -> does not run
Proton 6.3-2 -> does not execute
Ready experimental -> does not execute
Conclusion: Do not see the game window or do not run
Somente Tela preta.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
- O comando de inicialização adicionado aumenta a velocidade de carregamento do jogo
- O mesmo hardware consegue abrir e jogar o programa sem dificuldades técnicas.
Roda melhor com Proton do que com Linux
Precisa-se configurar o jogo para rodar entre 30-60 FPS:
- resolução 1024 x 768 (4:3)
- qualidade gráfica miníma, sem sangue.
- filtro anisotrópico TAA
DirectX 9 não funciona neste jogo
PROTON_NO_D3D10=1 %command% PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%
Vale lembrar que os requisitos minimos do jogo está o antigo DirectX 9, portanto é estranho o proton nem inicializar. Necessitar adicionar arquivos para rodar DirectX 9?
O jogo funciona eliminando os comandos:
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command% PROTON_NO_D3D10=1 %command%
- Ao eliminar os comandos o jogo roda pórem apresenta problemas:
3.1) Monitor de FPS da Steam mostra apenas quadrado preto ou verde.
3.2) Janela de informações da steam, aquelas que aparecem no ocasionalmente no jogo, não mostra texto.
3.3) Parece existir um problema de mapeamento do teclado, pois ao tentar digitar o nome do personagem, as letras são duplicadas automaticamente.
O jogo executa perfeitamente bem
Jogabilidade Fluída; resolução FullHD; gráficos no máximo -> resultado ~60FPS
Necessário saber que o jogo exige uma gtx 480, usei uma gtx 550ti, assim comum encontrar FPS abaixo 30.
Tudo Ok
Recomenda-se usar as configurações minimas, jogo roda em 25-33 FPS.
PROTON_NO_D3D10=1 %command% PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command% PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
O comando para esquiva frontal não executa no jogo.
A) Não consegue-se ver icones da steam no jogo e nem o monitor de FPS da steam.
B) Problemas observados sem comandos de inicialização:
GE-Proton7-10; Experimental; 7.0-1; 6.3-8; 5.13-6; 3.16-9; -> Não abre
5.0-10 4.11-3 4.2-9 -> Mensagem de erro "Backbuffer vshader failed to compile! Error Code 0x88760B59"
3.7-8 -> Muito tempo para instalar o directX
As long as users cannot play online, the experience the game offers will be incomplete.
The monitor resolutions available in full-screen mode are limited to the OS resolution only. This needs to be revised, because when I use windows there is diversity.
I selected the "Use of raw mouse and keyboard data" option. Unfortunately, there were constantly difficulties in controlling the movement of the character who remained walking in a single direction.
A strange problem I noticed when doing hardware tests: turning the FPS cap to 30 could make performance worse. When doing the tests without the option to limit FPS, observe that the FPS ranges remained between 45 to 60, but when activating it there was a moment that the FPS dropped to less than 30. These events should not occur.
One question that needs to be resolved is how UBISOFT CONNECT works together with steam and proton. My impression is that adjustments should be made, for example, the difficulty that UBISOFT CONNECT has in detecting "VIDEO CARD DRIVERS", "Calculate CPU and GPU load". These two problems can generate another more complex problem, "automatic graphics settings by hardware analysis". Unfortunately I had the displeasure of the computer almost crashing when trying to use the "automatic graphics settings by hardware analysis".
Versão do Proton possui algumas vantagens.
- Benchmarks observados
Quality | resolution | native | Proton | Gain |
low | 1900x1080 | 49,3 | 53,5 | 8,52% |
low | 1280x800 | 85 | 85,1 | 0,12% |
normal | 1680x1050 | 39,7 | 40 | 0,76% |
normal | 800x600 | 90 | 99 | 10,00% |
high | 1280x800 | 37,7 | 36,1 | -4,24% |
ultra | 800x600 | 45,9 | 49 | 6,75% |
ultimate | 800x600 | 45,9 | 31,2 | -32,03% |
- Minha avaliação:
2.1) Mais qualidade e menor resolução -> Versão Nativa
2.2) Mais resolução e menor qualidade -> Versão Proton
Good using Proton 6.3-4
I configured the PC:
- Resolution: 1024x720
- Contour Smoothing: 16N\D
- Maximum filtration: Anisotrope 16x
Strange errors: The program claims it couldn't find a video card.
Cannot change video settings:
- Shadows
- Quality of shadow placement
- Quality of textures
- Geometry Details
- PostProcess FXs
- Force dynamic colors
- Force Flowering
- Water Geometry
- Always high quality trees
Results: Game runs around 60 FPS
Tudo ok, apesar da placa de video ser pior que a gtx 770 e ser uma versão resumida de um jogo principal
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
A tecla "ESC" não está funcionando
O site da GOG dá suporte para resolver alguns problemas sobre o jogo, o link está abaixo:
Only open if you use proton 5.0-10
Pronto experimental -> No open
Proton 6.3-2 -> No open
Proton 5.13-6 -> No open
Proton 5.0-10 -> game enters the MY.GAMES GameCenter software, enters the home page, showing all advertisements and news, executes and finishes checking files, initializes downloading of game data but after some time crashes. In the following attempts, the game starts but crashes in the "logging" process.
Proton 4.11-13 -> same proton 3.7-8
Proton 4.2-0 -> same do proton 3.7-8
Proton 3.16-9 -> same do proton 3.7-8
Proton 3.7-8 -> at the beginning the window appears and notifies: "Game Center -Critical Error" "Game Center does not support Windows XP, Windows Vista, and earilier Windows versions. Microsoft Corporation discontinued support of your operation system several years ago. Please upgrade Windows to a newer version" depois clico "ok".
Does not start the game.
Runs the "shader processing," appears after the icon of "stop" of steam, but the game does not start. I checked the linux "System Monitor" program that the game did not start.
Update problems
You can initialize the game. The game starts with an update, when it finishes a statement appears saying:
"Update error
This bug in WINE is likely responsible:
you can work around this manually by moving:
After checking the message, I clicked on the option "get the logs", a warning window appeared: "Generating a Diagnostic Log File to send to support may take a few minutes. However, it will help to distinguish the problems. Do you want to do this now?"
You have the option "OK" or "Cancel", I clicked the option "OK" and then the message appears:
"Update failed:
Warframe executable file could not be found
The update will restart in a moment ...
And again the error message appears in the update.
Bad "processing vulkan shaders"
Proton 3.16-9 -> One waits almost 15 minutes to finish "processing the Vulkan shaders", but I ran out of patience to finish the process, so I decided to skip the processing. The game window opens, an update is made, but then the following message appears in the game window:
"Update failed: This bug in WINE is likely responsible: You can work around this manually by moving: Z: \ home \ marconi-pc \ .local \ share \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Warframe \ Tools \ Launcher.exe.tmp to: Z: \ home \ marconi-pc \ .local \ share \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Warframe \ Tools \ Launcher.exe "
I tried to run "try again", but the same message remains. Then I ran "Get Logs", which sends files to the company responsible for the warframe, but the message "executable file not found" appears.
Proton 4.11-13 -> It is waited almost 15 minutes to finish "processing the Vulkan shaders", but I didn't have the patience to finish the process, so I decided to skip the processing. There are two windows indicating that the game is in "OPen Beta Test" and "Ender User License". After that, the game window appears, searching for an update that does not end. I don't know if it is a problem with the proton, or the game is configured in the "Open Beta test". It is possible to end the game normally.
Other Proton Versions -> It is waited almost 15 minutes to finish "processing the vulkan shaders", but I ran out of patience to finish the process, so I decided to skip the processing. It does not start the game.
Conclusion: In any version of the proton, there is a delay to perform the "processing of the vulkan shaders". If you want to skip the "processing of Vulkan shaders", only in Proton version 4.11-13 is successful execution, but you are unable to update the game.
Higher resolution of your operating system more ram will be necessary, if in doubt use 800x600 resolution in your operating system.
Automatic adjustment of the pre-game window needs to be revised, because with the resolution 800x600 in the operating system it gets bigger than it should, hindering the visualization of some icons. Sometimes this same window refuses to exit when using the "ALT + TAB" command, in many cases when you access a pre-game window again, it goes on black screen, to solve the problem it is necessary to minimize and access again
- Initial state operating system with steam:
1.1) Resolution: 800x600
1.2) Resource Consumption:
1.2.1) GPU -> 2%-5%.
1.2.2) RAM -> 1.6GiB.
1.2.3) SWAP -> 524.0 KiB.
1.2.4) Added the command "-autoconfig" in steam.
1.3) Using Proton 6.3-6
- Final State 2.1) All video settings at least 2.2) Window Display Mode 2.3) Resource Consumption: 2.2.1) GPU -> 25%-37%. 2.2.2) RAM -> 4.4GiB. 2.2.3) SWAP -> 53.8 MiB. 2.4) FPS -> Average 50-60, however there are certain moments that can drop to 5-35 FPS.
Depois de testar várias versões padrões do proton para o steam, o proton GE foi mais eficaz
A versão do linux do jogo foi abondanada pela empresa, use o proton GE por que é mais confiavel
O jogo trava na partida de teste do jogo.
PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 RADV_PERFTEST=aco WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ucrtbase.dll=n,b" %command% -fullscreen -low -preload
- não sei se minha GPU integrada, Ryzen 3 3200g, é inferior ao da GTX 660.
- Achei estranho que o jogo informa que precisa-se de 4GB VRAM para atender os requisitos minimos.
- As opções de inicialização aceleraram o carregamento do jogo.
game flowing well
- Fullscreen
- Vertical Sync On
- Screen Resolution 1920x1080 (60Hz)
- Scene Complexity Low
- Texture Quality Low
- Shadow Quality Low
- Anisotropic Filtering Low
- Contextual Help Off
- Extended audio memory Off.
60FPS without problems
Good for those who don't require a lot of graphics resources in games.
Please be aware that I am running:
- at 30-35 FPS
- minimal graphics settings,
- full screen,
- 1200x720 graphics resolution
- no Vsync.
- Proton 6.3-5 7)I believe this game caters to a very specific audience, hunting game where the graphic quality makes a lot of difference, if it doesn't bother it, it's playable.