slight suttering when i initially launch the game
The game always crashes when i try to open the inventory or use the workbench in offline mode, and it also crashes when i try to evaluate weapons in raid mode
the game was impossible to play since it always crashes when using the inventory
I tried switching proton versions i tried the "-gl" launch option nothing worked
Works perfectly.

Constant stutters that made the game unplayable. See below for how to fix this.
Many Resident Evil games are made on the old MT Framework engine, and therefore they have the same problems - terrible stutters when running on Linux via DXVK. The worst is Resident Evil 6, where stutters in cutscenes are simply incredibly annoying and break the game. In RE Revelations 2, the problems are similar. And it doesn't matter which Proton you use - there are problems everywhere. But in the case of GE Proton, at least you don't have to install wmp11 codecs manually, because in GE Proton, the video in the game works by default. Nevertheless, there are terrible stutters everywhere. But there is still a solution.
You need to force the game to launch using (outdated) OpenGL instead of DXVK. That is, you need to do the following: 1) use GE Proton 2) specify the launch parameter: "PROTON_USE_WINED3D %command%" - this way the game will launch using regular Wine's OpenGL instead of DXVK. If you use SteamTinkerLaunch, you can enable the same option by checking the box next to "Proton use WINED3D" in the "GAME MENU" in STL (I also recommend checking the boxes next to "Dxvk async" and "Game mode"). In my case, using OpenGL in games on this engine helped to get rid of 90-95% of stutters and glitches in the game.

Use Glorious Eggrole if you don't want your fps to half, on experimental I got 60 and on GE I got 120fps Locked.
WARNING! Some reports say to use Proton Experimental, I recommend against this unless Proton GE doesn't work. I got 60fps with Experimental and 120fps with Proton Glorious Eggrole! I tested this game in Ubuntu the other day and performance was comperable but every old RE game including this one failed to launch and would throw up an error, that is because the game would force fullscreen 1080p 60hz and I have a 1080p 165hz monitor. The fix for this is to go to your proton prefix and find the games save file, edit the .ini and set the game to launch in Windows mode. Garuda is cooler than that though and it JUST WORKS!!!

Game is OK

Proton 8.0-5

wasn't sure why, I tried 3 times had to use mouse and keyboard
was able to play at 1600p above 60fps 1440p around 48 fps there were small frame dips but the game never crashed

protontricks 287290 -q wmp11
I used protontricks just to make sure everything worked, I've no idea if it was needed or not. I did not try Raid mode, only played the campaign and it worked great. Sometimes I'd get reduced fps at the very beginning of a new level but it went away after a few seconds (probably compiling vulkan shaders).

While I can't attest for the main campaign (could be working well). The random crashes in Raid mode makes it highly unenjoyable.
Some stutter at begining of Raid mode runs.
Game frequently crashes between (sometimes at start) Raid mode runs. Crashes on both Proton experimental and 7.0-5
Raid mode store always crashes when attempting to buy/sell. This occurs when game is installed on secondary drives. Moving the game to Steam's default library on /home fixed this issue.
Slight stutters
Tried with GE Proton, doesnt seems to launch. Works well in Proton Experimental outside occational stutters.
Really few times getting issue with graphical issue, one time getting flash on lights.
Frequent crashes in commando mode between different levels in online co-op.
Crashes sometimes before beginning a level in co-op commando.
Experimental : I think it's the best experience that I had. I mostly play in commando. With experimental, there are lags and freeze but no crashes in solo. However playing in online co-op, the game will crashes sometimes.
Frequent crash in commando mode.
GE-Proton7-35 : Game is not running at all, infinite loading. Proton Experimental : I think it's the best experience that I had. I mostly play in commando. With experimental, there are lags and freeze but NO crashes. Proton 7.0-4 : Working great but crashes a lot making unplayable in commando mode. Default steam : Same as Proton 7.0-4. The game is running fine but crashes a lot in commando mode.

Runs decently despite performance issues
- Occasional frame drops
- Occasional stutters
- Fire effects cause severe frame drops
Some cutscenes don't work, trying to install wmp11 fails with status 1

- Frequent frame drops
- Frequent stuttering
With the default Proton version cutscenes are totally black and cannot even be paused. Proton Experimental doesn't work either.
The crashing was rough. Between each chapter of single player game would commonly crash. During multiplayer raid mode game will crash
Game would successfully play but between rounds would crash

To make the cutscenes work is necessary to install Windows Media Player 11 (wmp11)
How to install Window Media Player 11 with Protontricks on Steam deck:
- Go to Desktop mode and use the Discover app to install Protonticks and Flatseal.
- Open Flatseal and choose Protontricks. Under Filesystem enable all the options.
- Create the Protontricks alias opening Konsole app and this command: echo "alias protontricks='flatpak run com.github.Matoking.protontricks'" >> ~/.bashrc
- Close Konsole app (it's important to close it) and opening again and finally use the command: protontricks 287290 -q wmp11
- Set to GE Proton
- Game didn't start in game mode
- Game started in desktop mode with terrible stutter
- Having started once in desktop mode, the game starts fine in game mode ever since. Performance is stutter-free and the cutscenes work so far.
Just launch and play!
protontricks 287290 -q wmp11
Zmiana zazwy pliku z main menu_00.wmv na main menu_00 test.wmv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfjBTUAqDdA
Czarny ekran
Just use proton experimental and you're gucci! Cutscenes run fine
Stuttering makes the game pretty unplayable. Game will not launch in game mode; must boot to desktop mode to start game.
Major shader caching stuttering.
Finished first episode with minor issues
Unusual amount of shader cache stuttering
Some cutscenes are black
144 FPS on max settings - a few hickups when running it for the first time (likely due to Vulkan Shaders)
Just great - Max settings on a GTX1070 with 144 FPS no problems
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command% PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Configurações do jogo
- Os comandos de inicialização forçam o uso do DirectX 9 e o "CPU-Bound".
- Optei o uso do DirectX 9 pois o radeon HD 3850 não suporta DirectX 11.
- Sincronização vertical: desligada.
- Suavização: desligada.
- Sombra: baixo.
- Texturas: baixo.
- Precisão do HDR: baixo.
- Geração de Efeitos: baixo
- Observei menor variação de quadros e eliminação do "stuttering".
- Jogar +30FPS -- Resolução < 1600 x 900
- Jogar +60FPS -- Resolução < 960 x 540
Some cut scenes are black and occasional hick ups.
Occasional hick ups
Some cut scenes are black - just audio and subtitles.
Offers ultrawide resolution in menu, but only shows black borders.

Pantalla en negro.
Todo en negro, da igual el proton ya que he probado desde el 5.0 hasta el proton-ge pasando por el experimental y todos me han dado el mismo resultado, pantalla en negro.
Launch the game once with Proton 5.0, then in a terminal with protontricks installed, run:
protontricks 287290 -q wmp11
Then change back to Proton Experimental.
Installing wmp11 is required at the moment to get in-game and other forks like Proton-GE do not fix it, similar to other RE games. Without wmp11, pressing Start Game on the title screen will soft-lock you into a black screen that never loads the main menu.
After wmp11 is installed, the game ran smoothly at max settings for me, around 100 FPS on average in Raid mode. Connecting to RE.NET worked fine and event missions were available like normal. My save from Windows transferred fine from Steam Cloud with no problems. Played with an Xbox Series X|S controller which was detected properly without issues.
Experience was laggy
En mi caso no funcionó, las cinemáticas no se pueden ver y sólo la primera vez pude jugar.
En resolución inferior
Solo inició bien la primera vez, despues ya no ha iniciado posteriormente de entrar al menú de inicio
· Install and use Protontricks: https://www.simpler.website/html/2021/1/protontricks.html · protontricks 221040 -q wmp11
Despite following recommendations, game freezes whenever entering a status screen after obtaining the handgun.
have tried various combinations of the flags listed over the course of 4 hours to no avail
protontricks 287290 -q wmp11
entering a status screen such as the inventory or workbench causes game to freeze
Like nearly all Resident Evil games on Steam:
protontricks 287290 -q wmp11
As the game uses .wmv video files for its cutscenes.
Not a pick up and play experience. Tinkering is required. Typical gamers aren't going to have the patience.
Slightly more consistent framerate over default.
Proton Experimental
Compared to the recommended requirements my hardware should have no problem at high graphics settings. Even with a compatibility layer.
Personally could not get the wmp11 installed via winetricks because the domain where the required files are located is incredibly slow. The downloader misses the retry attempts and quits, thus having to re-download the files again and again. If the movie files are replaced with the comment-linked mediafire ones, the game WILL launch and play.