battle eye unsupported for online
Uplay is not installed and does not allow the game to run

Game launches fine but unfortunately Ubisoft doesn't allow Linux players to play, for no real reason.
Doesn't work because anti cheat. Could work but that's down to Ubisoft.
Online is borked. You can only play local modes, like map training for example.
Tried Ge-Proton and Proton Experimental, the game just closes.

Still No Linux Support (Y10S1)
Install Ubisoft Connect
I saw that Valve marked this game Playable on Steam Deck and ProtonDB marked this Bronze, but these are both lies. You cannot play online. Installing Proton BattleEye Runtime manually does not resolve the issue.
Ubisoft Montreal have stated in the past that they will not support Steam Deck or Linux. Valve marking this as Playable is outright bait.

Ubicuck is a shit company.

Got an error in online mode
I got an error when in operator selection kicking me back to main menu

Kicked out of multiplayer on operator selection
PROTON_BATTLEYE_RUNTIME="~/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/games/steamapps/common/Proton BattlEye Runtime" gamemoderun %command%
Singleplayer works sure, but this is mainly a multiplayer game. Since multiplayer does not work, the game is unplayable.

everything graphics at low settings 60fps capped
uplay worked and i was able to play online if you do have uplay issues look up uplay protonticks https://youtu.be/FdfANCwUUJU?si=tC5eMg006sHM74fx

Year 10. Season 1, Prep Phase. Kick from match with error 2-0x00019008.
Even though Ubisoft Connect is installed, since the new season it started kicking with a Battle Eye error about inactivity. I love Ubisoft.
Year 10. Season 1, Prep Phase. Still Kicked From Match

With ProtonUp-Qt and Steam Tinker Launch, the game can be launched and it will work fine.
Installed ProtonUp-Qt. In it I installed SteamTinkerLaunch 12.12 (the latest version at the moment). Restarted Steam and in the game properties, in compatibility I specified Steam Tinker Launch.
When launching the game clicked MAIN MENU and “One time run”, in it selected the installer Ubisoft Connect and installed it in the standard path. I didn't run Ubisoft Connect separately from the game as it is automatically included in the account when the game starts. I don't know if this affects it, but I also have the Proton BattleEye Runtime installed, but I didn't see any BattleEye installations when I launched the game. Some antichit was installed in the game itself and restarted it.

Y9S4.2 - Does Not Launch Past the Uplay Launcher Popup
Tried Proton; GE22, Experimental, Hotfix and 9.0-4 none worked, after the third try the Uplay launcher would not even appear.

Kernel level anticheat as usual.
Battleye has support for proton but Ubisoft prefers not to allow linux users.

Well just want to keep the site up to date
its not working xD

Can't Play Online
Local Play works vs AI but online dosen't work because of BattleEye

PROTON_BATTLEYE_RUNTIME="/home/youstolemyjuice/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton BattlEye Runtime" gamemoderun DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Can play versus AI and other things that are local but you cannot play anything online at all.

Requires you to choose between online/local saves. Online won't work and you have to choose locally, but they're the same.
EXPLANATION FOR WHY ONLINE WONT WORK (It is for the best and intentional) BattlEye works with any game on a kernel-level. If it were able to be used on Linux, this would be detremental to the Linux community and allow for several people with malicious intent to do harm to our computers, as the Linux kernel is open-source. It is for the best that it isn't used, it just sucks that BattlEye isn't server-side. 😕
Switch to Proton-GE and run with DirectX 11 (shown as DX11 on Steam), Vulkan won't load the game, but this could be due to background Vulkan shaders loading on Steam's part which takes a lifetime.
If you enjoy multiplayer and don't enjoy singleplayer, don't purchase this game otherwise you will be wasting your money.

The game currently does not launch
Neither through Steam or through the Ubisoft Connect launcher which is automatically launched with the game, this is a new issue for Y9S4

Screen black when tabbing into, game freezes when tabbing out.
Kicked from online games ~10 seconds in even when using proton battleye runtime

The anti-cheat kicks you from the game immediately due to them not supporting Linux.
Ubisoft please fix!

Works but no multiplayer
Multiplayer doesnt work (silly ubisoft and their anti cheat)
Doesn't launch as it needs Uplay which I couldn't get to work using Wine or Lutris

Removed from match [2-0x00019008]
around 5-10 seconds after connecting to a match, new patch, nothing

online doesn't work
everything works besides online

patch Y9S2.2 still does not work kicked instantly upon seeing the chosen map
error code: 2-0x00019008 [you have been kicked out of the game

Multiplayer Borked
Matchmaking blocked by Anti-Cheat

'REMOVED FROM MATCH' error code: [2-0x00019008] You have been kicked out of the game.
this is patch Y9S2.1, you can now start a match and get into one, start playing but you still get kicked after around 30 seconds. im really not sure what is going on here but it seems to just be randomly changing without a lot of input from ubisoft, but you never know

new season Y9S2 "New Blood" still does not work - "Removed From Match, error code: [2-0x00019008] You have been kicked out of the game.
this time i am kicked quicker than before, being kicked instantly upon joining an online multiplay match instead of 10 seconds in, this may mean that they are doubling down on proton not being supported

Game unplayable for any multiplayer modes, ai versus still works though
can be fixed if ubisoft enables anti cheat on their end

Online matches fail randomly with code: 2-0x00019008 -> Inactivity according to ubi's site, doubt that's really the issue
It feels like it's almost there, some work in the Battleeye runtime might fix it :)

it is impossible to determine where audio is coming from, almost all of it sounds like it is coming from above the player character
multiplayer not working
on patch 9-1.3 or something still doesn't work, almost 10 years and they just dont care?

they KNOW it works, there is irrefutable evidence that it would work perfectly, but it just doesn't work
the game would freak out before finally getting back into fullscreen, you should be using borderless anyway
error code 2-0x00019008 after around 10 seconds upon connecting to a multiplayer session
Ubisoft loves to shoot themselves in their own foot, i would forget about ever playing this on Linux if i were you, sadly...

Immediately kicked from any multiplayer game
There is a new bug report on the R6 site, please upvote! https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-58221

Couldn't get into multiplayer match
Getting kicked from the game with error 2-0x00019008.

Can't play multiplayer without being kicked by the anticheat.
It's not playable in multiplayer modes.

Multiplayer is still borked. The game does not work as intended on Linux.
Changing fullscreen resolution after launch caused issues with mouse inputs. Specifically, it appeared that the mouse inputs were being limited to the top left of my monoitor - that is, to reach an option in the top right, you would need to position your cursor more towards the top middle of the screen. Restarting the game corrected this issue.
Online multplayer (i.e., Quick Match) kicked me from the match immediately upon loading in. I'm assuming this is because of Ubisoft's implementation of BattlEye, as many others have reported.
I would not bother installing R6 right now. You will not be able to play multiplayer matches unless Ubisoft implements the Linux-compatible version of BattlEye.

Everything works as expected until you go online. You can get into a game but get kicked with error code 2-0x00019008.

Launched with vulkan for better performance. Multiplayer still auto-kicks due to developer not enabling proton support, but otherwise fine.
No launch options needed to run, works OOTBusing stock Steam proton/experimental/GE. Just a shame online multiplayer still isn't working :(
I have been able to play "LAN" mutiplayer games with a small group using a Zerotier setup. Seems to be the best way to currently enjoy "multiplayer" of any sort for the time being... discord.gg/buR5GavFze if anyone interested for occasional sessions :)