Really feels like an arcade game from the good old days
didn't recognize PS5 controller, had to setup steam input
Works perfect out the box
On Steam Deck OLED, set refresh rate to 60Hz to avoid judder
^The game caps out at 60fps, as game speed is tie to frame rate.
As such, lower refresh rates will run slower and higher refresh rates (like the OLED's default 90Hz) will induce judder.
Works perfectly fine on Deck
nothing to complain and the game is really good.
Works flawlessly. No issues found, I complete the game perfectly.
Works well out of the box, I also recommend enabling the game's CRT fliter
Tudo parece estar funcionando ok.
Teve um pequeno problema de carregamento de imagens na cena de introdução do game, especificamente na parte a qual mostra-se logomarca da empresa. O problema de carregamento faz com que as imagem fica com pixels amarelos e pretos.
Como observei pequeno problema de carregamento de imagens na introdução do jogo, pode haver outros problemas.
Game is not meant for ultrawide, so using 3440x1440 will have flickering on the side in fullscreen. Change resolution to 2560x1080 will avoid flickering and a proper aspect ratio without stretching. 2560x1440 is NOT good as the game looks stretched.
If using fullscreen on an ultrawide, choose a resolution that ends with a height of 1080 if possible. For my 3440x1440 resolution, I chose 2560x1080 as the picture did not stretch. Using my native resolution also introduced flickering on the left and ride side of the screen. If not using fullscreen, using the native resolution should also work without stretching and flickering.
Great native version with great support for Xbox controllers and local play!