Played through the single player campaign and a couple of multiplayer matches. Didn't encounter any bugs that aren't actual bugs in the game. Steam overlay did not work. When exiting the game the EA bloatware crashed.
In one boss fight the water wasn't rendered half the time.
Even on low settings the game doesn't run at solid 60 fps when loads of cars are exploding and crashing into each other.
The game crashes when playing the credits, which happens after winnng the last race, but progress was still saved.
game crashed twice during my playthrough
Three or for times the game hang for a couple of seconds during boss fights, but then continued running without issues.
Sometimes the game crashed when alt-tabing out of it.
Played through the campaign and some multiplayer matches, everything worked except for occasional crash when loading a map.
No clue how to easily scroll lists in the UI that don't fit on the screen.
Only the 2D menu works. All the 3D content renders in solid black so you see nothing besides the hud once you enter a race.
Ubisoft connect demanded a CD key, which was nowhere to be found, and refused to launch the game without entering the CD key.
-offline -skipintro
Some times for a short moment some blocky, black glitches were visible but nothing that would ruin the experience.
Game launched in some strange streched mode the first time, which made the menu text unreadable. Hitting Alt-Enter got it into a state that made it possible to change the video settings.
The game kept asking for a CD key the first launch. In steam I had to disable the Game Key DLC, launch the game, enable the DLC again and then it worked.
The native linux version was way too dark while the windows version displayed everything correctly.
By default the game selected the wrong audo device for the ingame voicechat but it can be toggled ingame via the settings.
I had random crashes due to gpu resets before I switched vsync off. With vsync off the game ran fine.
Servers seem to be not so great sometimes.
proton easy anti cheat runtime has to be installed.
You have to set "Available memory" to "low" in the in-game options or the game will crash loading mosnt of the levels.
Some of the documents in-game are hard to read.
The game mostly runs at 60fps but in some areas it can drop down to 20fps.
If you don't set "available memory" to "low" you get frequent crashes.
Playing some of the tutorial videos crashed the game, some other videos showed only the test screen, most videos worked.
Switched to 30fps
In some quests sometimes heavy artifacts appear and or the game crashes.
In some quests sometimes heavy artifacts appear and or the game crashes.
even with all settings turned down to low and the resolution lowered the game did not run all that great
No videos, tooltips are shown as big as the whole window, flickering in game menus, mouse cursor movement isn't shown in the game menu.
mouse cursor doesn't show up sometimes
couldn't save because the menu wasn't usable
unplayable because of low framerate
Proton-6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
GE is needed for the cutscenes
Missing cutscenes are a bummer.
Sometimes the game stutters for a moment
Cut scenes did not play.
You might have to go to the options first to enable and configure gamepad controls.
Sometimes the engine sound was missing sporadically. Don't know if it's a game or wine bug.
Some videos did not play properly.
First start after install the game crashed. After that it worked. ubis**t connect prevents the game from shutting down properly so you always have to kill it manually.
The game always requires an internet connection so it can't be played on the deck in offline mode. Suspend/Resume also doesn't work because after the resume the game doesn't reconnect and you have to restart the game.
I was unable to reduce the power consumption in a meaningful way by changing ingame or deck settings. On the positive side since it's always drawing max power you can up the ingame settings quite a bit and still get a smooth experience.
Limited the screen refresh rate to 40HZ and lowered some of the graphics settings.
The game crashed sometimes shortly after a resum from suspend.
Capped the game at 30fps because I didn't manage to get it running stable at 40fps.
Sometimes text was a bit small.
Sometimes resuming from suspend resulted in crackeling audio.
The game still has server issues. Didn't try northstar.
When the EA launcher refuses to start try running "Verify integrity of game files" in steam. This reruns the install scripts which usually fixes the launcher.
None of the issues ruined it for me and I managed to play through the whole single player campaign.
Some of the dialog over radio sounds very noisy but is still understandable.
Occasional short frame rate hickups. Feels like the game is hanging for half a second but doesn't occur often.
No steam overlay. The ubisoft and unreal logo movies at the start only showed a black screen, not that anyone would care about those.
With gamescope after about 20 to 30 minutes the framerate got unplayable wonky. Without gamescope the game ran jus fine.
Played through the campaign without issues. Official servers have been shut down and I didn't bother trying the local multiplayer.
Sometimes shadows are a bit blocky.
Sometimes the game hangs during startup and has to be killed and restarted.
After closing the game ubis**t connect keeps running and has to be closed manually.
The game only renders to something like a 800x600 rectangle which makes 3/4 of the game not visible.
Can be mitigated by running the game through gamescope, but even then the game turns into a slideshow once a couple of enemies show up on screen.
ubisoft connect crashed once but worked after that. Also ubibloat keeps running after exiting the game and it has to be quit manually.
ubibloat has it's own achievement overlay and once an achievement popup got stuck.
Looks like the anti-cheat is preventing the game to run.
For whatever reason the game reduces the mouse sensitivity while the left analog stick on a gamepad is used. So to get consistent sensitivity in all situation I remapped the left stick to WASD.
Once, after suspend/resume the audio crackled until the game was restarted.
First time setup took unusually long but then the game itself ran without any issues.
Either during the intro or somewhere in the menu the screen turns black.
Launch options have to be changed or the game will crash. RADV_DEBUG=nocompute %command%
Text is rather small in some places.
RADV_DEBUG=nocompute %command%