Everything smooth.
Everything smooth at least if you can't catch other players for a mission matchmaking.
BIOS: stay with the balanced profile and assign a minimum of 8GB to the GFX side (the integrated Radeon 680M). Linux: install ProtonUpQt and download the latest GE-Proton module and assign it to Heroic or Steam, that's depend which version of the game you got. I have the Ubisoft one via Heroic. Then follow the configuration to install (if already done, skip this step) the Ubisoft Launcher under Heroic (or under Steam). Then click on the properties (Heroic) and click on the WineCFG. Here you can set the DPI font settings (very important if you play on a 4K TV screen) the eventual extra drive you need to assign for the game instalaltion path and an index called "Staging" and there, just tick on all the voices, especially the "Hide Wine Version From Application". Then apply, then close the Wine config. Be sure that the current Ubisoft app is associated with the GE Proton module (you should already sat during the .exe installation). Fire up the app, log in, install the game.
Once in the game, just go to graphic settings and select the medium preset, do not exceed the spot light shadows above high settings because the ultra will stutter the framerate. 1080p as resolution and DX11 (default) with 50% scaling guarantee the best, smooth experience. The overall optimization is however better on The Division 2 rather than the first game but it's playable especially during the fights or competitive moments inside the so called dark zone. Everything is pretty much console-like experience.

Stuck in EAC starting loop, game doesn't launch.
Apparently launches on steam version

gamemoderun %command%
The steam linux will auto-install the ubisoft launcher for you. Just wait for it to finish. Create an ubisoft account on advance for easier login and linking it.
If you already did this to windows os before transitioning to linux os pc or on steamdeck, the ubisoft will just auto lunch then install. You will just wait for it to finish. Also use proton-ge for best fps result.

EAC loop issue at the moment
For now, this game isn't working properly due to EAC runtime that generate a loop, adding the -disable_eac alongside the executable. I've tried the Reddit method, clicking the winecfg button in the Heroic app properties then adding the EAC executable but nothing changed in positive.
The first Division was just fine but this one is a mess. Deliberately made for having issues under Linux based systems. Ubisoft isn't friendly with these online engines.

It runs perfectly as long as you use GE-Proton 9-4. It crashes every 10 minutes otherwise.
gamemoderun %command%
Make sure to use Proton GE 9-4.

When first launching Steam will install Ubisoft Launcher, once it is complete it will ask you to login. If you see anything regarding providing a CD Key for activation, cancel out of the launcher and launch the game again. This will bypass the CD Key activation, which is not needed. Worked out of the box.

gamemoderun %command%
Use ProtonQT to install GE-Proton9-4 then run command line sudo sysctl -w kernel.split_lock_mitigate=0 in the linux terminal. After that restart steam to load in GE that you installed via ProtonQT. Then, input the command line thats highlighted above (gamemoderun %command%) (ofc without the parentheses) in the steam launch options. Once these are done, should run fine with no crashes.

Textures were not properly loading while using dx12 resulting in frame drops for about 15 minutes after starting the game. Changing to dx11 from the video settings solved this issue.

Wasnt perfect but ran well enough to feel comfortable that i wasnt going to die to a performance issue

Unplayable with the crashes
Very slow until "sysctl -w kernel.split_lock_mitigate=0" set
Crashes within 5 minutes every time tested, unplayable
Only tinkering required is use a tool like protonqt to download GE9-4 as another user suggested and game crashes stopped.
Crashed with stable and experimental Proton versions.
Crashed as mentioned previously.

When launching the game with adding the shortcut to steam option in steam, you will get like 2-3 windows when opening the game. You have to switch to the division 2 window in order to actually play the game, as it will stay on the anticheat window when launching in game mode steam deck.
I will say to make sure to look through the options to make the ui and icons bigger, as well as the text. It was very easy to set up, however I did so through lutris, so make sure to install it correctly. I looked at the video by Hi-Tech Lo-Life to make sure you install the games correctly. It will be slightly different, but overall it will work.

Game freezes ~10-15 minutes into gameplay. Audio continues (seems like it's looped). Have to switch workspaces and force close steam to exit. Happens every time without fail. Proton version does not make a difference. -dx11 or -dx12 does not make a difference. I believe it's a regression in 6.12.xx, can't test 6.13 as it won't built against nvidia-open-dkms.

Good out of the box
Great experience with stock configuration. Just have to enable steam play on steam configurations and nothing more.

Ubisoft Connect launcher has some problems as always
When using current proton 9 or experimental (supplied by steam) the game crashes after some minutes of playing. Downgrading proton to GE-Proton9-4 fixed the crashing for me.
Set split_lock_detect=off as other reviewer suggested. Multiplayer with friend (both use proton/linux) works without issues so far.

Had no issues installing/playing it. Works great.
Quitting from the menu doesn't exit out of Ubisoft Connect, you'll have to stop it from Steam itself or quit Ubisoft Connect manually.

gamemoderun %command%
Within 2-3 mins video freezes, sound still going on like the game continues
Played with the same hardware in Windows 10 and 11 without issues. In the ingame Benchmark, the GPU usage is 0% which I am not able to fix, CPU is round 50% and FPS avg is 88

gamemoderun %command%
Adicionar gamemode e sudo usermod -aG gamemode ¨username¨ onde o username é o nome de usuário do linux, para deixar o gamemode gerenciar a energia e modulos do kernerl, não sendo necessário executar o comando sudo sysctl -w kernel.split_lock_mitigate=0
Framerate frequently (about every 15 seconds) drops to 20 fps, even on low settings, then returns to about 70 fps
The game locks up on loading screen at 3%

A lot of the UI is quite small.
Doesn't run incredibly well compared to other games of the same caliber, especially the first Division.
TD2 runs alright on the Deck, but I wouldn't say it runs well enough. Even locking the FPS to 30 and turning all graphics settings to low will see regular dips in performance. Playable, but not ideal. Unless you can put up with these regular dips, I say avoid this one and play the first game instead, which is a lot more stable on the Deck.

Takes some small amount of tinkering to get ubisoft connect connected to steam.

Very stable, have yet to run into any issues so far. Seemingly a rarity, I didn't need to do the common tinker step on Linux Mint 21.3
Slightly unexpected to get only ~120 fps on a 3090 and 12900KF (On completely maxed out settings) on a game from 2019, though I suspect that for some reason my GPU isn't being fully used for some reason due to another issue which I haven't found yet.
Haven't tried the DLC yet, bugs may be more prevalent in the DLC than the base game.

In Lutris die Ubi Connect Version installiert, in den "Optionen des Starters" "Proton Experimental" ausgewählt.
Kurze Lags bei Richtungswechsel und Explosionen

sudo sysctl -w kernel.split_lock_mitigate=0
Ubisoft Connect refused to connect. After having done research I seen a few people having to use a VPN which then allows it to connect. This fix worked for me. Connecting to a VPN is the only way I was able connect to Ubisoft Connect.
And without doing the above command in the terminal the game will run at like 5fps. After the command it runs over 120fps for me.
You have to turn off split_lock_mitigate in order to get this to play smooth.
sudo sysctl -w kernel.split_lock_mitigate=0

Runs flawlessly
Crashed once but I'm pretty sure it's a Ubisoft thing, not the Proton or Steam. Also, starting up is a bit long because of Ubisoft Connect.

mangohud %command%
testei o jogo tanto na versao mais recente do protonge como tambem na versao 9.0-1 mais ele roda a 20fps quando no windows eu jogo esse mesmo jogo a 80

Works out of the box
Recommend enabling Steam Input if using a DualSense controller to enable rumble
Played through both raids (Dark Hours, Iron Horse), had no real issues

The game works on Linux, but is more problematic than my other games. It takes some tinkering to make it work.
Turned FSync off as my kernel doesn't support it
While loading bigger spaces, the game gets really slow, around 10 fps, but it goes back to normal after a while
Carshes are pretty frequent, but really unsystematic. Sometimes it takes hours, sometimes it crashes 10 minutes after start. There is no sign that predicts it, the game just closes like it was a normal shutdown and can be started from Ubisoft Connect again.
The game didn't work with the 525 nvidia drivers, but after manually adding 550 drivers to my Debian stable it started working. My 2 GB GTX1050 counts weak nowadays, the game had performance problems for me on Windows too. With a more powerful PC I think you will have a lot less troubles.

game only launches once after install, needs to be reinstalled for each launch since otherwise the game can't find it's own uplay install. verifying files doesn't help, full reinstall needed.
skip this publisher unless they fix/remove their launcher

при запуске Ubisoft Connect иногда отваливается xorg и после его перезапуска игра не использует видеокарту, помогает перезапуск пк
Отлично идет на Linux

Set all options to minimum and reduced resolution
Game stutters terribly on both DX12 and DX11 to the extent I'd consider the game unplayable, even on the absolute minimum settings

Switched to experimental to fix broken ubisoft launcher app. Set split_lock_detect=off as other reviewer suggested. Multiplayer with friend (both use proton/linux) works without issues so far.

Works great out of the box with no additonal steps

MANGOHUD=1 gamemoderun %command%
15 FPS, had to run sudo sysctl kernel.split_lock_mitigate=0
to fix.

No problems except extremely low performance. Easy fix with
sudo sysctl kernel.split_lock_mitigate=0
before starting the game.
No problems with Ubisoft Connect too, everything worked out of the box with the launcher, no bottles, lutris or tricks required.
sudo sysctl kernel.split_lock_mitigate=0 as fix

It really just works. Make a Ubisoft bottle, and the launcher works, as well as downloading any game through it.

sudo sysctl kernel.split_lock_mitigate=0
Confirmed fix for slow FPS is to run the following at terminal: sudo sysctl kernel.split_lock_mitigate=0
Works great once you apply the mitigation removal.