i get the occasional audio cracking in all Proton games. the environment variable PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60
fixes this.

When changing resolution, the game can permanently become minimised. I found changing to low res, fullscreening and then back to 1080p or higher it worked. Until you tab out and it happens again
Glorious Eggroll 22 Proton layer seemed to fix this issue, no need to changing settings like above
Just be careful with fullscreen/changing res, until I messed around with those settings it was perfect OOB

Works perfectly out of the box
Runs a little slower than windows used to, stutters when lots of things are happening on the screen. Nothing serious though

gamemoderun %command%
Sometimes I even forget that im on Linux
It works without issues. If you cant start it you should switch to an older version or even bleeding edge GE-Proton
Runs perfectly, no tinkering needed.

Game sometimes crashes on startup and will consistently crash after 20 - 30 minutes of gameplay.
Perfect bloon popping experience

deafult size cursor has red dots on it
can't close the game, can't force stop via steam
Ran OOTB, didn't try online play, however

Crashed spontaneously around lvl 75 of 80 in Contested Territory while actively playing. In another session crashed during a contested territory game when I paused the game and came back 6 minutes later. In both cases the game window was still launched but I could not interract with it. killing steam's process and restarted resolved the issue, though progress in game was lost to nearest save checkpoint. The crashes are unique to running on linux as I have not experienced that type of crash on Windows or android.
Played several more hours since my last report. Leaving new report for the unexpected crashes. Otherwise this still is largely functional.

great tower defense
mouse cursor was small
Rating "excellent" though note that bloons multiplayer netcode is not the greatest to begin with. I found it no different than Windows/Android
I played several more hours on linux, overall it works well. I do agree with some other reviews that the cursor is small. I didn't notice it until I played some high level games where it was easy to lose my cursor amidst everything going on.

Game runs exactly as expected. I can stuff it full of sniper monkeys, and it can't stop me!
The small cursor has red diagonal lines across it. Go into the Hotkeys settings and use a larger cursor to fix this.
Performance is limited by Bloons TD 6's own servers, which can sometimes randomly disconnect people for no reason.
Works great OOTB

120 hours on windows, 1 hour on linux so far. no issues. used proton 9 stable. was able to login to my acct, play events, save game, etc. no curosor issues, glitching, or other issues i saw described. Was just as good as playing on my old windows PC

Works great! Didnt test multiplayer tho

The few issues I had were so minor that I can't imagine they would matter to anyone, especially given how casual the game is.
I know my laptop definitely isn't very powerful, but when I get several rounds into the game, moving my mouse cursor with the trackpad causes the games frame rate to plummet. I didn't have an FPS counter on, but it feels like the frame rate is cut in half.
Steam defaulted me to using Proton Hotfix, but that version caused hard system crashes after only a couple minutes in the menus of the game.

Plays exactly like it did in windows!
The only exception is that on Windows it ran at over 160FPS, on Linux it appears to be capped at 140FPS desptie no bottlenecks in my system.
normal connections issues that also appear on windows

without the experimental version of proton, the game would launch, but no models would load eg. towers were invisible, menus were broken, etc.

Absalutely perfect, slight lag on models, but other than that flawless! using latest ubuntu on win 10 dualboot, works better on ubuntu!
takes a sec for models to load, other than that perfect
im running this on a 7 year old laptop

Not as good as windows
Red lines on mouse
Got like 5 fps on round 4
You can do stuff to remedy some stuff, but the fps is unacceptable

mods work aswell, js get melonloader

Cursor is bad
Launches as a window
Bad performance when a lot is on screen, no matter the hardware
Cannot login. When pressing account, a blank screen appears with -113
in top left.
Cannot play multiplayer because an account is required for that, which I cannot log into
Game works with minor issue, no multiplayer, no online features, no account

Locked to 30 FPS
Required EOS to be installed. Needed to authorise Epic Account.
Does not work with suggested proton version. Needed to force proton experimental.

The small cursor has red lines and is pixelated; if you want a larger one: go to hotkeys, and there would be an option to change the cursor size.
Minor and forgivable audio crackling.
The tinkering isn't necessary to boot but to make the game smoother.

Just turn off the sound
the mouse has red lines on it

Plug and play, just click the play button and you're good to go
Used to have audio issues on Hyprland, happy to report they're gone now.

Great out of the box experience with minor graphical issues, nothing too serious anyways.
Minor graphic artifacts on some sprites
Played a couple of online games without issues

Touch screen or trackpad is the ideal way to play on Steam Deck.

Works great out of the box.
The only issue I encountered was that my cursor had red lines inside of it.