Steam chat hard crashes game
Highly variable FPS 35-100+
Game would crash Steam entirely every once in a while
Process crashes after Origin message of unable to use install location message.
Single player works very well. 250+ FPS. Controller as well as KBM. Did not try multiplayer. Alt-Tabbing out caused some issues.
Failed to Allocate Video Memory error on level load. Unplayable for me
Game minimizes itself
It seems so close to working. But it minimizes itself no matter what I do.
Game works great. The only issue is shader compilation stutters. i.e. the first time you encounter something, the game will stutter.
Shader compilation stutters
Disabled All Screen Effects (Bloom/HDR) and this fixed the black VATS screen. Also edited ini files for ultra wide resolution and custom FOV with no issues. No mods attempted.
I could only get it to run under the proton version listed. I had to wait about 45 secs - 1min for logo to appear
VKD3D_CONFIG=force_bindless_texel_buffer %command%
Lighting and particle effects flickering
No logitech wheel detection
Frame rate is very unstable
Game ran fine when we had access to the dx11 exe. It is gone now.
Another report of working with the mentioned fixes
Works great. I swapped out the 2 exes in the local files mentioned in this video
rtx 2080ti topped out at 50fps at 1440p best graphics
Crashed about every 10 minutes
Rampant issues
Need to run "protontricks 1316010 win7" or "protontricks 105600 dotnet452" to actually play the game
Game would sometimes play with no window available (sound playing but no game visible)
10 - 6fps
Game freezes quite often
Game was not playable for me. It did work for one play session of 1 hour. But after that it will not play again. I have tried many different proton versions (latest GE as well) But I can not get it over 10 fps anymore
Game plays very well. After making the .cfg adjustments mentioned.
Menus can act strangely.
Menus can stutter, including the map.
config file adjustments mentioned are required.
Quake Remastered Version: Disable ESYNC to remove stuttering
Quake Remastered Version: Disable ESYNC to remove stuttering
This just takes moving files from one directory into another.
1: Install both RTCW and REALRTCW
2: Right click RTCW and select Manage -> Browse local files
5: Navigate to folder called Main
3: Select and copy all filess that have "pak" in the name. eg (sp_pak1.pk3)
4: Right click REALRTCW and select Manage -> Browse local files
5: Navigate to folder called Main
6: Paste all your "pak" files here
7: Run the game
On a note that affected my system personally. This game supports screen capture, my machine did not like this and would take a very long time to boot.
So I edited the cfg file in /SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1379630/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/RealRTCW/main
seta s_alCapture "1"
seta s_alCapture "0"
Runs anywhere from 10 - 60 fps. Jumps around sporadically and frequently. Trying any of the tips here did not help. Game is "playable", but not in the least comfortable. Also mention that main menu and character screen is unrendered as mentioned.
Using the launch option PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 %command%
I am able to get 60FPS with max graphics
%command% --clear-system-gl-caches
Odd audio levels during cutscenes at times
Need to set launch options to get past SIGV crashed
Set launch options %command% --clear-system-gl-caches
to stop the SIGV crashes
Origin complains about not being able to install the game in a folder. Just dont touch anything and wait, it will sort itself out.
After most recent update game video does not work.
I can hear the sounds of the menu, but there is no video. Black screen
Game runs at a high frame rate at max settings. But no matter what I do there is a frequent stutter, making it pretty annoying to play.
To use idtech 5 tweaker (Unlock FPS)
Follow documentation:
Then set Launch Option
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
This is uneeded for an OOTB good time. Just an extra