use the "better alruna controls" layout.
gamemoderun %command%
Finished game without issues
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% -force-d3d11-singlethreaded
basically used PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% -force-d3d11-singlethreaded
Specific occasional scenes slow a little, but this is part of the game it seems, not related to performance of the hardware. Overall the game runs wonderfully.

Crashes whenever I try to skip the intro.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=0 doesn't help.
Works perfectly out of the box, no changes needed
Worked out the box with controller. is flawless on proton.
disable the ingame steam overlay for this title for a performence increase if you need it.

Proton-6.20-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
the game would continue to go fullscreen then minimize if the monitor is set to more than 60Hz, setting the refreshrate to 60 or "DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%" putting this as the launch options
the game slows down when leaving a checkpoint or dying, otherwise no impact on gameplay

Had to use "DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%" as launch option. Otherwise the game minimizes and reopens every second.
For monitors with more than 60 hz you've to limit the frame rate to 60 fps and/or the monitor refresh rate to 60 hz.
Worked flawlessly.

Works absolutely perfectly other than a high refresh issue that can be solved with a workaround
Putting display in 60hz mode to get game working flawlessly
Window was maximizing and minimizing by itself manifested as sort of flicker when using my display in 120- or 144hz mode
The issue is solved by changing desktop environment display settings to 60hz (there isn’t a toggle for changing it in-game, so you have to do it this way)

PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 to fix audio crackling
PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 fixes the audio issues
You have to switch your monitor to 60Hz refresh rate to play this game.
If you have higher refresh rate than 60Hz this game keeps minimizing and it's unplayable.
Works perfectly when not on proton 5.0-10
Sprites and text flicker in and out of existance
Flickering is only present when running proton 5.13-2, reverting back only 1 version to 5.0-10 fixed the issue
Runs without issues
Works perfectly right out of the box

Works perfectly out of the box for me!
Cloud saves do not appear to work. If you wish to port an old save from Windows copy this entire folder from here C:/Users/[username]/AppData/Local/deathsgambit397 to here ~/.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/356650/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data/deathsgambit397
I had no issues but if you are experiencing the game minimizing try adding the launch option xrand -r 60. This apparently forces a 60Hz refresh rate. Since my monitor is already 60Hz I do not have this issue and can't report whether it works or not but other uses indicate success!
Seams good right out of the box
Doesn't hurt much the experience
fullscreen / windowed keeps minimizing
The game keeps minimizing regardless of full screen on/off or my display's refresh rate.

xrand -r 60
It needs to set manually a refresh rate of 60Hz to not get continuously minimizing
Worked perfectly out of the box
No problems for me
Others report problems with the game minimizing. I use tiling window-manager (Awesome), so I can't vouch safety from those kind of problems.
game minimizes and reopens every second

Game minimizes itself immediately on startup and keeps minimizing itself when you try to maximize it. Unplayable.
I have tried running it using wined3d as suggested, to no effect. Have also tried all the versions of proton that are available to steam by default.

Runs out of the box with Proton 5.0.
Logitech F710 controller was recognized and usable out of the box in "D" mode / without xboxdrv.
Works out of the box

Game minimizes itself
It seems so close to working. But it minimizes itself no matter what I do.
sometimes crashes on startup without controller plugged in

Window was maximizing and minimizing by itself manifested as sort of flicker when using my display in 120- or 144hz mode
The issue is solved by changing desktop environment display settings to 60hz (there isn't a toggle for changing it in-game, so you have to do it this way)
not work
after setting the character, in switch to gaming, screen goes white and freeze, just playing sound
- I needed to use WINED3D11 at the init, or not even start; think this caused the crash

game minimizes and reopens every second. totally unplayable.

Retested after several months. No longer requires WINED3D11 launch option.

Boots up and gets to the main screen. Currently it has an extremely high framerate, regardless of what my monitor refresh rate is and cycles between minimized and focussed. No tweaks seemed to have affect aside from disabling D3d11, which predictably crashed the game.

Works out of the box on Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 LTS. No need for Steam Launch Option. Logitech F710 works properly. Total play time of 3 hours.

Works for me perfectly. Didnt had to change anything on my settings. The only thing I have to critize is, that many sound effects and voices are extremely overmodulated. But you still can understand what the character says.. so just a minor problem.

I have tried the above recommended, as well as a number of other combinations. None work. The game opens a window and displays a loading screen, and then crashes after a short while. I can resize the window, but that just causes it to turn completely white.