I tried running it without using Proton and it crashed - switched to current version of Proton Exp (2/29/2024) and all functionality works perfectly.
- You may need to run this in a terminal:
protontricks 1439750 dotnet48
- Enter this string as a Launch Option:
bash -c "cmd=(%command%)"'; cmd[-1]=$PWD/Public_PGTerrainEditor64.exe; "${cmd[@]}"'
This tool is how to upload custom mods to the workshop and make custom maps
There is no audio during cutscenes like others have mentioned. Tried to use:
WINEDLLOVERRIDES=”xaudio2_7=b,n” %command% -forcestereo
as a launcher option and two different versions of GloriousEggroll but nothing seemed to fix the issue. Ended up just leaving sub-titles on.
Installed then switched to Proton Experimental (04/20/2024) without ever trying native install/run. Game has functioned perfectly and without issue. I have not attempted mods yet; only vanilla game.
Base Game + DLC run well out of the box with default settings (Not sure if running Native or on Proton). Had no issues: would recommend.
Could not find any multiplayer games. Cannot verify if due to compatibility or lack of online base (it's a single player game anyways).
-skipIntro -noSplash -name=YourArma3UsernameHere -enableHT -noLogs -world=empty
Not specific to Linux: sometimes the cursor would wander into a second monitor. Here are two solutions: A. 'spam right click' into the background of the second monitor when you wander or B. switch to 'windowed full screen'. These resolved the issue.
Multiplayer worked perfectly!
Multiplayer = perfect.
The cursor can escape the window as described above but can be fixed. (Windows users report similar issues if you google it).
The Arma3 launcher is a little buggy: it doesn't save the 'launcher options' and 'parameters' so you'll need a Steam launcher command to make it work well. Each time I also have to manually set the laucnher to 'close after launching arma' so it doesn't fight for screen priority.
I have the "Steam Proton BattlEye Runtime" tool installed but didn't do anything specific with it, not sure if it helps. Related: some servers will kick you based on the mods you do/don't have installed- this isn't a Linux issue, it's a workshop requirement.
Overall a great experience!
Game works well out-of-the-box. Multiplayer was fully functional. Proton 6.3-7 at time of review.
Clicking into second monitor (away from game) minimized the game as expected but, when game was reopened, it would load into the secondary monitor (not main). Had to go into settings > choose windowed mode > pick primary monitor again > re-enable full screen. Wasn't a big deal but was confusing for a few minutes.
First minute (or so) after beginning the game will be slow but will work itself out with a little patience.
bash -c 'exec "${@/2KLauncher\/LauncherPatcher.exe/Build\/Final\/Bioshock2HD.exe}"' -- %command% -nointro
Minor stuttering after loading - went away with time playing.
Once 2K Launcher is bypassed it works very well.
bash -c 'exec "${@/2KLauncher\/LauncherPatcher.exe/Build\/Final\/BioshockHD.exe}"' -- %command% -nointro
Need to install additional fonts via ProtonTricks.
Need to bypass the 2k Launcher. Some stuttering after starting game for first 5min (then it's good).
Use the launcher options to bypass 2K. Did not have to specify a Proton version (default worked fine). Some letters are missing until you use ProtonTricks to install them but it's only a few letters and doesn't greatly change gameplay.
Seemed to run fine via default install but immediately switched to Proton Experimental (12/30/2023) just to be sure. Game ran perfectly and had no issues and no tinkering required.
Game launched and ran very well the first time when I had to create a Paradox account. Subsequent attempts to launch could not load the Paradox login UI. Someone else in the reviews has provided suggestions to fix but I did not attempt and refunded the game for unrelated reasons.
Prepare for 3rd Party Launcher Issues (at least while running native).
Native = .Exe stable but no Voice Chat. Proton = Audible Voice Chat but no Alt+Tab
Mic issues: see notes below.
Game runs well but there's a trade-off. If you run natively you can experience a non-crashing game without issue but cannot hear the voice chat of other players (which is very critical to gameplay). If you play via Proton 6.3-8 you cannot Alt+Tab or click into a second monitor without risking a crash. Just an FYI: If you have loot crate items from one version; you must unequip them in that version to re-equip them in the other.
Clicking out of the window would cause a crash 1-2min later.
Requires 3rd party software to play online because it's not natively part of the game. Couldn't get a working solution worked out (apparently there are solutions for windows users)
Vanilla game works ok for 1p via Proton Experimental. Could not find a solution to emulate couch-play to game online.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES='wbemprox=n' %command%
As others have mentioned; textures fail to render. Protontricks is required with the protontricks 223750 d3dcompiler_47
command during initial install.
Requires tinkering to get up and running.
Install process:
Download game
Run protontricks 223750 d3dcompiler_47
in terminal
Add launch option: WINEDLLOVERRIDES='wbemprox=n' %command%
Launch game (wait for moderately long loading process)
Set "Textures" video option to high, cockpit labels and instruments are impossibly blurry on 'low' settings.
Tested and working on Steam Proton 7.0-4.
Tried to use GE-Proton7-29 and the game would crash after ~1minute of the intitial splash screen.
Running on 7.0-4 will take 2-5minutes of the splash screen loaded before game takes fullscreen and begins further loading. The two free planes work as expected, will be purchasing some addons with same expectation.
I have not yet tested with a PS3 controller. Do not own/did not test any other types of peripheral controllers (throttle, collective, joystick, etc.)
Game ran very well and could be mistaken as native. The online did not work.
Attempting to connect to an online server shows a popup that custom server files need to be downloaded. Clicking 'yes' does nothing. Unfortunately could not test a vanilla server due to lack of players.
Another reviewer on protondb explains how to optimized resolution via ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Doom 3/base/autoexec.cfg . That 'trick' was very useful!
If playing via default install (compatibility option unchecked) the game would crash after ~1 hour of online play, but had no issues offline. Installing/running the current version of Proton (7.0-2) would run perfectly.
No issues when using 7.0-2. Some crashes via default install.
High population density online servers have slight lag or invisible props but I can confirm that this is part of the game's resource limit and not a Linux issue - Only happens on maps with many, many active props.
Works well via Proton
Installed game and ran it without activating Proton but the game couldn't connect to Steam multiplayer (and refused to unlock main menu). I switched to Proton Experimental (1/2024) and it ran very well without further issues.
Had to use this Steam launcher option: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Missing textures was very common, often to the detriment of gameplay.
Videos and freshly-loaded environments would frequently crash (especially in later gameplay).
Crashing, Missing textures, Random buildings spawning in where they clearly do not belong.
Overall this was a very buggy experience. The only way I could play the game was via steam launcher command: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% . I tried using various proton versions (including GE version) and none offered solid gameplay results. The "german videos" others have mentioned was not an issue however.
Game would sometimes crash after ~3hr of gameplay. Crashes only occured during loading sequences, so no progress was ever lost.
In the 'Properties > Compatibility' options it did not require setting any specific Proton. Game was installed vanilla and without any commands or mods. I did not attempt multiplayer or starting the game in DX12 mode. Runs very well overall.
Ran game natively - game performed as expected. No significant issues to report.
DEMO REVIEW. Playable but with minor issues.
Game could successfully Alt+Tab and release cursor into a new windows/screen and would cause game to minimize. Once minimized the game would not reopen and had to be shut down via System Monitor or terminal.
The tutorial mission seems like it should have some video lessons but would only show the SMPTE color screen bars.
Game was reviewed during the demo phase and approximately 1 month before anticipated release. There isn't too much content to test and review but should be somewhat representative of basic Linux playability.
Runs well out-of-the box
Required no special adjustments to run. Completed game with default Proton settings.
Game is fully functional - yet still in development
The game works well as far as system compatibility is concerned. I believe the issues and few short comings are a result of an early dev demo (as per the warnings when loading the game).
As other posts have mentioned; you'll need to edit the game config files to increase aspect ratios.
The gun in hand was semi-transparent and using slow-mo in FEAR 1 would cause some minor artifacting. The FEAR expansion packs did not have slow-mo artifacting.
Worked well OOTB
As with FEAR 1 the hands/guns were semi-transparent but it's only a minor thing to notice. No other issues to report.
Works well OOTB. No customization needed.
Servers might be offline - could not find any games to connect to. (Might not be a Linux thing)
No issues to report. Could not connect to multiplayer but it seemed like there just were no other players.
Unity based game natively supports Linux. Works perfectly OOTB.
Tested during the pre-release "prologue" version. Ran perfectly with default settings and without any adjustments.
This game is neither "Native" nor usable via Proton. You may start the game and enjoy very minimal usage of single player maps but you CANNOT PLAY ONLINE. Do some quick Googling for further reading but this game is very incompatible with Linux. After making many, many adjustments trying to access popular server - neither I nor many have been successful.
Some servers will crash the game but this depends on various factors. The game seems to run on Proton 4.11-13 with the x86-64 Beta branch.
Re-reviewing the game: There are some steps you'll need to make this game functionable online.
- Find a working Proton version (they're not all created equally)
- In the GMod Steam settings open up the "Betas" tab and select the "x86-64 - Chromium..." options.
- It helps to review the game's console commands and optimize for multicore processing and etc. settings.
The game generally does seem to run now but does have a history of quirks. Proceed with caution.
Runs very well out of the box. Compatible with BepInEx Unity mods.
Game ran very well and there were no Linux-specific issues. Some have mentioned stuttering or slowness which, according to other forums/reddit, seems to also occur on windows OSes when bases are too big and with more settlers.
Played the game without issue OOTB and later installed mods to extend gameplay. No issues were experienced.
Native game runs natively. Has always worked without issue. Almost a given considering it's a game about Linux running on Unity. 10/10.
Mostly works well OOTB but you cannot click out of the game.
If I would click into a second window the game would close itself. Once the game was started you could not go into 'windowed mode' without crashing the game.
Played the game without any declared Proton support (Steam's compatibility box was unchecked). Have not tried with the current 7.0-1 because it's a relatively minor problem.
I did not have this issue with any other of the recent Hitman games (1 or 2).
Distro: SolusOS. TBH I'm not sure if it was installed natively or via Proton. DO NOT HAVE A CONTROLLED PLUGGED IN! The game will fight your controller for access to controls against the keyboard - game will run well without a controller (PS3 or other) plugged in. Game runs fine but has minor screen tearing. This game would be a viable option for Linux gaming if the user experience were better...or if you don't care about UX. Overall this game passes on its compatibility merits- would recommend some general
Had to run PROTON_USE_WINE3D with old drivers to get game to main menu but could not load levels. Issues were corrected later (read on)
Solus was not properly updating NVidia GPU drivers via eopkg up -y
, had to rerun DoFlicky (hardware manager) to install new drivers then rerun eopkg up
Played game in 'exclusive full screen' mode but if I Alt+Tabbed to release my mouse and click other windows I could not re-enter exclusive full screen without restarting the game.
Every so-often the game would crash while loading a game but was infrequent.
Slight stuttering when starting the game initially (per game start) but fades quickly thereafter.
Runs well OOTB since (on) Proton 7.0-1. Prior versions did not.
Game runs very well via Proton 7.0-1 whereas it had not previously due to DRM. Online services have been disabled by the publisher so could not be verified.
Not entirely sure how to use the software (notice it didn't say 'game') but it works correctly. Not all features/abilities were tested but no issues were noticed while attempting to 'play'.
/dxadapter=0 /borderless=0 /dx11
Game will not launch without the specified launcher options.
Game will not launch without the options listed here. Played well with mods installed and had no issues afterwards.
Tested on Proton 4.2-9. Game runs flawlessly and has no issues. Very simple game with minimal mechanics or graphics but is fun for a casual time.
gamemoderun %command%
Shift+Tab worked for the first time I ran the game, then it no longer worked. (Could not click into second monitor)
PS3 controller would only work under Proton Experimental.
Some framerate drops
Game would not progress past the first grappling hook mission (where you enter the top of a skyscraper).
Older versions of Proton would mess with controller settings.
Attempting to use a PS3 controller forced the game into local multiplayer. MP seemed to work but this was not the intended purpose of using the controller; I consider this a bug.
Game seemed promising at first, then a mission story proved to cause crashes each time you attempt to enter a building. Cannot progress any further than 2.3% of the game. All prior ProtonDB posts/solutions were unable to remedy the crashing issue. Refund requested.
Installed native and it ran very well.
Game would crash after extended gameplay periods (5+ hrs)
Game would occasionally crash after longer gameplay sessions but this was a very minimal issue.
Tried playing this on Proton 3.7-8 and all of the colors were extremely washed out. Fast forward a few months and am now playing on 3.16-9 and the game work phenomenally with the exception of the iDroid (in game GPS). Moving the cursor on the GPS is too glitchy to properly call vehicles or mark waypoints. I had beaten this game on windows some years ago and confirm that everything runs well except the (very critical) GPS maps. Otherwise I would've given this game platinum status.
eval $(echo "gamemoderun %command%" | sed "s/2KLauncher\/LauncherPatcher.exe'.*/mafiadefinitiveedition.exe'/")
Sometimes the cursor would free itself from the window mid game. Would have to correct it by using Shift+Tab and clicking back into the game to re-confine it.
Launcher options needed to bypass the 2KLauncher. Mouse would sometimes free itself from game, causing clicks into a 2nd monitor and therefore minimizing the game - could be corrected as mentioned above.
Multiplayer works flawlessly
Based on other Proton reviews I jumped straight into the Proton Experimental (Sept. 2023) branch and haven't had any issues whatsoever. Multiplayer works perfecly. No tinkering required.
Game crashes immediately when launching without Proton. Switched to Proton Experimental (as of 6/2024) and the game runs flawlessly.
Works Well OOTB
Online issues (few and far between) seem to have been due to the game itself, nothing Linux specific.
Per the other ProtonDB review I have only played this game via Proton (currently 7.0-2) and had no - minimal issues.
Had to use chattr +F
command on game files to remove case sensitivity.
Game crashed with error No[630] without file modification.
This is my report of helping a friend install it on his Steam Deck via Proton:
Using 7.0-GE-3
Problems seem to stem from the difference in case-sensitivity between Linux and windows.
Go to the games installation directory (Properties > Local Files > Browse) and use the chattr
command to allow the game files to be browsed without case sensitivity. Had some issues getting chattr to run on a non-empty folder recursively so these steps were followed:
mv pso2_bin/ tmp/
mkdir pso2_bin/
chattr +F pso2_bin/
cp tmp/* pso2_bin/
Create a new (empty) /pso2_bin/ and run the chattr command on it. You can confirm chattr worked with lsattr
and seeing the new directory with an "F" flag in the results. Once done you copy in the files from the old installation (may take a while) these files, when copied, will obtain the "F" flag from earlier. Once the game is confirmed up and running you can delete the /tmp/ folder.
Credit to "intrnl" via this Github link:
Runs mostly well, minor issues but can be worked with.
Game does not always save a mission rating. If you beat your previous best rating it won't always update that score on the map selection menu.
Game loads slowly when installed on an HDD and had to move it to an NVME SSD. This doesn't seem to be a Linux-specific issue though.
I can join other games without issue. When hosting the server the game usually crashes at the end of a mission when returning to the lobby/department. I have not tested if this issue was resolved after moving the game from an HDD to SSD.
Overall it works well. There are a few bugs but I'm not entirely sure if it's due to being an early access title or Linux specific.
The built in Mod.io manager doesn't work but most players recommend using NexusMods any ways. It's easy to manually install mods and I haven't found any issues with this process.
Played via Proton 8.0-2 with no further launcher options or tinkering.
Started the game via native and had to manually kill the "DXSETUP.exe" program but got it running soon thereafter. Manually switched to Proton Experimental and had no issues.
Works well, crashed once or twice- if it hadn't I would give this a platinum rating. Online functionality is supported (and there are still players online). Required no additional tweaking.
Was only able to run the game on Proton6.3-8 for ~1hr at a time. Frequent crashes.
As with Saints Row 4: it seems like having the radio/music playing causes the game to crash noticeably more often.
While flying a helicopter the ocean has broken textures. Video cutscenes have items out of place (commonly things in NPC's hands will be floating around the scene).
Game will crash after a max. of 1hr gameplay (if you're lucky) or sooner if in-game radio is playing. Other versions of Proton/Experimental (did not test GE builds) will not launch the game or crash after intro videos.
As others have mentioned: the startup and intro videos will not play unless the mouse is moving. This was fixed by renaming the "logo_" files in the /video/ folder where the game is saved.
As others have mentioned: this is a fun game but a terrible console port. When the game runs it works well but the fun doesn't last for long before the next crash. I did not attempt to install "Gentlemen of the Row" mod.
Proton Experimental (as of 11/23/2021) is the only way to get the game to work. Disable in-game radio.
Game will crash frequently if listening to the in-game music/radio (30-45minutes). Without listening to the radio the game will last multiple hours before another unexpected crash (which will still happen).
As mentioned - it's the game's music/radio that seems to determine length of time before another crash.
Other versions of Proton and the Native release would either crash frequently or not boot to menu at all. The game plays 'ok' but should definitely not be considered native or even platinum.
Game runs well but may have its hiccups (usually only when first opening game). Otherwise, all functionality works perfectly well.
Game would sometimes fail to load (at the company logos intros) and would require TTY mode to manually kill process. Sometimes, after extended gameplay, the game will stop responding and process must manually be killed. This isn't frequent but does happen. After re-launching game it will run smoothly and without issue.
Runs Well Via Proton 7.0-3 : No Issues Unique to Linux
There are some early-access based bugs but they have affected all OSes per discussion in the official Discord. None of them seem Linux-specific.
I have a number of different Synty Assets + Unreal Engine games and have found playing on Proton works slightly better than without using a compatibility setting for online play. This is probably unnecessary but runs perfectly.
Graphics run impressively smooth and do not require NVidia full composite pipelining options to fix screen tearing. No tinkering or adjustment required.
No controller support. Keyboard controls are very outdated. All-being said...the game runs as perfectly as you could ask for an early-gen port. 2nd monitor will be visible but unusable (the System Shock: Classic will completely render 2nd monitor as black screen). Overall it works well on Linux without bugs/issues. OS: Solus. Hardware: Intel i7 8700K + 1070Ti Nvidia w/ Nvidia Drivers/
Proton 6.x > Native.
If game is run natively I cannot hear other online players in voice chat. Running the game via Proton 6.3-6 (current default) with Open GL enabled (a prompt that comes up before game starts) it will play perfectly. TL;DR Proton works better than Native!
Runs well overall but the "Native" version installs an older version of the game than when using Proton.
Installation and gameplay via Native install works and, at time of writing, plays on an older version of the game. Installation via Proton has the latest version with some additional content but a minor issue where the TVs cannot display the news anchors.
It seems like the Native version had issues with the "Succession" mode whereby you could not prestige. Not sure if this is due to an older version of the game or is a Linux specific issue.
The dev notes in the Steam community discussions that Linux is receiving its own development path and can be enabled via the Steam game properties > Betas tab. I have not tested this but sounds interesting.
Overall game runs very well.
Changed value of set render_system "dx12" to "dx11" in steamapps/common/Riftbreaker/conf/initial_config_win.cfg
Slight hiccups when large enemy waves spawn on a map with a large base.
Native install (click and play) would crash after ~1hr. Haven't had issues after running via latest Proton.
After adjusting launcher options, enabling Proton, and changing a config file the game ran well. Grabbed some modes from NexusMods (not the workshop mods) and the game still ran well. There may be some framerate drops during larger battles on a map with a lot of buildings but it isn't bad.
Seemed to work fine via native install but I manually switched to Proton Experimental 'just because'. No issues were experienced - game ran very well.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="D3D8,dinput8,msacm32,msvfw32=n,b" %command% -nointro
The linked guide comes with pre-patched .dll files and wide screen fixes.
Shadows won't render properly without DirectX 8 launcher configs. Once fixed it's flawless.
THIS REVIEW IS FOR PANDORA TOMORROW (there's nowhere else on ProtonDB to write it). The linked Steam guide shows how to get Pandora Tomorrow not only running on moder hardware but running flawlessly on Linux.
When you do the 'add to Steam' step, Steam will force use of the default Proton and can't be changed within the game's properties. I'm not sure if it's using the current release as of 4/10/2023 or is using the system-wide designation of 6.3-8 (if in doubt- try both). Game and shadows ran perfectly well.
As for Splinter Cell 1, that works well too once you use -shadowmode=projector -nointro
for the launcher options and Proton 7.0-6.
Game runs very well. Should have a Platinum rating.
If you Shift+Tab to move your cursor into another monitor the cursor will never work within the game again. You will have to use wasd or arrow keys to restart the game.
Ubisoft shutdown the online services years ago- there is no multiplayer. Singleplayer works almost flawlessly. As others have stated: you will have to run the game multiple times when initially installing for Ubisoft to install it's accounts/programs/etc.
Native version works out of the box
Crashed once for, seemingly no reason. Hasn't happened since.
Worked well and would recommend it's Linux performance.
Aside from input detection after completion of the last Cold War mission, game runs well & no other issues were encountered. Proton 4.11-11
After completion of the last Cold War mission (not the DLCs) all matches loaded afterwards were unable to detect mouse/keyboard input of any type until the inevitable loss. After defeat (from not being able to move) you could interact with the menus but all matches would lock your movements until restart of game. I tested this a few times and the issue only seems to occur on the next match after completion of the final Cold War mission.
Works well with Proton enabled (7.0-5 at time of play)
The OOTB install required UE4 C++ pre-requisite installation via prompt box but caused no issues. If not using a version of Proton (compatibility box unchecked) all FMV type videos and loading screen will error out to the SMPTE color bars. This was resolved by enabling most the recent Proton (7.0-5 at time).
Works well - would recommend.
Full Game Works Well On Proton 8.0-2
My older review for this game was for the demo. The full release of the game runs flawlessly with Proton enabled. Without Proton, some of the FMV movie sequences will just be a black screen. No other bugs to report on.
Used Proton 8.0-4 instead of Experimental.
Had no issues playing online with friends.
-NoStartupMovies -dx12
Game might crash after extended gaming sessions or after placing too many buildings on a map. Windows users have also reported similar issues so I don't believe this is specific to Linux.
The game runs very smooth. I've only used Proton Experimental due to other ProtonDB suggestions (Native might work well but no reason to test it). You may need to rename the "Launcher" folder located at ../steam/steamapps/common/Tropico 6/Launcher/ to disable the default launcher. Game works very well with minimal issues.
Games runs well out-of-box but may encounter some issues if you have mods installed.
Connecting to friends via multiplayer works seamlessly but all servers in the public browser are locked - I believe there should be some unlocked, public, servers but they appear unavailable via Linux.
Native game runs well. Installed default (I don't think it required Proton) and played without issue.
Game would crash after ~5 levels but was fixed with : PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Launcher parameter fixed the issues. Aside from that, the game ran very well.
Zombies and players are invisible. Your player is just a floating gun model shooting blindly at nothing.
No player or zombie models were visible. This made the game unplayable.
No character models were visible while playing. I tried verifying game files, various Proton versions (4.11-13, 5.9-GE-3-ST, 5.0-9, and 3.16-9), downloaded custom models from the Steam Workshop, changed video settings in game (and on my GPU)... nothing remedied the issue. The game displayed no other issues but this one problem makes the game unplayable.