Works just as the windows version. However, I havent tried the multiplayer or VR options.
Use protonPlus to install the correct glorious eggroll release. This applies to Nvidia GPUs. It seems like AMD owners have less issues.
Did not work with Proton 9.x Experimental or reverting to 6.x, would only work on 5.13-6.
Games crashes when you try to import a blueprint from a graphic's file
Když človek zmáčkne Shift tak to samo chodilo ale to je možná normální
Swich the proton version.
Not entirely sure how to use the software (notice it didn't say 'game') but it works correctly. Not all features/abilities were tested but no issues were noticed while attempting to 'play'.
3D, 2D and walk work well. No bugs in about an hour
It runs now, but there is no 3D preview.
Work out of box.
Launches. Random crashes.
Instant crash
Does not start at all.
Does not launch