Try to run with proton-GE and 6.3 and it ran until the first cinematic where it tried to open it in a separated window and crashed, to make it run I followed the guide in report by Kiba Snowpaw ( I didn't modify the document just ran << WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX="/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/658260/pfx" PROTON="/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 5.0/" ./>> being cd into the cloned git repo (, and created a dxvk.conf in '' ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/BLUE REFLECTION/ '' with the two commands shown in the other report, until now, it has been playable, remember to prime-run if you are a laptop user with nvidia
The tinkering needed is a bit out of the ordinary outside of that it should be playable, any further changes will be reported, mf git repo says it should be integrated into GE but I haven't have any luck, probably trying with a older version (the last change and comment to mf was apparently done around 2 years) of GE could make the process less confusing, I would recommend not erasing as I have seen reports of other Japanese games such as VN needing a similar treatment to run
In one cutscene, the audio fell out of sync, don''t know if it is proton or problem of the port, just as info I am running Pipewire, with the pulse audio server running under it on KDE plasma. But outside that one cutscene everything went alright.
It is a reported problem in the game page by the developers, the instructions for the workaround are a bit unclear but worked. In my machine it worked using the worked using the steam beta and I selected the profile "Official configuration for title" by "Jack" as I didn't found the one that the dev talked about in the post, but it worked, just check that it has "field" "battle" areas and that they make sense, R1 is attack and circle is jump in ps4 for battle.
Just take notice that at the beginning it can stutter for a second while loading the area, and that it puts the game in some high video settings by default, so just play with them to obtain the best results, but it doesn't seem to be that bad as no other area has had stutters in loading, probably in bigger areas it will be more visible