Native - No Issies With GE
Notable lag spikes occationally.
I don't see any differences between this and running from Windows. It just works.
Retry menu goes to a blank screen.
Not sure if it's Linux related or not, but retry menu doesn't load the game or gets stuck at a blank screen. UI in general of this game needs work.
Had an early bug with GE Proton that restricted the use of the sign menu so it wouldn't scroll, but that has since been fixed and works well. Didn't anything out of ordinary. Looks and performs well.
When you go to aim, tends to minimize the game and go to a right-click menu on the non-dominant screen if you use a multi-monitor setup.
Make sure to use -nolauncher, otherwise the game will not load.
Worked right out of box.
Didn't notice anything abnormal. It worked pretty well and even the multiplayer didn't give any problems. Minimal tinkering required.
There are certain points where the mouse will randomly stop responding in the area that you come up from the basement (pipe area), but it resolves once you reach the hallway.
Stable and runs as if native. No complaints.
Camcorder scenes are broken. Couldn't get past the first one as the controls to get through the scene are not working. Can rewind from the menu, but can't pause where you need to.
Couldn't get through the first red tape camcorder section. Controls to pause at the right moment are borked.
It's a good game. I run GE by default, but worked right OOB with no additional tinkering.
Almost runs like native with random goofs now and again. No issues with multi-player.
Minor graphic skip when looking at fire.
Nothing to write home about. The game runs fine.
Alt tabbing causes the game to quit responding and must be closed.
Installs dependencies on its own and runs without much hassle. Alt tabbing does cause it to go unresponsive and must be closed, so don't do that.
No bugs encountered. Played just like as if it was native.
Some sections were echoed by about 1/4 of a second, but short-lived.
Axis drift with keyboard and mouse at certain points. Notably most with the mouse in the garage and basement.
Little bit of axis drift with the mouse and minor echoing with some of the audio, but both are short lived. Graphics looked fine.
Framerate drops in initial sections to below 20fps.
Cannot run the config.exe through Steam since it claims to not exist. Be prepared for random framerate drops, but they aren't game breaking.
Little bit of lag between another player, but overall good.
Didn't notice anything particular that would degrade the experience. Slight lag with another player, but nothing particularly related to Proton.
Didn't notice anything unusual in terms of controls or display.
Menu does not save default input device, so if it sets a monitor device, you just don't get mic input.
FPS drops from 200 to 15-20 for a few seconds
Does not launch out of box. You need to use either Proton Experimental or the most recent version of GE. Previous GE does not help.
Needs config set up before you can play and has some bugs in the menues with voice input. If you can get it to launch and hear you though, you're gold.
With Vsync, I consistently could pull around 118fps. No issues with graphics or audio.
Uses the Horror Engine via Unity, so plays like native.
Doesn't launch at all with GE, Proton Experimental or Proton 7. Had to move it back to Proton 6.3-8, otherwise it wouldn't even launch, even with launch options. Once I got it back to 6.3-8, the shaders began working and the game worked great from there.
Game lock up resulting in force quitting only on the castle map after inserting a VHS tape and having it start to play the media. Occurs whether I start it or someone else does.
Had game lock ups resulting in force quitting only on the castle map after inserting a VHS tape and having it start to play the media. Occurs whether I start it or someone else does. Doesn't occur every time the VHS plays but will happen during every play on that map (requires 3 rounds of VHS).
Minor artifacts on the upstairs walls
Minor artifacting in spots, but not a deal breaker.
Frequent FPS drops from 120 to 1-5, then back
Besides spikes and drops in FPS, it runs pretty well.
Initial menu, clicks are delayed. You need to fully wait until the menu loads before it will register the click.
No notable issues with multiplayer.
The menu was the only thing that I tinkered with. Fully loading it allowed it to register the click input. Didn't notice anything else abnormal.
Doesn't respond to microphone, but it was hit and miss with Windows, so may be unrelated.
If you join a game, launch the game separately from the invite. If I launched from an invite, it would only bring me to the game's launch screen, but if I joined with the launch screen already on, it would join the lobby.
Occationally out of sync with other players, but recovers quickly.
It never did pick up my mic, so I can't do the challenges like talking to it on the radio or probing it to get evidence. I can get the evidence organically, and the mic was very hit and miss under Windows, so it may be unrelated.
It's fine as long as you use keyboard and mouse. Doesn't work worth a hoot with an XBox controller. Have not tried a PS2 controller.
Due to the nature of the game, control stick doesn't work. Even with mapping, control buttons are wonky at best. Just use keyboard.
No intro screen, but you will get the audio. Just press enter and it will bring to the main menu.
It's fine as long as you use keyboard and mouse. Doesn't work worth a hoot with an XBox controller. Have not tried a PS2 controller. Will source one and update appropriately.
Once in awhile, all icons and waypoints disappear from the map, but if you drive or walk for a few minutes, they come back. Most notable right before the mission complete screen comes up.
Works out of box as long as the Rockstar Launcher plays nice. Occasional framerate drop but everything else is pretty smooth.
It use to have issues displaying the XBox login, but works right out of box with GE-Proton8-20. Didn't run into any other issues. Big step forward. I did not have to force DX11 though, so that's a new one for me.
Rendering distance is very short even when set to the max settings. Consistently running into trees that spawn right in front of you.
Able to play as the monster. Positions and command timing was spot on.
Some issues with textures and rendering distance, but the texture issue should resolve after the first round. I think it's just caching speed (hopefully).
I have no complaints. Framerate stayed good, and movement was smooth.
Can be finished in about an hour. Didn't notice anything that I'd consider abnormal. Runs as if it's native.
Controller would freak out and would lose the selection menu selection. Character would start running in one direction until controller was unplugged and reconnected.
Controller would freak out and would lose the selection menu selection. Character would start running in one direction until controller was unplugged and reconnected. Good story but with the controller bug, it can get frustrating at times since it requires exact timing.
Crackling in the beginning music when loading into the first scene. Clears up by itself decently quickly.
Some crackling in audio and was some minor graphic problems in the beginning, but it cleared up decently quick on its own.
Didn'ty notice anything unusual, but just not a great game in general.
Didn't notice anything outside of potentially native.
Get the infamous Unreal crash unless the game runs in Proton Experimental.
You need to run the game using Proton Experimental, otherwise it will crash when opening the first door. Once switched, I didn't notice any other problems.
In game audio crackles for a few seconds when assigning the seed. Walkie Talkie occationally cuts out or can't detect audio.
Can't join once you've intially started the lobby. If you get DCed, can't rejoin until the lobby is restarted.
Runs as if it's native. Physics need some work. Not sure if that's the game or Proton.
Game crash when caught by Lunch Lady. Single player and multi-player. Doesn't happen nearly as often using Proton Experimental (7.0.4)
Game freeze up when caught by Lunch Lady. Doesn't happen as often in Proton Experimental (7.0.4).
Game would randomly crash out when joining a match, but able to relaunch and join fine afterwards.
Really depends on who is hosting since the lag can be a killer. Not the game's fault, but still notable.
Random crashes when starting a match or joining a game. Not every time, and varies whether I'm hosting or not. Also, the jumpscare cut seen randomly won't show. The sound is there, and it immediately comes back afterwards without crashing, but also notable.
Doesn't Get Past THe First Cut Scene Without A UE4 Crash
It started off with UE4 crashes during the initial cut screen, but then found an article to replace the game's shaders with Vulkin shaders [https://steamcommunity.com/app/515960/discussions/0/3190241719891148835/]. This got me past the first cut scene, but then the game locks up barely 15 minutes into the game after the cut scene where you look in the key hole. For the life of me, I can't get it past this with any tricks. In the end, the troubleshooting isn't worth it for a point and click walking sim game.
I didn't notice any FPS drops, but I wasn't looking that hard. Game plays pretty close to native.
Mouse clicks weren't detected on game load. I could scroll, but it didn't recognize click. Just restarted the game, then it was fine.
Game runs as if it's native. I started with Experimental, so I'm not sure for other versions.
Loading in, audio distorts until you completely load into the world.
The constant crackling of the audio can drive you crazy
Didn't notice much except some frame drops and constant audio crackling. Game is unoptimized.
Good Classic Valve Game
No issues that I could notice.
It's a classic. Didn't notice any issues. Works perfect out of box.
%command% /WineDetectionEnabled:False
Crashes when you save at the typewriter, but save does take.
You have to use the wine options specified or cut scene videos won't work. You'll hear audio and see a no feed style screen.
Started with Proton Experimental. It worked, but caused crashes on saves. The save does apply but fails with an error opening file 'serviceinfo 5'. Playing now on GE-Proton9-5. Videos working with the launch options.
Gets to the first cabin after the crash upstairs, game locks up when reaching the top of the stairs. Cannot get past this point.
Gets to the first cabin after the crash upstairs, game locks up when reaching the top of the stairs. Cannot get past this point. I've tried various GE versions and experimental. Game still has audio but won't interact further. Have to stop it from Steam.
Can't alt+tab or go out of window. Causes blank black screen but game still running.
Pop up boxes glitch in and out fast and frequent. Input still recognized for naming a ride. Have to type in the saved game name by hand to launch since mouse isn't recognized in the load/save menu.
Can see screen tearing when navigating in game but it's short lived.
It plays great, but with the typed menus glitching, just know there will be no visual feedback but everything registers properly.
No issues that I could find. Runs and plays great.
Few frame spikes noticed as more debris is in frame and the tornado is closer, but nothing unreasonable. Music slaps.
Main menu was making me nervous since it took its time before initializing, but did end up loading in.
Works out of box with no config needed. Did not try multiplayer though, but no issues in single-player at least.
Initially Launches, But Can't Play
I can get to the main menu and set up a session, but as soon as I go to start the session, it goes to a blank black screen wit the menu's background sounds and never goes any further. I verified that Proton EAC was installed, and tried to switch between GE-Proton7-54, older versions, and experimental. All rended the same results. Kind of sad too. Really wanted to try this out.
Needs to be in windowed mode to start, otherwise it will crash.
Game has to be kept at 60FPS with no vSync or else you can't load into a match.
Keep the defaults, and you'll likely be alright. If you modify the FPS or enable vSync, UE4 will crash when loading into maps. I set it to windowed mode at 60FPS and it let me load in. Anything above that, and UE4 would crash, even though my hardware is fully capable.
Until today, I would get game crashes with LowLevelFatalError randomly with any version of GE or Proton. Found that adding launch option -d3d11 and using GE 8-1 seems to have corrected this, but I'm still early in testing. Cannot find any further issues.
Graphics will stall randomly if looking around. It only lasts for a few seconds. It's as if the render is buffering.
Shader intensive. On the first launch, it will crash to a UE error screen. The second launch will usually get me to the main menu.
Game will crash at the first launch of the day to a UE error screen. May be related to shaders. The second launch will generally work. Also, it wil act as if there is graphic rendering delay or caching where it will freeze up randomly for a second or two, then resume. It isn't frequent, but enough to mention.
Didn't notice anything outside of normal scoping. There are FPS drops in some areas, but they are short lived.
Goofy lag when in online, but it's short lived
Has some goofy physics, but I'm pretty sure it's part of the game design, not Proton.